Book 2, Chapter 65:

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The attack on the Base Commander's HQ stronghold in the darkest reaches of the night, 2-3 hours after midnight. About fifteen minutes after Bobby had his small talk with the base commander.

A dozen RPG wielding men appeared at the building at the other end of the HQ wall and simultaneously fired their Russian made weapon. The smoke had not yet dissipated from the trails of the rockets when another two dozen men came charging in and covered the 100 meters space between the wall and the apartment buildings. Each of the assaulters is holding Molotov with the red ice and as they neared the broken wall. The Kulasa fanatics threw it inside the HQ, creating a massive firestorm that consumed everything in its path.

Players responded to the attack immediately but are caught completely by surprise at the raw, savage fanatism of the attackers. Besides the one they threw, another Molotov is dangling on a chain in their necks, and as they wrapped themselves against the players, The Kulasa followers ignite it as the bottle get crushed in the bodies of the player and thus destroying both individuals.

Even if the players slashed their attackers with swords and axes and knives, the Molotov bottles still get smashed and more likely, splashed the red liquid inside and drips to the robe and armor of the players. It only took one single spark of fire to turn it into a conflagration.

And as the chaos grew, the main body of the Kulasa army made up of more than three thousand men, women and children, armed with crude spears and assortments of guns, came out of the shadows of the apartment building and followed the shock troopers into the HQ.


Ten minutes before the attack outside, Stella, the former secretary of the base commander, silently opened the small cabinet that she'd been hiding in for the last two hours when her watch alarm clock started beeping.

The cabinet is in the basement of the HQ where is typically used as a supply room for all the various office supplies in the building. Without a word, Stella walked to one side of the room covered by a small table filled with a stack of papers. She overturned the table and underneath it is a secret trap door that leads into the sewers. Using a crowbar she placed in the cabinet days ago, she quickly dispatched the lock and then opened the door.

Several pairs of eyes stared back at her in the depths of the sewers, but she didn't feel any fear. These are her brothers, able and willing to kill all the filths upstairs. So she stepped to one side as one by one, the second strike force of the Kulasa Covenant walked passed her to start the massacre in the rooms above. They were all dress in black with masked covering everything but their eyes. The last one who climbed out of the trap door was the leader of the group, and his mask has a red star on the forehead. He stared at Stella for a second longer and said, "Are you ready, sister?"

Stella couldn't hide her excitement from the leader, and her ample chest was heaving. "I have waited for this all my life. I am ready, brother!"

The Assault leader nodded. "Good," he said, offering her a spear tip with the red ice. "Tonight we cleanse this part of the world of the filth of the infected! We do this in angel Kulasa's name! Onwards, brothers and sister! Send those filths back to the depths of hell where they belong! Slaughter them all!"

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