Chapter Sixty-Four: Fear

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The door opened and I noticed Ikuto was walking in with a solemn expression. I grew worried. Did his father say something to him? No, he'd be upset. Or am I wrong...?

"Ikuto, are you okay?" I asked. "Did your father say something to you?"

"We only had a small chat. It's fine," Ikuto said harshly. "I'm going to go grab your new uniform. Kaien should have it by now. I'll be right back."


Ikuto left almost as fast as he came back. I didn't have time to stop him. I sighed.

"I know Toga said something to him to make him upset," I said. "It seems he doesn't want to talk about it... I could help though."

"Do you want me to go talk to him?" Senri asked.

I looked over. "You don't have to do that. I'll just ask him later when he feels better."

"It's fine. This'll give you some alone time since you just woke up." Senri said as he smiled sweetly at me.

I felt myself blush slightly. "O-okay...."

Senri stood and instead of going towards the door he bent down and kissed me on the forehead. My eyes widened. Right after Senri left. I brought my hand up to my cheek and felt it burning. I grinned slightly. What Senri just did reminded me of that day so many years ago. A day filled with so much hardship but ended with such a great bonding moment between Senri and I.

**I have decided to change the kiss scene that was earlier on in the book to a kiss on the forehead. I will change it when I go through and edit but I just really wanted to add that in. XD**

Moments passed before my smile turned into a frown. My mind instantly went to that dream. I couldn't help it. It felt so real. All of the dreams I've had with Rido felt like that. It honestly scared me. I tried not to think of him, but when I didn't all I saw was Senri. It wasn't the Senri I knew and loved. It was Rido. I saw that evil grin, a look that looked despicable on my beloved friend. I hastily brought my hand to my throat. Just thinking about it made it hurt.

Just admit it. You want Senri's blood more than anything.

You're lying.

Am I?

The pain suddenly felt worse and I leaned forward a little. I even felt like crying.

Make it stop...

It will stop, Akane. Once you give in to your lust. Just accept it.

I won't...

Are you afraid of hurting the ones you love? That's okay. You are a vampire, you were born to do just that. One day the pain will become too much for you and whether you like it or not you will crave your hunger. All while hurting someone very close to you.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and land on the white sheets covering my legs. Was the voice right? Would I give in one day? I can't do that. I can't someone I love.

All of the pain went away when there was a knock on the door. I quickly wiped the tears away. Are they back already?

In walked my brother Kaname. I narrowed my eyes.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked harshly.

"I came to see if my sister was alright," he said. "I'm sorry that happened to you and Ikuto. It's nice to see your wounds are starting to heal. That's good."

I stayed silent before I suddenly remembered the stunt Kaname pulled the other day.

"Since you're here you might as well explain yourself," I said sternly.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I'm talking about what you told me the other night before you vanished without a trace. You said that brat isn't dead. Tell me where she is."

"So you did remember. If I told you, what would you do? Would you go after her?"

I stayed silent. Kaname caught me off guard.

If it really is Yuuki...the Yuuki I...cared for...I don't know what I'd do.

"Who do you think it is?"

I looked away and Kaname smiled. "You know exactly who."

I hissed. "Yuuki isn't really Kaien's daughter is she?" I glared at Kaname from the corner of my eye.

Kaname smiled slightly, making me curse under my breath. "Yuuki cares for you deeply. She doesn't remember anything about what happened before. She sees you as her friend."

I was left speechless once again until I thought of something.

"I know what's going to happen soon," I said with a sly grin. "She's going to remember everything. You're going to have to turn her back into a vampire otherwise she'll go crazy. You wouldn't want to lose your precious bride."

Kaname suddenly looked sad. "There is so much you don't know, Akane. I can't wait until the day you wake up." He paused for a second. "Now if you'll excuse me I must go and tend to the Night Class."

The door shut behind him and I hissed under my breath.

Asshole. You don't know anything.

A few seconds go by before I think about what happened before Kaname came to see me. I couldn't help it. I brought my hand over my heart and clenched my white dress.

I can't do that. I won't. I'd die before I'd suck someone's blood. If it ever comes to that I know I wouldn't be able to stop no matter how hard I tried...

I wrapped myself in my own embrace.

I'm a monster...

Senri's POV

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I caught up with Ikuto. "What happened?"

He paused and looked down at me. "Toga just told me some distasteful news."

My eyes widened slightly. "How bad are we talking?"

"I'll have to leave. I don't have a choice."

"What?! He shouldn't have that kind of control over you!"

"It's not him. It's the president. Apparently, he's requested me for a mission..." Ikuto's voice trailed off. "I can't refuse. Because I'm a vampire, he might think something is up if I don't go."

"How long would you be away?" I asked.

"I've been requested to help hunt down a group of Level E vampires so at least a week," he said. "I heard they're a tricky batch to catch."

I stayed silent as I looked away. If I heard that news I too would be just like Ikuto. I wouldn't want to leave Akane's side for that long, especially with someone like Rido coming after her.

"An order is an order," I murmured. "I'll be able to keep her safe for the week you're away. Rido shouldn't be able to pull any stunts. He can't wake up this soon."

Ikuto clenched his fists. "I trust you but I still have a bad feeling. I'm going to try my hardest to get back as soon as I can."

I patted Ikuto's shoulder. "It's going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to her. When do you have to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. I don't know how I'm going to tell Akane."

We continued to walk down the corridor towards Kaien's office.

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