Chapter One: Betrayal

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I remember it all like it was yesterday. Years of the pain of not being wanted building up inside of me. I learned to control these emotions so I wouldn't lose the one person who mattered in my world. He was the only one who ever noticed me, the girl with the so called eyes of a monster. Yes that's right, having blood-red eyes of your hated uncle, Rido Kuran, makes you a monster. Even my parents, Juuri and Haruka Kuran, thought that. Aren't parents suppost to love their children no matter what? That wasn't the case for me.

I guess I should tell you how all of this started. "What has started?" you might ask. Well dearest reader, that is a story for later.

To spare you all the pain that I felt during my years of confinement I'll tell you about the one night, the night I've had enough. The night that I, Akane Kuran, ran away, for good this time.

Let's begin, shall we?


I would stand in the falling white snow, looking up at the starry night sky. Every night I did this, to calm myself. What else could I do? I was not allowed to freelance around the manor, like I wasn't wanted. I stayed in my room most of the time. I did come out at night but I also had to attend dinner which wasn't very pretty.

Like earlier for example.

"How was your day Aka---"

Kaname would always try to talk to me but he was always cut off, every single night.

"Kaname don't ever speak that name again! Do you understand?"

Juuri would always say that, and Kaname would disobey. He did this because he loved me. He was the only one in the world who did.

That is why I stayed, at a place where I'm unwanted, where people wished I would just die.

Did I cry? Yes actually, every night. But Kaname would always come and sooth me.

He would walk into my room with a sly smile, he knew what was wrong with me. I was miserable, depressed. I would always be at my balcony window, with my arms around my legs and my face down. I would always look up at Kaname, and I knew somewhere, down deep in his heart, he actually agreed with Juuri and Haruka, but he'd never admit that to my face.

"Kaname-sama," I pouted. "How are things?"

Kaname looked down. "Things are... good." He paused. "But they'd be better with you."

I grinned. "You know you are the only one who thinks that, right? Juuri and Haruka, they... think I'm a monster, a reincarnation of Rido." I whined. "Kaname why do they think that?"

I'd been controlling my emotions for a very long time, but they are suddenly coming out.

I couldn't control it.

Kaname rushed over and cradled me.

"Don't worry it'll all be ok."

My weeping slowed and soon I wheezed.

"Kaname," I said. "You'll love me forever, right?"

He kissed me on the forhead. "I will, forever and ever."

I smiled, but then the doors barged open.

"Kaname!" Haruka's voice sneered. "For the hundredth time, we told you to stay out of this room!"

Juuri came over and pulled Kaname away from me. I reached my hand out for him but it got fiercely slapped, I cowered.

"Don't you touch him!" Juuri screeched. "You will never, ever, be part of this family. Do you understand?!"

Tears bulged from my eyes and I nearly lost it. But I didn't make a scene, otherwise they would've known for certain that I was a monster.

Kaname was dragged out of the room. I was left alone, as always.

~Time Skip~

It seemed like forever since Kaname was in my room. Usually he'd spend the whole night with me, but tonight wasn't the case. Now he would never be allowed near me again.

Should I go see him? I've never been to his room before, will I get punished?

That is a definite yes, but what does it matter?

I leaped off my balcony and opened my door quietly. I tiptoed past Juuri and Haruka's room when I then noticed there was a light emitting from the slightly opened door.

What's going on? I thought.

I peeked in and I saw Juuri and Haruka standing over Kaname.

A family meeting... without me? Of course, why would I expect anything else?

"Kaname, we have some very good news!" Juuri exclaimed happily.

I'd never seen Juuri happy before. Whenever I saw her, she had a look of discust and disappointment on her face. She always looked mad and never talked to me unless it was strictly necessary.

"Your going to have a little sister, just like you've always wanted!"

Little sister, just like you've always wanted!

"But I'm Kaname's little sister," I said to myself. "I am, right Kaname?"

I looked up at Kaname who didn't even respond. He just stood there, with his head slightly down. But the big news wasn't over yet.

"Now Kaname, we want to ask you something. You don't have to do it if you don't want to." Haruka smiled, putting his arm around Juuri's waist.

"Will you marry your sister, to continue the Pureblood line?" Juuri asked weary, clearly wanting it to happen.

"No..." I whispered, a tear streamed down my cheek.

Kaname loves me, only me! He told me he'd love me forever!

"I happily accept." Kaname said smiling. Juuri and Haruka embraced Kaname for a hug, all of them smiling.

Not me.

No... I thought. No, no, no!

Something inside me just broke, it can never be repaired nor replaced.

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