Chapter Seventy-Six: Goodbye

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I sat on my balcony window looking out at the outside of the dormitories. My room was facing the gates, so as the Night Class passed by to head to class I had the perfect view of them. I saw all the Aristocrats, yet Kaname was no where to be seen.

I saw Rido look up at me and grin slyly. I quickly looked away and stood up, getting out of his sight.

I don't want to do this.

I clenched my fist over my heart as I gritted my teeth. The thought of doing what I was going to do was just so distasteful. I wished there was a way out of that scenario, yet there wasn't.

I didn't need anything where I was going. I simply made sure that the letter was set neatly on Ikuto's desk before I waited. I waited for when the time was right to go meet Rido.

The only positive that I could even think of was the fact that I'd be able to see Senri again. I'd be able to laugh with him, confide in him, see his bright smile....

That was the only thing keeping me from giving up completely.

A knock suddenly erupted on the door. I tensed up for a brief moment before I sensed the aura of a Pureblood on the other side.

"Akane," a voice said hesitantly. "Are you okay?"

"Yuuki...." I murmured. "Come in."

When the door opened I saw my sister adorning Day Class attire. It honestly took me off guard for a moment. She had awakened yet was still in the Day Class?

"I decided to stay in the Day Class," she said as though she knew exactly what I was thinking. "You understand, right?"

I nodded. "It's your choice, Yuuki. You always were a great Guardian. Is Kaname okay with your choice?"

She averted her vision. "Well.... he doesn't quite know yet. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

I smiled slightly. "Hmm.... maybe. He is protective after all."

My sister sighed. "Well, it's not like I'd be in any danger. All we ever really dealt with was Day Class students sneaking out after curfew and the occasional Level E. Besides, I can take care of myself I have—"

Yuuki bent down to grab her rod, Artemis, from under her skirt. However, the second her fingers touched the cool metal blue sparks flew into the air. She yelped in pain.

I stood abruptly and cupped my hands over her bruised one. Her fingertips were only slightly burnt from making contact with her weapon. Within seconds, however, the bruises disappeared.

"My weapon still rejects me...." she muttered to herself.

"You've only just been awakened, Yuuki," I said as I let my hands drop to my sides. "Maybe as time goes on you'll be able to wield Artemis once more. After all, mother had that ability. It wouldn't be a surprise if you could too. After some time of course."

I felt my hand lightly graze the bracelet Kaname gave me. Maybe if I became stronger one day I'd be able to wield it. However, it didn't seem at all likely.

I could never make those kind of sacrifices just for power.

Her eyes narrowed. "Our mother.... I can't remember much about her." She looked up at me. "What was she like?"

That's right. Yuuki was only five years old if I recall when the Kuran Manor was attacked. She probably wouldn't remember much about our parents; yet it's not like I'd remember much either. At least the true memories with them.

I wrapped my arms around Yuuki and pulled her close as I forced a smile across my face.

"They loved their children very much," I cooed. "They always looked out for us."

I wished I could remember everything that truly happened with Juuri and Haruka. All of the happy memories, no more false ones. I didn't even know if I ever would. I'd probably always be reminded in someway of those hurtful times. I could only hope they wouldn't overshadow the joyful times I spent with them.

"Yeah...." Yuuki mumbled. "They really did, didn't they?"

A knock erupted on the door. Yuuki and I looked over to see our brother standing in the doorway with a small smile across his face.

"I should've guessed you'd come to see Akane, Yuuki." Kaname glanced my way. "How come you didn't go down with the rest of the Night Class?"

"I'm not feeling too well." I lied.

"Why didn't you just say that? We can leave so you can rest. C'mon, Kaname-nii-san."

I took a step forward. "Wai—"

Yuuki practically dragged Kaname out of the room but it's not like he resisted. We locked eyes for mere moments before they both vanished from view.

I just wanted them to stay a little longer.

I closed the door before leaning against it.

I sighed. "Goodbye."


About an hour later I began to slowly walk towards the main gates. I tried not to think about any of it...

How could I not?

I couldn't stop wondering what was going to happen after I saved Senri. We'd be cornered. I didn't even know what I had to do to save him. How exactly to rescue Senri by awakening Rido. The kind of sacrifice I had to make, if one at all.

I saw him there leaning against the stone structure with his head bowed. He glanced up after sensing my presence and the moment he saw me a grin was plastered on his face.

"Ready to go?"

I didn't respond. I just simply nodded and walked past him towards the exit. He followed behind.

A black car was parked out front. Inside the driver seemed to have the aura of an Aristocrat. Another one of Rido's minions he could easily dispose of later I presumed.

The driver got out and opened the side door for me. I nodded slightly to show my thanks before stepping into the vehicle. Rido appeared on other side of me within moments.

"Lets go then, shall we?"

The car started to pull away from the academy. I stared out the window, lost in my own thoughts. That was until I heard a slight chuckle escape Rido's lips.

"I've been thinking...." His voice trailed off as he gazed at me, making goosebumps travel up my spine. "You haven't been back to the manor in so long, right?"

I didn't say a word. I heard the shuffle of Rido moving closer to me before moments later his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Don't you remember all the fun times you had?" he asked. "You even met Senri and Ikuto there, your best friends."

I kept my mouth shut.

"Why are you being so quiet? Is it because you've been told of all the horrible things I've done to you?" He laughed. "You really are silly for believing in those no good Kurans."

"You can't feed me anymore lies, Rido," I said sternly as my hands tightened into fists.

Who is the liar here, Akane?

My eyes narrowed.

"How can I be lying to you when I'm just telling you the truth?" He leaned in towards my ear and began to whisper. "You've only been mislead, my dear daughter—"

"Don't call me that."

My body tensed up mere seconds after spewing those words without a second thought. Rido grinned.

"So harsh....but I don't mind. After all, soon I'll get exactly what I want."

I felt his fingertips lightly graze my neck. I felt myself shiver.

"Don't be scared, Akane. After all, you'll get the one you love back," he cooed. "Isn't that what you want?"

I closed my eyes.

More than anything....

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