Chapter Sixty-Three: Worthless

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Hello lovely readers! Before I start this chapter I just wanted to say that I am sorry I haven't updated in *checks calendar* about a month in a half. I'll be totally honest: I wasn't on Wattpad that much during the month of March because I just didn't feel motivated. I also didn't start writing this chapter until a few days ago SORRY.

For now on I'll try to upload regularly for this book. I will try to update bi-weekly bit if I finish chapter before then I'll upload it right away. Thank you all who have been waiting patiently for this chapter.

Enjoy! ^^


I opened my eyes as I slowly regained consciousness. I instantly heard muffling voices and shuffling around me. I was still in a daze and unsure of what was going on. It seemed my head was still in the clouds, making me a little confused.

I felt something squeeze my right hand and turned to see the faint outline of someone I knew all too well.


"Akane!" he exclaimed. "Akane, are you—"

"Yes," I said quickly, sending him a reassuring smile in the process.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that I realized I said that subconsciously. When I realized this I noticed how much I was hurting. I didn't feel okay; everything stung like hell, but I wouldn't tell him that. I'd ignore the pain.

I didn't want to make him even more worried.

"I'm sorry..."

I didn't even have to look over to know that was Ikuto. I dipped my head slightly.

"Don't be sorry. It was my choice."

Through my bangs, I averted my eyes to see Ikuto's expression. He was obviously beating himself up on the inside but I could see the clear rage on his face. He blamed himself, yet he knew Rido was the one who started it. He was the one who sent Sebastian.

Ikuto stayed silent, likely taking in my words. Maybe hearing me say it meant something to him. Maybe hearing me say that I didn't blame him at all reassured him in some way.

"Senri, can you help me up?" I asked.

My friend looked unsure but helped me nonetheless. I took the cover swiftly off of me and let my legs dangled over the side of the bed before Senri and I locked wrists. However, the second I was standing I fell right into his embrace.

"My legs are just a bit numb...I'm fine," I murmured before either of them could say anything.

Or are you?

My eyes narrowed as I quickly regained my composure.

"You don't look okay," Senri said.


A knock erupted from the door and in popped Toga Yagari. Ikuto stood instantly but before he could muster a word Toga said in a monotone voice, "Save it for later. I have a message from the president for you."

"I'll be right back," Ikuto hissed after being silent for a few moments.

When the door shut behind Ikuto and his father I took one step forward and felt piercing pain travel up my body almost instantly. I halted suddenly. It felt worse than when I woke up, so much worse that I couldn't continue.

"I--I need to sit back down," I said hesitantly.

"Why do you say you're okay when you're not? What if you overexert yourself? I--we don't want to see you hurt anymore than you already are."

I giggled slightly under my breath. "How could I overexert myself? I'm so weak. I really shouldn't even be considered a Pureblood..."

"Don't say that. You are a Pureblood."

I looked up at Senri for a split second before back down at my twiddling fingers. "I have almost none of the powers other Pureblood's have, but with the powers I do have I can't even control them properly. If I am a Pureblood, I'm a sorry excuse for one. It's my fault I'm this way anyway."

Senri clasped both of his hands with mine, making me look up into his ice blue eyes.

"This is Rido's doing, not yours. He's used you from the beginning. He took advantage of you. Don't undermine yourself for someone else's wrongdoings."

Don't listen to him. It's your fault; everything is. All of the pain you've caused them is because of you. How much more pain will you cause if they stay with you?

"I let him take advantage of me. It's my fault." I felt a lump in my throat. Each word I muttered felt like weights pressing me down more and more, making it hard for me to breath.

"You were a child--"

"A naive one at that," I hissed sternly.

I clenched my fists as I failed to hold back my tears.

"Why do you care about me so much?" I asked. "I'm worthless! You and Ikuto deserve better...!"

Senri hastily put his arms around me, taking me off guard for a moment. "You aren't worthless. You mean more to me than anything."

I felt my cheeks burn slightly before I returned the hug. I sniffled but didn't say anything.

He sighed, breaking away from the sudden hug. "How are your wounds?"

"My wounds are healing, but slowly. I'll be healed within a few hours."

If you have his blood you'd be healed much faster. Why suffer with wounds like this?

Shut up. You don't know anything.

Of course I do. I know so much more about you than even you know, dearest Akane.

Senri smiled slightly. "I'll stay with you till you get fully healed then."

Senri sat down next to me on the bed and I felt his hands entwine with mine. I smiled slightly and slowly lowered my head so it was resting on his shoulder. I felt his head rest on top of mine moments later.

Despite all the negative thoughts in my head, how could I hate a moment like that?

Ikuto's POV

We paused about halfway down the hallway so not too far away from where Akane was resting. Toga instantly took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one that caused smoke to rise into the air after a few seconds.

"Tell me what the president said. I don't want to be near you longer than I have to be," I said, not wanting to waste time.

¨Tsk. You really aren't patient,¨ he said. ¨Not that you ever really were.¨

¨I'm not here for sweet talk.¨

Toga leaned against the wall and sighed. ¨Fine. The president requests you specifically for a mission. You need to track down a Level E and his friends. They aren't an easy bunch to catch, but it shouldn't be too hard for you. Luckily you won't die easily like the few who have tried to stop the abomination and we can't afford to lose others.¨

¨I can't do that. I refuse to accept it,¨ I said as I turned away. ¨I need to be here for someone right now. Someone I actually care about.¨

¨It's an order from the president, not me. You became a Vampire Hunter so you have to follow orders. Besides, because you're a vampire some might think of it as treason or something - like you're secretly doing something else that's against the association.¨

I glared at Toga but didn't say a word. He detached himself from the wall and started walking in the opposite direction of me. I clenched my fists.

¨Oh, I wanted to ask you something,¨ I heard Toga speak suddenly as he turned to me. ¨You used to hate training. So why are you a Vampire Hunter now, hm?¨

¨That's none of your damn business,¨ I hissed before I stomped away.

I hastily made my way back to where Akane was. I was about to open the doorknob when I froze.

What do I do?

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