Chapter Three: Happy Birthday

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I tiptoed quietly through the halls. Last I checked it was 4 PM. Everyone in the manor was asleep, even the servants. Why was I sneaking around so early? Today is a very special day. Not as special for me as for him however. It had been four years since I first came here, to this mysterious mansion. Life had been good. I hanged with Senri all the time, he brought joy to my life. Why would I want anything else?

I heard a creaking sound behind me and I stopped in my tracks. Was someone behind me? I turned and saw nothing but pitch blackness. I had let out a heavy sigh, I actually thought I got caught. Luckily it was just a false accusation. I turned the doorknob.

I peeked into the room and noticed he was sleeping. I walked over to his bed and kneeled down to his level. His maroon hair was still damp from taking a shower earlier. I put a stand behind his ear and smiled. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

"Senri," I purred. "It's me."

Senri stirred away from me, as if to tell me to leave him alone. I frowned, and got up to leave. But then my face lit up, because I had an idea.

I went over to the other side of his bed and went into the covers, carefully so I wouldn't wake him. I'll wait until he woke up, then I'll surprise him. When he opens his eyes he will see me there and he'll be so shocked, especially when I exclaim "happy birthday" to him.

Not long after I tucked myself into Senri's bed my eyes became heavy. No, I mustn't fall asleep. That will ruin my whole plan!

I dozed off seconds later.

Senri's POV

My eyes flew open with shock. I had that same nightmare again. The nightmare which I lost someone very dear to me. Someone, who, comforts me whenever I need comforting. She is my friend, actually the first best friend I've ever had.

I still can't believe I shake a little whenever I wake up from that nightmare. I know it's not true, that I will never lose her, but for some reason I'm always scared. Maybe it's because that nightmare could indeed become real someday. Which I hope never does.

I looked at the other side of my bed and saw her there, with her long locks and lashes. She looked so peaceful, though I did hear a few light snores here and there. I smiled, knowing what she came here for. Today was my birthday after all, and she said she'd make it a birthday to remember.

I caressed her cheek and sighed. It is 5:00 PM. She must've come in here to surprise me but dozed off in the process.

"Akane your such a silly one," I cooed. "But that's what makes you so special."

Suddenly Akane's arm moved and her hand overlapped mine. Her eyes opened, and she smiled. She sat up, rubbed her eye with her free hand (she was still holding onto my hand the whole time) and then cupped my hand between her palms.

"I know," she giggled. "Happy birthday Ri-chan."

Akane had started calling me Ri-chan about a year and a half ago. Ri stands for love or affection, but it really is to just show affection for me. We are best friends after all, and we both have and show affection for each other.

"I knew that was the reason your in my room so early," I giggled. "You did say this would be a birthday to remember."

"And it will be," she boasted, crossing her arms. "All you gotta do is get ready and we'll head out!"

"Head out where?" I asked.

Akane let out one of her devious smiles, "You'll see, Ri-chan. All in due time."

Akane jumped out of my bed and rushed out of the room. Before she slammed the door behind her she winked at me and then she vanished. I had let out a sigh, why was she so troublesome?

I jumped out of bed and got out jeans and a white t-shirt. My hair was a mess but I didn't care. I opened my door to Akane in my face with her index finger over her mouth, telling me to be quiet.

"What's going on Akane?" I asked in a whisper.

"C'mon, I'll tell you when we're outside!" She exclaimed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me along.

Before we went down the stairs Akane paused and looked around frantically. Why was she so worried? Is she doing something forbidden? That's right, she is. She's not allowed outdoors. Rido is so worried about her being noticed by someone, and quite possibly returned to her old home, to a past Akane wished she could forget.

"Wait, did you say outside?" I hissed. "Akane you know you--"

"I don't care," she whispered looking at me. "I want this birthday to be your best birthday ever! And you shouldn't spend it cooped up in a house."

I looked wide eyed at her. She knew what would happen to her if she went outside, she'd receive an extreme punishment. Yet she doesn't care. No one knows what Rido would do to her, not even Akane.

"Are you coming or not?" Akane asked sternly, looking right into my wide eyes. Should I let her do this? Should I let her get punished? No, I shouldn't!

"Akane," I said. "I can't. I don't know what will happen to you. You'll get punished, I can't live with myself for that."

I thought Akane would look angerly at me, but, she looked at me with a sly smile.

"I thought you'd say that," she giggled. "Which is why I came up with a backup plan!"

Akane dragged me down the stairs, not caring anymore about the ruckus we were making. She dragged me to the kitchen where a round table sat in the middle and two plates filled with food were horizontal to each other.

"Happy birthday Ri-chan," she purred. "Bon appetite."

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