Hello! (Q&A?)

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I'm re-reading past chapters and I'm just cringing at my past writing. I see what you guys meant about the purring.... XD

Anyway, I'm about halfway done with the next chapter. I also recently came up with a really good idea in the future so I hope you'll guys like it. ^^

Not saying what it is tho!~~ :p

I really want to ask you guys what you'd prefer, since I'm in a bit of a dilemma with that idea I just mentioned but I don't want to spoil anything. So I'll just figure it out on my own. ;u;

Also, I was thinking about doing a Q&A for this book. I wouldn't be answering questions about the plot of course, but if you guys would be interested comment below and then I'll post a different part about it.

If you guys would like to see a fan-art of a character(s) feel free to tell me since I need all the practice I can get. ^^


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