Chapter Thirty-Nine: Town

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It was a Sunday morning, the one day of the week where there were no classes whatsoever. I was in a good mood so I decided to head down to town. It wasn't a long ways away from the academy; all you had to do was go through a wooded area and boom, you were in the heart of it.

I emerged from the bathroom dressed in a dark blue blouse, black tights, and flats the color of the midnight sky. It was a different look than I was used to, but I still liked it.

Ikuto, on the other hand, was sitting at his desk entranced in a book. He was wearing a mint green flannel and jeans, a casual look. I snook up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Must be a good book, huh?" I giggled.

"Actually...yes it is," Ikuto said nonchalantly. "That's a new look. What's the occasion?"

"I just felt like wearing something different," I said as I rolled my eyes in a hint of annoyance. "I'm going to head down to town so do you want to come or not?"

"Of course," Ikuto said as he turned to look at me. "I wouldn't let you go down there by yourself."

"I'd be fine," I said sternly. "But it's not like you'd think so."

Ikuto sent a soft glare at me and I smiled. I unwrapped my arms from around him and started to head towards the door.

"We better get down there before it gets busy," I said. "C'mon!"

Ikuto set his book down and headed towards the door on my trail. Before we could even exit the Moon Dorms I heard a voice erupt from behind us.

"Where are you two going this early?"

I turned and saw my brother Kaname.

"That's none of your business," I said with anger in my voice. "Leave us alone."

"As dorm president I should know where my students are--" I cut him off right there.

"We are not your guinea pigs."

I turned back towards the door as I grabbed Ikuto's wrist, pulling him along with me. I wasn't going to listen to Kaname try talking to me. Not now, not ever.

As soon as I heard the doors shut behind Ikuto and I, my head started throbbing. I put my hand on my head and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Ikuto asked. "We don't have to go if your not feeling well."

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed reassuringly with a strained smile. "I'm just...a little tired. Yeah, tired..."

I looked away for a second before walking in the direction of the gates that lead out of the academy. There was an arced stone bridge that lead to a dirt path through the woods. After the path you are lead directly into the heart of town, where I reckoned it would be buzzing with life.

Ikuto stayed a few paces behind me as awkward silence occurred. I was getting a little too uncomfortable; so I decided to break the silence once we were in the woods.

"Thanks for coming along with me," I said shyly. "I think it'll be a lot more fun with you."

Ikuto smiled, "No problem. I was actually kind of curious about what the town was like as well."

I smiled back and began to listen to my surroundings. I heard the sound of tree branches cracking beneath my feet and the sounds of baby birds chirps echoing through the trees. It was peaceful, yes, but I still had a nagging feeling that something was going to happen. I decided to ignore it. What could ruin a moment like this?

I began to see an opening through the brush and I quickened my pace. Within moments I was through the trees and saw countless people enjoying themselves. I didn't know where to go first, but when I saw Yuuki Cross looking at a pastry window I instantly went towards her.

"Yuuki!" I exclaimed as I outstretched my arms and wrapped her in a tight hug from behind. "I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Neither did I," Yuuki rasped. "What are you two doing here?"

"I came to check out the town for the first time and he of course decided to come too," I said as I pointed behind me at Ikuto.

"You asked if I wanted to come and I said yes," Ikuto pointed out.

"Whatever," I said as I rolled my eyes. "What would you be doing here, Yuuki? Let me guess, out doing an errand for Headmaster Cross?"

"You know it," Yuuki said with a wink. "Zero's around here somewhere.... or he probably headed back already. I keep on getting distracted by what's in the shop windows."

I look over at the pastry window that Yuuki was mesmerized by mere moments ago.

"Those do look tasty," I mumbled. "How long have you been out here for?"

"A few hours," Yuuki said. "I should actually be getting back. Headmaster might get worried."

"It was nice talking to you, Yuuki," I said with a smile.

"Same here," Yuuki said cheerfully. "Bye!"

Yuuki ran off in the opposite direction from which we came. She wasn't going up the path towards the academy so I was guessing she was going to go and find Zero.

"Ikuto, do you mind if we follow Yuuki for a bit?" I asked. "To make sure she's okay."

Ikuto snickered, "Sure. You're being a good friend if you're making sure she's alright."

I sent Ikuto a glare before heading in the direction Yuuki went. Everything was going fine; until I saw Yuuki go in the direction of an alleyway.

Where could she be going?

Ikuto and I stayed on her trail; unsure of what awaited us.

Hello lovely people! I don't usually do these "notes" at the end of my chapters but I just wanted to address you guys of something. Today is Saturday, September 2nd 2017 and school starts for me on Tuesday the 5th. I'm starting to get really antsy, since it'll be my freshman year of high school, but that's besides the point. I just wanted you guys to know that updates might get less frequent since I'll be focusing on my studies. Although I don't think they'll get less frequent then they are now, so don't worry. (lmao)

And while I'm doing this note.... HOLY CARP THIS BOOK ALMOST HAS 4K VOTES!!!! I just wanted to thank you all for your undying support; I really appreciate it. :)

Bye for now! Hopefully I can get the next chapter out within a week but we'll see. ;)


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