Book 2, Chapter 08:

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One of the many things that puzzled Bobby about the game is his new Divine Feat that he received, Greater summoning. It was pretty self-explanatory, and the moment he saw it and of course like any geek, he tried it out immediately.

He was hoping to get a cool death knight or a vampire lord or better yet, an ice dragon! But what he received is a freaking giant cube! 2 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet. Nothing else. It doesn't move or do anything.

After the bridge battle, Bobby held the thing for almost 5 miles hoping for it to do something, but it was just a cube. The only thing that kept Bobby interested in the damn thing is the fact that when he used his mage sight, there is an interesting and yet incomprehensible magic within the cube. It's not precisely mana, but it is some sort of energy inside it.

It was like a puzzle that he wanted to figure out. So he summoned it every day, studied it, then unsummon the damn thing when he gets tired or frustrated enough that he needed a break.

So now every time Bobby have time for himself, he stared at the cube for hours, hoping to solve its secrets. And so that morning, Bobby is seating in the roof of Mcronalds, eating a mcBobby while staring at the cube when his daw was interrupted.


The scream of people made Bobby jerk away from the Burger he is eating early that morning. He grabbed the cube and shoved it inside his inventory, activated his sneak skill, jump over the roof of McRonalds, dropped to the ground below, roll to absorbed the fall and vaulted up to run toward the direction of the danger.

Bobby probably set a record as he covered more than 200 meters in several seconds, but he needed to skid to a halt when he reached an intersection. He looked around just in time to observe half a dozen zombies running parallel him to the north. With no real plan, he went after the zombies.

Bobby jumped on top of an abandoned car's roof and inspected a group of zombies banging their bodies against a closed door of a shop offering some sort of pizza. At the moment, only six zombies are crowding the entrance. But Bobby knew by using the mana lines that there are at least another two dozen zombies milling around in a 50 feet radius.

He focused his sensitive hearing toward the door and listened.

"Run! Damn you, I won't be able to hold this door for long!"

"Gabby! Come with us! I don't know what to do!"


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