Chapter Thirty-Eight: Confession

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When classes were over I wanted to get back to the Moon Dorms as soon as possible. Sadly that would've been impossible, since every day the gates are surrounded by screaming girls.

I walked past the gates with a blank expression on my face. I was standing between Senri and Ikuto, with Kaname a few paces ahead of us. Yuuki was struggling to hold the girls back, while I noticed Zero lounging on a nearby tree. I heard the Day Class boys and girls yell names of Night Class students. Typical.

When we got back to the Moon Dorms I rushed up to my dorm as fast as I would move. I slammed the door shut behind me before I ran to the bathroom. I popped several blood tablets into my mouth, but I still felt no relief.

It's hopeless, I thought. I should just stop taking these cursed tablets.

I heard the door outside open and I quickly but the box of blood tablets into my jacket. I open the bathroom door and see Ikuto. I brush past him and begin to untie my crimson tie. Everything was going well, until I heard a voice boom behind me.

"Akane, we need to talk."

I froze in my spot and slowly turned to look at Ikuto, who had a grim look on his face.

I turned back around before I said sheepishly, "I don't want to."

I unwrapped the tie from my neck and set it down on top of my dresser.

"Please," Ikuto mumbled. "I'm worried about you."

I am too, I thought.

I sharply turned around and said, "I know exactly what you want to talk about. I don't feel comfortable doing so right now."

Ikuto's face turned soft and concerned, "I can understand that. But from what I could gather with what you said last night you're in pain. I don't want you to be."

Neither do I, I thought.

I looked away for a second before looking back at Ikuto. I walked over and sat down on the bed.

"Do you know why I don't want to talk about it?" I asked. "Because you'll overreact. It's nothing, but I know you will."

It is something, the voice in my head said slyly.

Shut up, I thought.

"Akane, if you don't tell me what's wrong I will think it's bad. So please..." Ikuto's voice began to trail off.

Silence occurred for a few moments. I sighed heavily before looking at Ikuto sternly.

"Promise me that you won't tell anyone about this, not even Senri," I pleaded. "Please."

"Okay," Ikuto said. "I won't."

I hesitated before I pulled out a small square box from my jacket.

I shouldn't do this, I thought. But I shouldn't hesitate now.

"They aren't working," I muttered. "It's getting harder to deal with each passing day."

"Do you need blood?" Ikuto asked.

I tightened my grip on the box and said coldly, "No."

"Akane, if the blood tablets aren't working then you'll need blood soon. Your hunger will go out of control--"

"You think I don't know that?!" I exclaimed. "I've dealt with this hunger for ten years, I can last for a few more."

"Ten years...?" Ikuto murmured.

I stood abruptly and took a few paces in front of me before turning my attention back to Ikuto.

"You already know that I don't have all of the powers I'm supposed to have," I said softly. "I feel like an Aristocrat, with a few extra buffs here and there. I have a very low supply of blood in my body, so I'm weaker--" I paused for a few moments as I noticed Ikuto looking at me with wide eyes.

I should stop, I thought.

"Akane--" Ikuto started, before being cut off suddenly by a knock on the door.

I walked over and saw Senri on the other side when I opened it. I instantly forced a smile on my face and gleefully welcomed him in.

"Aren't you guys excited?" Senri asked while plopping down on the bed next to Ikuto.

"For what?" Ikuto said blankly.

"For the ball of course!" Senri exclaimed. "What else would I be talking about?"

"You don't strike me as someone to be excited for these kind of things," Ikuto said. "You always hated being dragged to those kind of things when you were younger."

"Well I'm looking forward to this because I'm going with someone special," Senri grinned.

Ikuto instantly looked over at me and I sent him a small smile.

"How could I say no to him?" I asked as I scratched the back of my head.

"Good for you," Ikuto said, turning his attention back to Senri. "I have to keep watch anyway."

"Hopefully the girls will leave you alone so you can keep watch," I winked.

"You got that right," Ikuto chuckled.

"Well I'm going to go get some shut eye," Senri said excitedly as he stood.

"You do that," I cooed. "Goodnight."

Senri sent me one last smile before leaving my dorm. I sighed and looked at Ikuto, who was looking at me with an anxious face.

"Listen, Akane," he said bluntly. "I'm just going to say it, and I don't care if you get mad..." Ikuto paused for a moment before continuing. "If you ever need blood all you have to do is ask me, got it?"

My eyes turned wide. I never thought in a million years that I'd hear those words come out of Ikuto's mouth. I opened my mouth to protest, until I saw how serious his face looked. What was the point of arguing? He wouldn't change his mind anyway.

There you go, the voice said deviously. Now you have his permission. Crave your hunger, before it consumes you.

No, I thought. It won't ever come to that.

I looked at Ikuto right in the eye and said strictly, "It won't ever come to that. I won't hurt you because of my own selfish desires that I can't control."

Ikuto became speechless. I placed my hand over his and sent him a smile, which wasn't forced. Before he could say a word I said, "I think it's time we both got some shut eye."

Ikuto looked away and muttered, "Yeah."

My smile widened by what Ikuto said. I finally mustered up the courage to tell someone about what was happening to me. Ikuto actually took it....better than I thought he would.

I was glad.

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