Chapter Twenty-Six: Hunger

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Aidou and Akasuki got a two week suspension from classes because they broke the rules of Cross Academy. I was pretty ticked off at them, but I quickly got over it. It was no surprise that Kaname went to go see Yuuki right after I left. I had a feeling that Yuuki and Kaname had a special connection, but I couldn't pinpoint what it was.

It was early in the morning so I decided to take a small stroll. I couldn't fall asleep even if my life depended on it so why would I slouch around and waste precious time? As I was heading back I saw Yuuki and Zero heading to the Moon Dorms. I didn't even make a move to talk or catch up to them when I already saw Zero glaring at me.

"Oh, hello Akane!" Yuuki exclaimed, turning around to smile slyly at me and wave.

"Hello, Yuuki," I purred sweetly, "and you too, Zero."

Zero didn't say a word, obviously. He put his hands in his pockets and looked away from me as I sighed annoyingly. I suddenly saw a strained look on his face, like he was in pain. I knew what was the cause of it, and because of that I almost felt bad for him. Key word: almost.

"Zero, are you okay?" Yuuki asked worriedly.

"I'm fine!" He exclaimed suddenly, walking away from us hastily leaving Yuuki dumbfounded, looking in the direction Zero ran off in.

"What were you guys heading to the Moon Dorms for?" I asked. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

Yuuki stayed silent for a few moments before looking back at me and saying, "We came to inspect the Moon Dorms but I guess we can't anymore because Zero ran off."

I smiled slyly, "I can go find Zero if you'd like. I wouldn't want you to miss another day of classes because of this."

"Really?" Yuuki asked happily. "Thank you so much!"

Yuuki ran towards the Moon Dorms and entered. I sighed once more before heading in the direction Zero ran off to, out of the Moon Dorms. I followed his scent to the stables, where I saw him hunched over and gasping for air. I'm sure he sensed my presence because seconds later he glared up at me with a strained face.

I sighed and leaned against a wall, "You know you wouldn't be in this much pain if you'd just take a blood tablet. But you've already tried that, haven't you?"

Zero hissed under his breath and I grinned. He stood, no longer in pain, and proceeded to walk by me.

"Tsk. I'm talking to you so the least you can do is reply!" I exclaimed angerly.

"Why would you even want to talk?" Zero said, turning back to me with a blank expression. "It's not like you care what happens to me."

I put my finger on my chin and cooed, "Hm. Maybe, maybe not. It could go either way."

Zero glared sternly at me and I grinned. He proceeded to walk away from me before I stopped him once more.

"One more thing," I purred, walking up to Zero, "you should tell Yuuki about this. You wouldn't want something bad to happen to her if you ever lost control."

"Shut up," Zero said sternly, walking away from me.

I grinned and thought, Don't say I didn't warn you.


After my talk with Zero I went back to the Moon Dorms, got changed, and finally got some shut eye. I woke up at dusk and put my white Night Class uniform on before getting sleepy head up.

"Where were you this morning?" Ikuto asked, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"I went for a stroll and ran into Yuuki and Zero," I cooed, pulling my hair into a ponytail, "nothing happened."

Ikuto raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled weakly. He knew I was leaving something out of my explanation, and I'm sure he was curious to know what that was.

I sighed and sat on the bed in defeat, "Yuuki and Zero came to inspect the Moon Dorms. Zero ran off because of his instincts and--"

"Wait, instincts?" Ikuto asked shocked. "Zero's a vampire?"

"Not yet," I said, "he was bitten by that Pureblood that attacked his family four years ago. He hasn't drunk any blood since that happened, not even his masters. He must have a strong will to not be overcome by his hunger."

"So he's technically still human. Which is why Vampire Hunters can't sense a vampire's aura from him," Ikuto mumbled, "makes since since Yuuki is a Vampire Hunter and doesn't know."

I nodded and Ikuto went to the bathroom to change into his uniform. I sighed when my head suddenly began to throb. I fell to my knees and held my head with a strained face.

You and Kiryu both have another simularity, the voice cooed in my head, both of you will soon have a hunger you'll have no control over.

I blinked and my image suddenly turned blue. I hissed under my breath and I went from holding my head to holding my aching throat. I guess I almost felt bad for Zero because I knew of the pain he was in, the pain I was experiencing at that very moment.

Shut up, I hissed in my head, you don't know anything.

I know so much about you Akane, the voice said evily, more than you know. And I can't wait to see the day when you're stained with the blood of those you love.

The voice ceased after that, leaving me confused. I stood, no longer in pain, and sat back down on the bed.

What the hell does that voice mean? I thought. "Stained with the blood of those you love." What the--

I heard the bathroom door creak open and Ikuto step out with his uniform all ready, except for the tie of course.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost," Ikuto joked, walking over to me and sitting next to me on the bed.

"I've seen a lot of things," I cooed, tying Ikuto's crimson tie, "and a ghost isn't one of them."

"Very funny," Ikuto said.

I stood, walked towards the door, and said hastily, "I-It looks like it's getting dark outside. We should head downstairs."

"Akane," Ikuto mumbled, walking over and looming over me, "are you okay?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed quickly. "Let's go."

I knew that Ikuto knew something was wrong with me. I didn't want to tell him that I've been hearing a female voice in my head and getting sudden urges for blood. He would become even more worried of my well-being, and I didn't want him to have to worry about me 24/7. Even if he is my body guard while I'm here at Cross Academy.

I'll keep this a secret for now.

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