Chapter Fifteen: Kuran

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I slowly opened my eyes as I felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked over to see Ikuto with a shocked look on his face. I shook my head to get rid of the drowsiness before I finally sat up.

"What's wrong?" I asked shakily.

"You need to see this!" Ikuto exclaimed. I felt Ikuto's hand grasp my wrist and he helped me stand. I didn't even have time to balance before Ikuto pulled me along through countless trees. I was so confused, Ikuto had never been this pushy before. But I still stayed silent, wanting to see what had made Ikuto like this.

But when Ikuto stopped I turned wide eyed. I saw two people, no, three. Two were standing side by side and looked disgusted at the person mere feet from them. I didn't say a word, nor did I move. It was as if I was paralyzed. I hadn't seen those two people in five and a half years. They looked the same, and even more the same with the faces they had towards the third man before them.

"You bastard!" The woman screeched. "Your coming after my child again!"

Right then and there a fourth person appeared. He looked the same as well. But taller and, I hate to say it, handsomer. He didn't look frightened by who was before them, he looked more worried.

"Mother what do we do?!" The boy exclaimed.

The woman bent down to the younger boy and whispered something in his ear before standing back up and entering the manor. The man then took up a katana and pointed it at the man before them.

"Kaname stay behind me!" He yelled.

That word pierced my ears, Kaname. That name...I hadn't heard it ever since I ran away. That voice that called it, Haruka's voice, didn't sound disgusted. More like worried. I began to shake and I fell to my knees. Ikuto bent down to my level and took my shaking hand, holding it in his.

"What's wrong Akane?" Ikuto asked worried.

It took a few moments before I responded. But I didn't reply calmly. Instead I hissed, "It's a long story," before I stood back up to witness Haruka being stabbed in the heart with the same katana used against my uncle, their enemy. He instantly fell to his knees, said something to Kaname, and then turned into blue ash. My eyes became widened and I lowered my head as a smile appeared on my face. Why was I so happy? After seeing my father perish why am I smiling, close to breaking out in laughter?

Because he deserved it, I thought deviously.

"Ikuto I think we've seen enough," I purred. "Let my uncle finish the job."

"What?" Ikuto asked as I pulled him along. "What do you mean?"

I paused and sighed, "I guess I can tell you now. You see Rido isn't my father, he's my uncle. Juuri and Haruka are my parents, and they were quite bad ones as well. Always treating me like a monster because of my eyes... I am so glad I ran away from that damned place!"

Ikuto stayed silent after that. I looked at him and saw his face was surprised and because my mind was clouded at that moment I decided to read his mind. He was surprised to find out that I was a princess, not just a normal Pureblood. The Kuran Clan are the leaders of the vampire race after all, and I was a royal who ran away from home.

I let go of Ikuto's wrist and purred, "Do you need some time to think this over? I'm just going to visit an old friend." Ikuto still didn't respond. So I sighed and walked hastily away from Ikuto, leaving him alone in the coldness. Looking back on it now I can't believe I did that, why?

Because that decision cursed his fate.


It seemed like hours since I left Ikuto. I was now in a field, covered in white as if it was a blank canvas. To be honest the sight was beautiful, but also very dark. The moon was invisible in the cloudy sky. Showing no light at this dark time. I suddenly saw someone rushing through the field in a hussle. He had a long light blue jacket on and the second he saw me he stopped in his tracks, looking wide eyed at me.

"Who's there?" He asked sternly.

I stayed silent, not wanting to say a word to him. The last words he told me were that he loved me. But from what happened later that night that wasn’t the case. He accepted being betrothed to her, not me. To me, that was the worst kind of betrayal.

“Hello Kaname,” I finally said with disgust in my voice. “Miss me?”

“I asked who you were!” Kaname exclaimed once more.

“Aww, so you don’t remember me after all,” I purred deviously. “That’s such a shame, onii-chan.”

As I placed a grin on my face I brought my hands to my hood and revealed my face, who I was. The instant I lifted my head and showed Kaname my crimson eyes his eyes went wide with shock.

“A-Akane!” He exclaimed. “You’re alive!”

“Of course I am idiot,” I hissed. “I just thought you didn’t care.”

“Of course I was! I thought you were dead! Along with Mother and---” I became enraged at Kaname’s words. It could be understandable if he thought I was dead, along with Juuri and Haruka. But the thought of Juuri and Haruka caring about what happened to me? No, not in a billion years. I cut Kaname off of course, taking him by surprise.

“Those Pureblood’s never cared for me!” I exclaimed in rage. “Why would they care if I was dead?!”

“W-what do you--”

“That is why I ran away of course,” I chuckled. “To get away from the torment they were putting me through.”

Before Kaname had the chance to respond a scream could he heard from the distance. Kaname looked away from me hastily before exclaiming, “Yuuki!” I turned wide eyed by what he said. Yuuki... who is this “Yuuki?” But then it hit me, it’s the name of someone Kaname cares about if he were to be acting this way.

My little sister.

“Yuuki,” I purred sweetly. “What a pretty name. Meaning gentle princess. While I was named after my blood red eyes!”

I turned around, getting ready to leave Kaname all alone. But then I heard the crunching of snow, and I knew Kaname was coming close to me. So I turned around sharply to see him inches from my face while I had an expression of hate.

“The smell of blood will soon fill the air,” I hissed. “What will it be, Kaname? Me or your beloved little sister?”

I stood in place for a few more moments before Kaname ran away from me, to save Yuuki. A twisted expression came onto my face as I squeezed my hands into fists and walked sharply back into the woods. But then I remembered something, Ikuto. I left him all alone in these woods!

I hoped nothing would happen to him, but that hope was in vain.

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