Chapter 02:

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 Someone banged at the door. "Oh shit! Oh shit, oh shit!" Bobby said, almost in tears. "I'm not ready!"

Someone banged again. Bobby reluctantly drags himself to open the door. He is still rehearsing what he wanted to say when he noticed the professor on the other end of the door. Whatever he is about to say died in his lips when he saw the same pale complexion, dark veins and dead black eyes in the professor, and the heavy dude in the orange shirt, behind him.

Bobby quickly steps back while the two shrieked and charged him. Bobby didn't know how, but his senses are at its peak, and he immediately noticed the eye peeking just below the front neck of the professor.

Without conscious thought, his hand flew up and stab the eye with the mirror shard he is still holding. The professor shrieks again, this time in pain, and he toppled over. Like the girl, he turned gray and disintegrated into dust. The dude in the orange shirt, passes over him, not caring what happened to his comrade and went directly to Bobby's neck.

Bobby grabs the hand and lets himself fall. He places his foot in the man's chest, and as they fall, he pushes with all his might. The momentum of the charge made the guy flew passed him and hit the other side of the wall. Bobby heard the snap of his opponent's neck, but he still scrambled to his feet and grab the makeshift spear on the floor and readied himself.

Sure enough, the dude slowly stood up again despite the bad angle of his neck. Bobby watches his opponent closely, looking at every part of his body.

There! The eye he was looking for is in the dude's left arm blinking rapidly. Bobby smashes into the creature with his shoulder and pinning him in the wall. With one hand, he grabbed his opponent's arm and held it in place while he stabs the eye in the arm with his spear. The dude again shrieks in agony then turned into dust.

Bobby ran to the door, closed it then click the lock shut. Only then did he lean over the door and slide down to sit and rest for a while.


Bobby blinked. There it is again. A blue screen was floating in front of me. What does it mean? It's almost as if...

He blinks again.

"It's almost as if I'm in a game," he whispered to himself. Like any other young people of his generation, of course, he is familiar with the concept of leveling up in a game. "Then if that is the case...MENU?"

A new blue screen appeared. There are four categories available: Character, Inventory, Settings, and Galepedia.

"Galepedia?" Bobby asked. He tapped that option, and a new screen appeared. It reminds Bobby of a simplified website. In front of the screen was a headline:

'Today's news: New World Order started today on Earth.'

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