Chapter Twenty-Nine: Protection

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I stood in place completely paralyzed, half in shock and half in...well...rage. Kaname had bitten me and I hadn't felt that kind of pain in nearly a decade, since Rido had bitten me. I hastily recollected my thoughts and began to struggle in my older brother's grasp.

"Let me go!" I exclaimed.

My vision suddenly turned blue and I hissed under my breath. Kaname was still draining me of my blood, which made me feel weak and nauseous.

Kaname released me from his grasp and backed away from my limp body. I held my blood stained neck as I felt like I was about to collapse on the spot. I looked at Kaname with eyes of blood lust.

Why the hell did Kaname do that? I hissed in my head. Unless...

"I'm sorry to pry on your thoughts, Akane," Kaname purred, wiping my blood from his lips, "I had to see your side of the story."

"You as--" I suddenly felt excruciating pain coursing through my body and I collapsed on the ground with a twisted face.

Damn it, I thought.

Why are you still holding back? The voice asked. I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind if you took just a little bite.

No! I thought hastily. I won't give in!

"Is that voice still speaking to you?" Kaname asked. "It is just trying to pester you. You don't have to listen to it, and I can tell you don't intend to."

"How the hell do you know that?!" I asked angerly, standing up shakily with my blood stained hand still over my neck.

"You wouldn't tell me what happened, and I needed to know what happened to you after you ran away from us," Kaname said sternly, "to go with that monster of an uncle."

"At the time he seemed better than Juuri, Haruka, you, and...oh right! Yuuki, wherever she is," I smirked, "but sadly the whole Kuran family seems corrupted. Looks like you can't trust family for anything nowadays."

My face suddenly became twisted but before Kaname could say another word the door flew open behind me and I turned wide eyed when I saw who entered.

"What the hell did you do to her, Kaname?!" Ikuto exclaimed angerly.

He must've smelled my blood, I thought, this isn't good.

"I just took a bit of her blood," Kaname said with a blank face, "I had to see her memories."

My vision turned back to its normal color, but when I tried to go towards Ikuto, to urge him to calm down, my legs gave out and I was about to collapse, but I was luckily caught by someone.

Senri, I thought.

I looked behind me and I saw Senri smiling one of his sweet smiles down upon me. I hadn't seen that type of reassuring smile on his face in a very long time, which soothed me.

"I can stand on my own," I said calmly, pulling Senri off of me, "thank you."

"What the hell did you want to know about Akane's past for?" Ikuto asked with rage in his voice.

"I have my reasons," Kaname said, "I'm glad she has two people who care for her this much. I'm especially surprised that you were lovers with Senri, gave your blood up for him, and took a human in with a monster like Rido in the household. Sadly I could tell that his fate was sealed, even if you hadn't left him alone in those words."

My eyes went wide when a memory flashed in my mind, a very painful memory. I saw the blood stained, weak, and motionless Ikuto crumbled on the ground as if he was nothing. He was in so much pain, all because of me. I clenched my fists and I actually felt like crying.

Does Ikuto blame me for that? I thought. No, I can't think that right now!

"Stop mocking me!" I exclaimed. "You had absolutely no right to do that to me, to pry into my business!"

I turned to leave when Kaname was suddenly before me. He bent down to my level and whispered something into my ear.

"I'm only doing this to help you," he cooed, "someday when you know the truth about all of this you will love me again, and you will say my name in my presence."

I backed away suddenly, "Like hell I would!"

I saw Ikuto sliding his hand into his jacket and my eyes went slightly wide.

"Lets go Ikuto," I said hastily, grabbing his wrist, "I don't want to spend another second in the presence of him."

Ikuto stayed still for a few moments before sighing slyly and turning away from Kaname, even though the look of hatred was still spread across his face. Senri, Ikuto, and I left Kaname's dorm without saying another word.

When the three of us got back to the dorm I sat down on the bed next to Senri and prepared for Ikuto's rage.

"Why the hell did he do that?" Ikuto asked.

"He wanted to pry into Akane's memories," Senri mumbled, "obviously."

"Why didn't you stop him?!" Ikuto exclaimed.

"Kaname is stronger than me! I'm sorry for that," I said shakily.

"Do you want to lay down?" Senri asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Your face looks flushed."

"I'm fine," I said, taking his hand into mine, "but I would feel better if Ikuto sat down and calmed down."

Ikuto looked at me with stern, but worried, eyes before sighing and sitting down on the other side of me

"We're just really worried about you," Ikuto said calmly, "we both know that if you lose too much blood--"

"Like I'd die from blood loss," I cooed, cutting Ikuto off, "I'm not that weak. I hope you both know that."

"You say very bold words," Senri said with a smile, "but even if you want that to be true, it might not."

"I know it's true," I said gently, "I won't die a weak death. I'll die protecting the ones I love, like you say you'll do for me."

"You're right, we will," Senri cooed.

I smiled and thought, If they intend to protect me then I'll do the same. No matter what the cost.

Will you be able to protect them from what's to come? The voice said deviously in my head. Even if it costs you your life?

I looked briefly at Senri and Ikuto before wrapping an arm around each of their necks, taking both of them by surprise.


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