Chapter Thirteen: Pain

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My eyes instantly lit up as I looked up at the white filled sky. For those few peaceful moments it seemed as if I was the only person in the world, looking upon that beautiful sight. But I was suddenly brought back into reality when I felt someone lightly shaking my arm.

"You seem happy," Senri purred.

"Don't I look it?" I asked happily. "Even though we are only steps away from the manor."

I suddenly felt something cold hit the back of my head. I looked behind me to see Ikuto with a grin plastered on his face as he held a snowball in his palm. I too exchanged a grin with Ikuto and quickly made a ball of snow and threw it right into his face, to which Senri and I giggled.

"Oh haha," Ikuto said sarcastically, brushing the access snow off his face. "Very funny."

"Oh come on Ikuto, get in the spirit! It's only snow," I purred with my arms crossed. "It's not like your gonna melt Mr. Scrooge."

"Oh no you didn't!" Ikuto exclaimed as he hurtled the second snowball towards Senri. It hit Senri in the shoulder and as quick as a cheetah Senri hurtled a snowball at Ikuto.

"Snowball fight!" I exclaimed.

All three of us instantly began to throw snowballs at each other. Giggles rang though the atmosphere and snow went everywhere. By the time the fight was nearing it's end Ikuto was lying on the ground covered in white while Senri and I continued to duke it out.

"Next hit is out!" Senri exclaimed happily.

"Your on!" I yelled back, hurtling a snowball towards Senri but he avoided it. We stayed like this for awhile, trying to hit each other to win the fight. Neither of us had won however, for the fight was cut short when we accidentally hit Rido as he was growing near.

"S-sorry!" I exclaimed, as I rushed towards my uncle. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I am," Rido said sternly. "Akane may I talk to you privately for a moment?"

"Yes," I said with worry in my voice. As I walked to the manor with Rido I looked behind me to see Ikuto looking sternly at me. Did he think Rido would pull something? No, Rido couldn't! He had already bitten me for the month, that would go against our deal.

"Please sit down Akane," Rido urged as he sat on the love seat and patted his hand next to him.

I sat down next to my uncle and asked, "What did you want to talk about?"

"I've been planning something for awhile Akane. And because you've been effected by it I think I should tell you," Rido purred. "Are you ready?"

I nodded in confusion. What did Rido mean by "affected by it?" Rido never told me anything goes he did, he was very secretive even when it did involve me. So, why tell me now?

Rido then bend down to my ear and whispered, "I'm going to get vengeance for you, on the Kuran's--" Rido paused for a second as my eyes went wide. "--I'm going to make Juuri, Haruka, Kaname, and even your sister suffer for what they did to you."

I stayed silent as Rido perked my head up and looked into my shocked eyes. For the first time in five years I've heard those names. Kaname, I thought. No, he betrayed me. He was suppose to be betrothed to me, me! Not my unborn sister. Juuri and Haruka took that from me. But-- I paused for a second to finalize my thought. --is my sister one of the people to blame? She was unborn, she had no say!

"What do you plan on doing to them?" I asked.

Rido grinned as a smile plastered his face, "I'm going to hurt them after all!"

"Wait!" I exclaimed, standing up. "You don't mean kill do you?!"

"But of course," Rido purred, standing up as well. "They need to suffer for what they did to you. They made you suffer, even the one person you trusted."

"But they don't deserve to die!"

"Akane," Rido said sternly as he perked my head up. "You understand why I'm doing this, don't you? But if not--" I felt Rido's breath on my neck and my eyes went wide. "--I'll make you mind."

"Rido you already--gah!" Before I could finish my sentence I felt Rido's fangs in my neck. My heart beat rised and my energy drained fast. Before long I had to sit back down on the love seat and I gripped the cushion in pain. Rido had never bitten me for this long before, and the pain began to grow intense.

"Rido--let--go--" Words could barely escape my mouth and my eyes became very heavy. Yet Rido still didn't stop. What is wrong with him? He should be satisfied, I gave him my blood mere weeks ago. Does he care if I'm in pain?

"Rido let her go!" I heard a faint voice exclaim.

The last thing I remember after that was someone gripping me from behind and taking me away from Rido. He put me in a bridal style position and I looked up slightly at his face, filled with rage and hate.


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