Chapter Sixty-Seven: Goodbye (Pt. 2)

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I felt the air rush past me as I fell out of the three story clock tower. I saw Rido grinning down at me as he watched me fall before turning away from me.

Am I.... I thought. Is Senri going to be okay?!

I closed my eyes, expecting to die within mere seconds. There was nothing I could do to stop me from colliding with the ground beneath me.

Or so I thought.

Instead of facing instant death, I collided with something that broke my fall. I fell into a perfectly placed cart of hay. I laid there for a second as though I was paralyzed.

I felt tears slide down my cheeks.


Senri's words echoed in my mind. I didn't know what'd happen to him. I wanted desperately to go back up and save him, but what could a weakling like me do?

"I need to go get help," I mumbled to myself. "I can't fend off Rido on my own."

I held my breath as I moved out of the cart. I stood on my own two feet and held my shoulder in pain. It was still bleeding.

I walked down the path towards the academy. I had to hurry. It was hard to see since everything around me was a different shade of blue, except the blood stream of those in the distance.

Don't think about it. Ignore the pain. Forget about the lust.

Embrace it, Akane. All you need to do is lead someone astray and make your move.

I don't want that.

The scent of Senri's blood has heightened your senses. You can't ignore it. It'll only get stronger from here on out.

I'll just have to stay away from the crowds...

Are you willing to sacrifice Senri's safety just to make a failed attempt to ignore your need for blood?

I leaned against a wall for a second. The voice was right, I'd just be wasting time. I needed to get to the academy as fast as possible.

I felt a sudden presence behind me. I turned to see a broken figure. What do I mean by broken?

The figure had the aura of a Level E.

I didn't just sense one, but more and more coming closer to me. They must've smelled my blood. A Pureblood's blood especially makes them crazy. Pureblood's usually have the power to protect themselves and destroy the creatures. I was different. I didn't have the power to do that.

What do I do?

Senri's POV -same time as Akane's POV-

"Akane!" I exclaimed.

"She's fine," Rido sneered as I heard a crashing sound below. "I wouldn't let my pet die so easily. Although I do wonder how long it'll be before my other pets find her."

He turned to me and I wanted nothing more than to end his life there and now. Even if it wasn't his body, he'd be gone. But I didn't have the power.

"Now let's get back to the matter at hand," Rido said as he strolled over. "I'm going to need you to help me for a little while."

"I'd never—"

I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder, making me hold my breath.

"Silence," Rido said sternly. "You don't need to say a word. You don't have a choice."

He laughed suddenly, making me hiss under my breath.

"It's pathetic how weak you are. You can't even protect your dearest Akane from her most greatest fear." Rido paused for a moment. "Is that what you call protecting her?"

I couldn't use my Aristocratic ability against him. Even if I could he already had me in a pickle. He was right, I couldn't protect her.

But I wouldn't stop trying, even if I fail, to protect her to the best of my ability.

I felt something consuming my mind. Not something, someone. I tried to fight it the best I could, but I couldn't.

"I won't...let you hurt her..."

Rido chuckled. "We'll see about that."

Everything went black.

Akane's POV

"Hello," it said as it took a step towards me. "You smell very nice..."

"Get away from me," I murmured.

"Oh?" Another one appeared. "You're a vampire aren't you? A hungry one at that."

"Get away from me." I took a step back but bumped into the one from before. It wrapped it's arms around me, trapping me.

"Are you one of us?" one of the beasts asked. "Aren't you related to master?"

"Get away from me." I began to shake but when one of them stroked my cheek with that grin spread on it's face I began to go crazy.

"Why are you trying to get away? If you don't corroborate we might just have to give into our hunger."

"You look so delicious... It'd be a shame," one cooed. "Master would be mad... but it'd be worth it."

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed as I shut my eyes tightly.

I suddenly heard the screeches of those around me. I felt the beast's hands unwrap from my torso and I fell forward into someone's arms.

"It's okay now."

I opened my eyes and saw my brother.


I felt his hand wrap around the back of my head and pull me into his embrace. Moments later I started to feel lightheaded.

"I'm sorry, Akane. It's too late for him."

I passed out moments later.

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