Chapter Thirty-Four: New Student

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I opened the door to my dorm and saw Ikuto sitting on the bed talking to Senri. The second after I entered Senri shot up off the bed and asked me if I was okay with worry in his voice. I reasurred him that I was okay, which made him sigh with relief.

"Did you get the answers from Toga that you wanted?" Ikuto asked, looking at me with a stern face.

I nodded, "And some extra."

Ikuto looked down nervously and said, "So, I'm guessing he told you."

I walked over and sat down on the bed while smiling, "Yeah, but I'm not mad. I understand why you didn't want to tell me."

"What are you guys talking about?" Senri asked, sitting down on the other side of me.

I looked over at Ikuto, as if asking him if I could tell Senri the truth. He nodded, likely being relieved that he wouldn't have to explain himself, and I smiled slyly before looking back at Senri.

"Ikuto isn't adopted. In fact, his biological father is at Cross Academy right now," I said calmly.

Senri's eyes went wide for a split second before asking, "What do you mean? Who is he?"

"First and foremost, Ikuto was supposed to be born a twin in a Vampire Hunter family. His mother died while she was giving birth. Because Ikuto was supposed to be born a twin, he was destined to become a legendary Vampire Hunter. That's why his father, Toga Yagari, made him work so hard, resulting in Ikuto running away even with the risk of dying."

"Toga Yagari..." Senri mumbled. "Do you mean the new Night Class teacher?"

"Precisely," I said, nodding my head slyly. "That's why Ikuto left so suddenly."

"That sure explains a lot," Senri said nervously.

"Do you know anything about your mother, Ikuto?" I asked, turning to him.

Ikuto shook his head, "No, not even her name."

I grinned, "An idea recently came into my mind. Ikuto, you should befriend Kiryu."

"Why?" Ikuto asked sternly. "I don't need anyone else in my life except for you two."

"Toga mentioned that he has some sort of connection with Zero," I said. "I want you to find out what that connection is."

"If your the one who wants answers why don't you go ask him? Why do I have to go alone?" Ikuto asked.

"You and Zero both know Toga personally. Plus your both Vampire Hunters, twins to be exact, that were turned into vampires."

Ikuto hissed briefly before saying, "Fine."

"Did anything strange happen to you when you fell unconscious?" Senri asked.

"Well, I did have a strange dream," I said sheepishly. "A dream that could never be real but felt that way."

"What was it about?" Senri asked, intrigued.

"Juuri was in it, and she was being nice to me." I made sure to emphasize the word "nice."

"Didn't you say that she was always cruel to you?" Ikuto asked.

"Exactly! That's why it could never be real."

"Oh! I forgot to tell you guys something important," Senri said suddenly. "A new student will be transferring into the Night Class."

"Okay. Thanks for telling us, Senri. What's his or her name?" I asked kindly.

"Her first name is Maria and she'll be an Aristocrat. In fact, I think Kaname said that she'd be arriving today."

Moments later a knock erupted on the door. I got up to answer it, expecting to see Takuma, but was surprised to see Aidou greeting me.

"Hello, Lady Akane," he said nervously. "Lord Kaname has summoned the whole Night Class for an announcement."

"Thank you, Aidou," I said with a smile. "We'll be down in a few minutes."

Aidou did one last bow before leaving to join the rest of the Night Class. I closed the door in front of me, turned, and giggled, "Speak of the devil."

I saw Senri chuckle slyly before all three of us went downstairs for Kaname's announcement. In the doorway I saw Kaname talking to Yuuki with a small silver haired girl between them.

That must be Maria, I thought. She looks vaguely familiar...

Yuuki bowed and ran off. Maria walked in by Kaname's side with a smile plastered on her face.

"My name is Maria Kurenai," she said. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Kurenai... I thought. That's the Aristocrat family that serves the Hio Clan! What would she be doing here? Maybe...

"Lord Kaname," she cooed, turning to Kaname with pleading eyes. "Can I please have a tour of the academy? I still don't know my way around and it's still daylight so I won't be missing class!"

"I don't see why not," Kaname said. "Who do you want to show you around?"

Maria scanned the room briefly before exclaiming, "Akane!"

My eyes turned wide from shock. I had never met Maria before, so how does she know me? Kaname told Maria, "Of course, but only if Akane wants to," as he looked at me with gentle eyes.

I felt like gagging.

Instead I hissed slyly under my breath before smiling towards Maria and saying kindly, "I would love to, Maria!"

Maria's face lit up as she said, "I'm so glad!"

I turned to Ikuto and whispered into his ear, "Now's your chance to go find Zero. It is very likely that he is skipping class and is at the stables."

Ikuto nodded slyly before I turned back to Maria and, with a weak smile, cooed, "Would you like me to show you around campus now?"

"Yes please!" she exclaimed happily.

We left the Moon Dorms side by side. I couldn't help but wonder if Ikuto would do well on his mission or not.

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