Chapter Thirty-Three: Son

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I opened my eyes, looking up at a blank canvas. I sat up slowly and took a quick look around me. I was in a bed and the room I was in looked vaguely familiar, especially with the bright morning light cascading through the window.

I'm back in my dorm, I thought. I wonder how I got here...

I turned my head and saw Ikuto resting his head on the bed, sleeping soundly. I smiled, knowing that he was likely the one who brought me back to our dorm. I put my hand down on his short auburn locks. Seconds later his eyes opened and he looked at me with relief.

"You had me worried," Ikuto said, sitting up and rubbing his sleepy eyes. "You passed out for no reason."

"Sorry," I said.

Ikuto looked away before saying, "Well, at least your okay. That's all that matters."

I smiled once more before thinking about that dream I had. I closed my eyes and laid back down. When I opened them I raised my hand to my face and sighed heavily.

Why did it feel so real? I thought. Even though I was somehow looking down on my past self I had a feeling that I was experiencing everything. Or it was as if I already had...

I clenched my fist before turning to my side and resting my head on my hand. I said softly, "Have you calmed down?"

Ikuto looked at me with a hard look and said, "I guess but why the hell is he here in the first place? Is he trying to reconnect with me or something?"

I shook my head in disapproval, "I highly doubt that. To me it looked like Toga Yagari was completely oblivious to the fact that you were here."

"Hopefully it stays that way," Ikuto hissed.

"Well... correct me if I'm wrong but he now knows you're here. Who knows if he'll try to talk with you." I paused for a second before leaping out of the bed and smirking. "I'm going to go get some answers."

"You're going to do what?!" Ikuto exclaimed, standing up suddenly.

"I want to hear what your father has to say. I've already heard your side of the story, so I feel it is necessary to hear his."

"I'm coming with you," Ikuto said sternly. "What if he tries--"

"I highly doubt that," I said, cutting Ikuto off suddenly. "That would go against the laws. He wouldn't do anything to a Pureblood, unless he wished to be punished."

Ikuto didn't say another word. However, I could still see the doubt in his eyes.

I sighed, "Listen, if I'm not back by nightfall you can come find me. Trust me. I can take care of myself."

I knew what Ikuto was thinking, what he was always thinking. He had doubt that I could do certain things alone. It's not that he thought I was child, he was just worried for my well-being. I respected that, but I also wanted to let him know, in some way, that I could manage on my own. He was just worried that something could pop out of the shadows at any moment, and that I could be hurt.

I won't ever let that happen.

I walked past Ikuto and shut the door behind me. When I exited the Moon Dorms I didn't know exactly where to look but I knew what smell to track, the bitter smell of cigarettes.

Since the sun was just starting to rise I had a guess that Toga Yagari would still be in the main building. Luckily my suspicions were correct and I caught him just as he was leaving.

"Mr. Yagari, we need to talk," I said sternly.

I didn't even flinch when Toga turned and glared down at me. I glared back at him and thought, Well at least I know where he gets his death glare from.

"What do you want?" he asked. "I'm kind of busy at the moment."

"I'm sure you can take time out of your busy schedule to talk about something that just recently came into light."

Toga looked away for a moment before saying, "I know exactly what this is about. You want answers, even though I'm sure Ikuto already told you his side of the story."

"Well, yes," I said cautiously. "However, I think it's important to know both sides before... "choosing" one. So will you talk to me or not?"

Toga studied my straight face for a moment before saying, "Let's go to the rooftop."

I couldn't help but grin. When we got to the rooftop the wind blew fiercely, making my dark curly locks whip in my face. When we got to the railing, that was overlooking the sunrise, he asked, "What exactly did Ikuto tell you?"

"That he hates you basically," I said. "He said that all you did was make him train to be a Vampire Hunter. Why would you do that? Was that your only reason for adopting a son?"

"Ikuto wasn't adopted," Toga said sternly. "He is my biological son."

Ikuto said he was an orphan, I thought. But I can see why he lied.

"Ikuto was supposedly destined for greatness," Toga said. "After all, he was supposed to be born a twin."

My eyes instantly went wide. Ikuto never told me he was a twin born into a Vampire Hunter family! Then again he did tell me he was adopted, which could be why he left out that detail.

To those of you who don't know, being born a twin in a Vampire Hunter family is very special. It means that you are destined to become a legendary Vampire Hunter, and I guess that somewhat explains why Toga was training Ikuto so hard. [Don't think I'm saying it was right, it definitely was not.] While still in the mothers womb one twin devours the other, making the surviving one very strong.

"Ikuto's mother died giving birth to him," Toga murmured sadly. "She was the one who chose his name."

That's actually kind of sad, I thought.

"What about you?" Toga asked. "What are you to Ikuto?"

I lowered my head and said quietly, "I was the first person there for Ikuto when he ran away."

"He ran away from me, even though I told him that the forest was overrun by Level E vampires. I looked for him, and when I saw blood on the forest floor I thought he died. I grieved and then began to teach students, which is how I lost my right eye.

"How did you lose it?" I asked.

"Protecting my student, Zero Kiryu."

"Wait, you taught--" I got cut off when Toga suddenly turned and began to walk away from me.

"Ask him yourself," he said sternly. He paused, turned to me, and said, "Also, tell my son that I said I'm sorry."

Before I could respond Toga left.

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