Book 2, Chapter 59:

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After the battle, Bobby Ordered his claymen to gather all the weapons and items that the other players have and put it in a pile in one corner.

He then approached Gabe's headless corpse and check all the crevices and hidden pocket in his armor and pants. He came out with a piece of paper with his warrant of arrest. The facility they plan to bring him in is right next to the Command HQ.

Bobby nodded to himself. "So, they didn't change location or hid themselves," Bobby said to himself. In a way, it is understandable, The base Commander is the primary authority in the base, and any semblance of hiding will not be suitable for them even if it is an excellent tactical decision.

Bobby looked up to see Aunt Bella wearing a thick coat and Alex next to her. The horrified expression on Aunt Bella's face made Bobby feel like a guilty nine year whose hand is caught in the cookie jar. 

"My god!" She whispered, her eyes taking in the scene of devastation and death and blood all around her. "Oh my god!"

Bobby ignored her outburst and took a step closer to her. "Are you alright?" He asked while checking his aunt for any wounds or damages. When he was sure that his aunt is as healthy as she can be, he turned to Alex. "Bring Aunt Bella to the warehouse where we made our meeting. you guys should be safe there."

"Did you do all this Robert? All this blood..."

This time, Bobby turned to face his Aunt and answered her grimly. "Yes, I did."

"But... why? How did this happen?"

Bobby cocked his head to one side. "You told me to do this, remember? Use my powers to Improve the base. This is the preliminary results. As one of your favorite sayings when I was growing up:, 'You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.' Consider this as the price we pay for the betterment of humanity."

"I didn't mean this! I didn't-"

"What exactly did you think I'm gonna do to improve the place? Did you think I'm gonna go and give the wall a new paint job? Or put some potted plants in every balcony? Or maybe you think I'm going to build a god damn swimming pool for the kids to play in! Improvement means change! And change means to replace the old! And That is what I'm doing right now!"

"There has to be a better way!" Aunt Bella pleaded.

Bobby had never talked to his aunt like this, but the adrenaline is still in his veins, and he could not help his resentment leaking out of him. "Do you think I want this! I created an elaborate plan to make my coup as bloodless as possible; the plan is to force the base commander to talk to me, albeit in a position of strength, and hopefully, just hopefully! We can make the transfer of power peacefully... and then these idiots had to come here and throw all my plans to the garbage. They come to my home, to YOUR home, and threaten not only me but my family."

Bobby's gaze returned to the carnage in front of him. "Yes, Some of them are probably good people, that they are just following orders, but there is simply no way to make them change their mind at the time I was given," Bobby said, his bitterness can be heard by all. "Maybe there was a better way, But I didn't see it. Even now, I still can't. This shit is all inevitable the moment they came here and demanded my surrender."

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