Chapter Twenty-Two: The Voice

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"Akane!" Ikuto exclaimed worried. "I heard a gunshot! I'm so glad you're okay!"

Ikuto ran up and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I pulled Ikuto gently off of me, set our uniforms down on the bed, and caressed his cheek while smiling slyly.

"You do know I can take care of myself sometimes, right?" I asked. "I know you won't be able to protect me every time I need it, and that's okay. I should know how to defend myself if anything should happen."

Ikuto looked wide eyed at me and I giggled a little under my breath. I picked up his uniform and handed it to him before he spoke softly, "I hope that doesn't happen. I'm suppose to protect you."

I giggled once more and Ikuto looked at me somewhat shocked. I cooed, "You promised to see me again, but I didn't think you also wanted to protect me as well."

Ikuto set his uniform down on the bed and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"You know Akane," he purred, "the last few days we spent together I saw you in so much pain and I couldn't bare to see you that way. I want to make sure you're never in that pain again."

I too wrapped my arms around Ikuto and smiled widely, "I can say the same about you. I didn't just see your pained face as you were slowly turning into a vampire, but I also saw my uncle force you to leave. Your eyes looked so cold and lifeless, like a puppets. Both of those casualties were my fault. If I wasn't so selfish--" Ikuto shushed me and I looked up at him to see that he was smiling sweetly at me.

"You shouldn't blame yourself," Ikuto said sternly, "everything that has happened is all Rido's doing, the good and the bad."

"I guess...but--" Ikuto shushed me once more and I looked into his stern eyes, which suddenly turned soft and concerned.

"We need to get ready, Akane. We wouldn't want to be late on our first day."

Ikuto loosened his grip on me and I picked up my uniform. I headed towards the bathroom and shut the door quickly behind me. I sighed and leaned on the wooden door, slowly dropping to have my hands wrapped around my legs and my head down. I began to cry softly. All of the horrible memories I, no, all three of us had experienced a decade ago were all because of me. Maybe if I didn't bring Ikuto with me when I ran away he wouldn't have been turned into a vampire. Maybe if I didn't leave him alone because I was so selfish at getting back at Kaname he would've been okay. Maybe--

Maybe all of this happened because it was supposed to, a voice echoed in my head, maybe you were meant to be alone, to hurt the ones you care for.

No, I thought, that's a lie.

What if it isn't? The voice cooed deviously. Maybe you'll only cause Ikuto Yagari more pain. Same as Senri Shiki, wherever he is.

That's not true! I thought, beginning to shake uncontrollably. I will protect him because he said he'd protect me! Both of them!

We'll see, the voice hissed, not saying another word.

I stood up shakily and walked to the mirror. I looked at my pale face, still struck with fear. Where the hell did that voice come from? It didn't sound like anyone I knew, so who was it?

Suddenly in the blink of an eye I saw my face covered in blood and my eyes showing a red colored luster. But the next second it was all gone. I continued to look wide eyed until seconds later when I slammed my clenched fist on the sink.

I won't let this get to me, I thought, it's just my imagination.

I quickly changed into my white uniform and brushed my curly locks down. I took one more deep breath before opening the bathroom door and looking at an irritated Ikuto trying to tie his tie.

I giggled a little under my breath, lifting my mood a little, "You still don't know how to tie a tie?"

Ikuto looked wide eyed at me before looking away hastily. "Maybe. Maybe not," he said quickly.

"Do you want me to do it?" I asked, walking over to him. "There's no shame. I did it a lot in the past."

Ikuto chuckled a little, "You sure did. Whenever Senri and your uncle went out to a ball or something fancy we always did our own little thing."

"I wouldn't really call it a ball or anything fancy," I giggled, "a ball can't consist of two people. Plus we didn't really dress up. Although you did always want to put on a bow or a tie."

I took the crimson tie in my palms and looped it around his neck. I looped it a few more times before smiling up at Ikuto and purring, "Done."

"Thanks," Ikuto said, "even though I didn't need it."

I punched Ikuto lightly on his arm and we both exchanged a few giggles. We walked towards the door, opened it, and we both stepped outside of our dorm. We headed down the hallway then down the stairs. Ikuto and I stopped halfway down the steps to take a look at the Night Class.

There was one male and female with orange colored hair, two males with blonde colored hair, one female with light brown colored hair, and one male with maroon colored hair. Ikuto and I looked hastily at each other with wide eyes before looking back at the maroon haired boy, who was also looking wide eyed at us.

It can't be...

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