Chapter Thirty-Seven: Date

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I could barely sleep that night. I was so worried about what Ikuto thought about my behavior before it was lights out. I got changed quickly and to my surprise Ikuto wasn't waiting for me once I exited the bathroom fully clothed in my uniform, but it didn't bother me in the slightest. I left the room in silence and I was walking down the hallway, alone, when I suddenly heard a voice emit from behind me.

"Hey, Akane!" Senri exclaimed with a smile on his face. "Did you sleep well?"

When Senri caught up to me I said quietly, "Y-yeah. I hadn't slept that well in years."

"That's good. I heard that Kaname has something to tell us today, though I don't know what it is."

"Interesting," I said, "it seems like he has new news to tell us every week."

Senri chuckled in respond to my comment before we made it to the lounging area. All the Aristocrats were already lounging around and waiting to head to class. I noticed Ikuto sitting on the red couch, most likely listening to all the conversations going on. However, the second I arrived his attention instantly shifted towards me. He looked at me with a blank expression and I instantly felt a lump in my throat.

Please don't mention what happened last night, I pleaded in my thoughts. Please.

Before anything could be said between any of us I heard a squeal emit from across me. Before I had time to react I felt two eager arms wrap around my abdomen and I looked down to see none other than Maria.

"Hello, Akane-chan!" she exclaimed with a wide smile on her face.

"Hello, Maria," I said blankly.

Maria unwrapped her arms from my abdomen and rushed over to talk to the other vampires. I noticed Ikuto stand and walk over to stand on the other side of me, not saying a word. Seconds later Kaname appeared with a small smile on his face.

I wonder why.

"Hello everyone," he said. "The headmaster wanted me to tell you all that there will be a masquerade ball soon, and it will include both the Day Class and the Night Class. I expect you all to coexist with the humans with no trouble at all."

"Yes, Lord Kaname," most of the Night Class said in unison.

A masquerade ball where both vampires and humans will attend, I thought. That sounds like a wonderful idea Kaien!

"Oh, and I almost forgot," Kaname added on. "Vampire Hunters will be supervising the event, to make sure you all behave." Kaname paused for a moment to look at Ikuto, who was a Vampire Hunter, before saying, "We better head to class now."

The Night Class began to follow Kaname out the door.

"Did you see Kaname look at you, Ikuto?" Senri asked. "Kinda weird if you ask me."

"I think I know what it was about," Ikuto said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" I asked shyly.

"Well, I am a Vampire Hunter. I'll probably have to supervise the event."

"Oh," I mumbled, looking away hastily.

It was totally silence after that. When we got to class I decided to sit a few rows up from where we usually sat. Senri sat with me, but Ikuto didn't. I began to feel like I was overreacting, and Ikuto wouldn't say a word to me about it. But there was still that nagging feeling.

"Did anything happen between you and Ikuto last night?" Senri asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I asked quickly.

"You two haven't been talking, nor making eye contact with each other," Senri said with a concerned look on his face.

"Everything's fine," I said shyly. "Don't worry about it."

Senri gave me a look before asking with a smile, "Are you going to the ball?"

"I don't know yet," I said. "Doesn't seem that appealing to me at the moment."

"I think it'll be fun," Senri said with a smile. "I think you'll look pretty in a dress."

"I'm flattered," I said sarcastically. "You know I don't like wearing dresses."

Senri looked away nervously as I tilted my head slightly in confusion. Before I could say a word, Senri looked back at me and took my hands into his.

"If you do go--" Senri paused for a moment before continuing. "--would you like to go to the dance with me?"

My eyes went wide for a few moments. Senri wanted to go to the ball....with me? I didn't see that coming! I looked blankly at Senri and saw that he was indeed serious about this. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'd love to," I mumbled into his ear, so that only he could hear me.

Senri wrapped his arms around me before I broke away from the embrace. I heard the door open and I saw Mr. Yagari walk in.

Class had begun.

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