Chapter Fifty-Two: Friend

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It was a few minutes before I felt well enough to stand on my own two feet. I was still a bit lightheaded but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

"We have to go find Yuuki," I rasped. "Shizuka might—"

Senri stood and supported my shaking body. The doors suddenly barged open and in walked my brother with a blank expression.

I scowled.

¨How are you feeling?" he asked sweetly.
I narrowed my vision and Kaname just smiled. He took a few steps forward before stopping right in front of me.

"I wanted to give you something—"

I cut my brother off right then and there as my expression became twisted.

"I don't want anything from you!" I exclaimed harshly, stumbling sideways a little as an aftermath of my sudden outburst.

"Careful," Senri muttered.

Kaname reached into the pocket on his jacket and pulled out his cupped hand. He grabbed my wrist and set the unknown object in my palm, before wrapping my fingers around it seconds later. I just stood there, on edge of course, but also in slight awe.

"I'm not asking you to trust me," my brother said kindly. "But please use this to protect yourself."

"What—" Before I could ask anything my brother disappeared from sight. I was quite surprised that I was alarmed by his sudden dismissal.To be honest, I was curious.

I looked down upon my wrist for a moment. What did he want to give me? I opened my hand to see.

"A bracelet?" I mumbled in disapproval. I picked the bracelet up with my other hand and let it dangle between my fingertips. "How would this—"

A sudden flash of light suddenly emitted from the jewelry, blinding me for a short second. When I opened my eyes my expression widened as I was now holding a long katana, with a white strip of tattered cloth going from the handle up the blade.

I was in shock for only a few mere moments. He gave me a weapon? I instantaneously saw blue sparks start to emit from where my hand was clasped around it, making me drop the sword from the sudden pain I was experiencing.

"Gah!" I exclaimed, looking down at my bruised hand seconds later. "God damnit! Why the hell would he give me a Vampire Hunter weapon?!"

"Well, your blood line are known for being the only vampires able to wield such weapons," Senri said as he stepped into my line of vision. "Your....mother in particular. Maybe you inherited that trait?"

"I doubt that," I said. "The katana instantly rejected me. He's such a dumbass. Besides, I don't even know how to fight. What good would I do?"

The sword reverted back to its former state and I picked it up, looping it around my wrist. The once bright katana was now a silver chained bracelet, with a blood red rose connecting the ends.

Maybe he knew I was going to go save Yuuki, I thought.

"Let's go, Senri," I said. "We need to find Ikuto. Hopefully he found her..."

We dashed out of the classroom side-by-side, ready for whatever battle came next.

Yuuki's POV

I opened my heavy eyes and sat up slowly, unsure of where I was. I looked around wearily before my eyes landed on Shizuka, holding a white fan up to cover half of her face while she looked longingly out of a window.

She turned in my direction seconds later and I instantly cowered. I didn't have Artemis with me, but it's not like I could do anything even if I wanted to. The vampire before me was Shizuka Hio, a Pureblood.

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