Crimson Heart [Vampire Knight Fan-Fic]

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Hey guys! I decided to write a new Vampire Knight fanfiction and I wanted to tell you guys about it! Since you guys know I'm bad at describing things (at least irl) here is the description:

We were childhood friends, best friends to be exact. We were inseparable, or so I thought.

Hello, my name is Makoto Akagi and I am a Vampire Hunter. I haven't always been this way, but after what I saw that night I had no choice. I felt like it was my duty to take up the sword and kill the bastards who killed my newfound family.

I have nightmares of that night 24-7. It haunts me, tortures me, that I couldn't save him.

Zero, my bestest friend in the whole world and the one who understood me the most. Instead of trying to save him I ran, fearing for my own life rather than his.

It has been four years since that night and I have been assigned to eliminate Level E vampires who supposedly roam the campus of Cross Academy.

Believe me when I say that what lies in store is more than I could ever begin to imagine.

Well that's it! I hope you guys will be willing to check it out. You don't have to, of course, but I'd really appreciate it.

I know I've said this before, but thank you for all your support for this book. I could never even imagine it getting this far. :)

Off to write the next chapter(literally)!


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