Authors Note

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Hey guys, Lydia here. So a thought just recently crossed my mind and I wanted to share it with all of you. I was going to make a final decision on my own, but I instead wanted you guys to tell me your opinion on the topic.

Should I change the scene where Senri and Akane kissed?

I wanted them to have a close relationship since the very beginning; however, I don't feel totally comfortable with them being lovers at the age of eight and seven [if I recall]. The timeline I was going with wasn't going to work out with them being older when that happened, which I hated but I went along with it.

A few comments made on the chapter about the kiss got me thinking. They weren't bad comments, and they didn't offend me or my writing in any way, but it did open up my mind to this question.

I want to know what you guys think; should I keep the kiss scene, or should I make it a different type of scene? If I were to change it, I already have an idea in mind. However, I totally wouldn't mind if any of you had ideas you wished to share.

Also if I were to change it I would do so after I completed this book. I don't even think that I'm halfway through yet, or maybe I'm almost there. So I will also keep this authors note up until that point as well, so all the new readers can voice their opinion as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Just because I might or might not take out that kiss scene, doesn't mean that the Senri x Akane ship is dead, just so all you shippers out there know. :)

Thank you all for your support and I hope to see your options soon.

Good night.


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