Chapter Fifty-Eight: Shi-chan

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After a few moments passed Senri let me go hesitantly. I stood up and looked back at my companion. Er, friend.

"I'm going back to my dorm to rest some more," I said uneasily. "I'll see you—"

"I'm coming with you."

I looked at Senri with widened eyes.

"I can tell that something strange is going on. I can't leave you alone."

Senri's eyes showed slight fear, making me hold my breath.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"You said that you weren't experiencing blood-lust, Akane. But you were in pain just a few moments ago and you looked like you were scared...."

Senri's eyes narrowed, making me believe he was thinking the worst. I took a step towards him and clasped one of my hands with his, looking into his eyes in the process.

I'll never leave her side again, I overheard Senri think.

"Senri, I—" I paused, looking away. "Lets just go."

I exited the dorm with Senri still in my grasp. My dorm was just a floor above Senri's so when we got up the small flight of stairs we were practically there. When we entered my dorm Ikuto wasn't there, making me worry.

"Maybe he's still out with Zero," Senri said.

"But they both went after Shizuka and she could've easily controlled Zero...." My voice began to trail off as it became shaky. "I have to go out and look for him--"

My eyes widened when a sweet aroma filled the air. I looked out the window for a second before rushing past Senri and down the corridor.

"Akane, wait--"

I looked behind me and opened my mouth to say something but ran into something before I could. I fell but something grabbed my wrist before I could fully collide with the floor. I looked up and saw Kaname.

Of course... I thought.

"You should be more careful, Akane," he cooed. "You're still recovering, aren't you?"

I backed away from my brother hastily and sent him a glare.

The scent of blood just got really strong, I thought.

"I am perfectly fine," I muttered. "Now if you excuse me I have somewhere I need to be—"

I stepped to the side to walk past my brother but he blocked my bath again. I hissed.

"What do you want?"

"Something is on your mind," Kaname said bluntly. "What is it?"

Kaname and I locked eyes for a few moments in complete silence.

I scoffed. "What did you do to Shizuka?"

Kaname chuckled slightly under his breath. "Not a lot of things can get past you, huh?"

"In this case, it was pretty obvious. You did something to her; the scent of blood is lingering strongly in the air, specifically around you."

"I'm sure you already know the answer."

Brief silence occurred momentarily before I spoke. "You've committed a great crime: killing a Pureblood. Even you know that a Pureblood such as yourself would be punished for it."

"That I do," Kaname sighed. "You're the only one that knows. Would you really rat out your brother?" Kaname perked my head up so my eyes met his. "She had to be punished for hurting someone I love."

I wanted to say harsh words to him but I surprisingly didn't. I didn't know what came over me in that moment but that didn't stop me from gently pushing him to the side so I could get past him.

"That must be the reason behind all your actions," I muttered as I ran off.

I dashed towards the old dormitories as fast as I could, not looking behind me to see if Senri was even on my trail. Each step I took the scent of blood only grew stronger. I dashed up the stairs when I then stood in front of an open door, looking down upon the blood-stained Shizuka.

"Even for a monster like you I will say this was a bit harsh," I said sternly as I walked towards her.

Shizuka giggled slightly under her breath.

"What's so funny?"

"You're such a naive child," the Pureblood murmured. "You really don't remember anything."

"You are just minutes away from greeting death and yet you're spouting nonsense," I spat.

Shizuka slowly looked up at me with a saddened expression. "Don't deny it, Akane. Even I know that you've been experiencing things that you can't really explain. You've most likely dreamt about happy memories with your horrible parents. Those are indeed real."

I narrowed my eyes. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"That look on your face says otherwise...."

I looked away and I heard Shizuka sigh.

"You can I used to be so close," she said suddenly. "I wish that--"

"If you cared then why did you try to kill me?"

"Kill...? You moved in front of your lover when you took my attack. Those other times were just to make your friends fill with worry. I could've easily ended your life if I wanted to."

I clenched my fists. "Senri is not my l-lover... He is my friend and you intended to hurt him."

I was slowly losing my composure as our conversation continued. Shizuka and I locked eyes and I saw her mumble something to herself before I suddenly felt my whole body become paralyzed. Images flashed through my mind, though too fast for me to make out what they were. Unbeknownst to me, something slid down my cheek. Shizuka smiled and I saw a tear land on her cheek.

"Shi-chan...." I mumbled, bringing my hand up to my throbbing head moments later, breaking out of the trance I was in.

What the hell?! I thought.

"You'll remember everything when the time comes," Shizuka rasped. "He locked your memories pretty well. It really is a shame I couldn't..."

"What do you—"

Shizuka sent one last smile my way before inevitably turning into ash before me. Moments later I heard footsteps growing closer and closer to where I was. I quickly stood and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked towards the door and saw Senri standing with wide eyes.

"She was already dead when I got here." I lied. "She was alone. Her companion wasn't here, nor was Ikuto or Zero."

Senri sighed, relieved that I was okay. I walked towards him, avoiding eye contact. Shizuka's words really hit me hard. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the fact that I knew she wasn't lying. Those tears were real and those feelings I felt, even though they were only for a moment, were real as well.

There has to be so much I don't know, I thought. But I'll find out everything soon.

When I exited the doorway I looked to my left and saw Ikuto standing there, safe and sound. I smile instantly crossed my face.

Thank goodness you're alright...!

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