Chapter Sixty-One: Sacrifice

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As I readied to strike Sebastian I felt my hand instantly start to shake. I wouldn't be able to wield this weapon for long, so I'd have to make the most of the time I had. I extended my arm to strike, but my blow was quickly dodged.

"Didn't you hear? You should've left when you had the chance," Sebastian said with a grin.

Sebastian targeted me once more but didn't have the chance to harm me. Ikuto yelled my name, telling me duck. He shot countless times from his pistols at Sebastian but each one of them was blocked or dodged. Ikuto rushed to my side.

"I told you to leave!" he exclaimed. "Why--"

"Last time I left you...." I mumbled. "You lost your life as a human."

Ikuto's eyes widened and he looked away. "That wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself for everything that has happened..."

"I can't," I said. "Which is why I have to fight."

I turned to Ikuto.

"Please....go get Senri. I can hold my own for a little while...."


Sebastian's chuckle could be heard in front of us. "If she wants to fight just let her. What's the point in arguing? This'll be fun!"

Sebastian rushed at me, making me collide with a nearby tree as I blocked his blow. My hand was shaking violently and I had to hold the katana with both hands to stabilize it.

"Go!" I yelled.

Despite his wishes, Ikuto rushed away. I smiled and used all of my strength to get Sebastian off of me.

"You've gotten so brave but it's gonna cost you." Sebastian looked down at my katana and the blue sparks that emitted from it. "What are you gonna do when it rejects you completely?"

"I won't give up," I hissed as I tightened my grip on my weapon. "I'm tired of others fighting for me. It's all...." I glared at Sebastian. "It's all your fault!"

I dashed forward hastily, taking Sebastian off guard. I didn't hit him but he was definitely surprised by my sudden action.

He chuckled. "I've never seen you so enraged before, Lady Akane! How long have you been keeping it all bottled up?"

"Shut up!" I screamed.

"Or is it something else?"

"I don't need to explain myself to you!"

Blinded by rage and hatred I attacked Sebastian uncontrollably. Just seeing him again reminded me of everything I had been through, everything I was still going through. How imprisoned I was.

I hated it.

I wanted all the pain to go away.

Whenever I closed my eyes I saw him there, sending a sly smile down at me. He was satisfied with my suffering, my unending suffering. Even when I thought I was okay, that I had people who cared, they were taken away from me in an instant and I was left alone, again.

Sebastian lifted his hand and the winds suddenly shifted. It suddenly became hard to breathe and I fell on my knees.

"Just give up, Akane," Sebastian said. "I can manipulate the air as I please and I can easily render you powerless."

I shakily stood up and rasped, "I've always been powerless."

Sebastian grinned and I was suddenly lifted into the air, looking down at the ground beneath me. Sebastian jumped towards me and the intent to injure me was clear. He kicked me down and I collided with the floor. My grip on my katana softened and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't grasp it again.

Damn it....

Despite my body being sore I stood quickly and looked down at my hand, which was bruised severely and shaking. Before I could grab the katana with my free hand Sebastian appeared before me and punched me in the jaw, making my vision blurry. I was kicked in the stomach and was back on the floor before my vision returned, although this time a hand was wrapped around my throat.

"The world has no need for powerless people," Sebastian said.

He tightened his grip on my throat and I struggled to breathe.

"Kill me, I dare you," I said between breaths. "What would Rido say?"

Sebastian chuckled. "You are nothing more than his pet. One of many--"

Gunshots rang in the air and pierced Sebastian's chest. He looked shocked for a brief moment before he turned to the Vampire Hunter standing before him. I didn't see Senri through my narrowed eyes. Instead, I saw Ikuto and Zero pointing their weapons at the Aristocrat.

"Make one move and you'll be ash," Ikuto hissed under his breath.

Sebastian stood and turned away from me. He directed all of his attention towards Ikuto and Zero and while he was occupied I tried to discretely grab my katana.

I suddenly saw a hand grab it.

"This isn't a very fair fight," Sebastian pouted. "How about this...."

I didn't have the chance to do anything. With the katana he just took he stabbed me in the lower part of my abdomen and I screamed. He stabbed me with a Vampire Hunters weapon and the pain was worse than I could ever have imagined. Ikuto's face turned twisted and he dashed towards the Aristocrat carelessly. He was blinded by rage and he couldn't block Sebastian's attack in time and he was stabbed right below his chest, making him spit up blood.

"You're so careless--" More gunshots rang in the air and each bullet pierced Sebastian fatally. He fell onto the ground before he inevitably turned to ash. Zero lowered his weapon as smoke came out of the barrel of Bloody Rose.

"No...!" I rasped as I saw Ikuto collapse on the ground.

I noticed the sword still pierced in me and I forcefully grabbed it and ripped it out, throwing it across the floor in the process despite the horrible pain. I crawled over to Ikuto and held him in my lap.

"Zero....please....get help...."

Tears fell from my eyes and Zero didn't hesitate to rush off. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that what just happened wasn't real. I suddenly felt a hand on my cheek and opened them to see Ikuto smiling at me.

"Please, don't cry. I was careless. This is my fault."

"It's my fault--!" I exclaimed as I suddenly felt a piercing pain from where I was stabbed. "You'll die!"

"At least you're okay."

I was speechless but only for a few moments. I had an idea....but it'd cost me.

"You won't die...." My voice trailed off. "I won't let you...."

I looked around and grabbed the sword used to harm my friend. I brought it closer to my neck before lightly grazing it, making blood flow from the open cut. I noticed Ikuto's eyes turn red lustered and I cradled his body closer to me and brought his head closer to my neck.

"I can't--"

"Please..." I murmured. "I don't want to lose you again. I can't lose you again."

Ikuto hissed under his breath as he tried to control his instincts, before he inevitably gave in. I was suddenly pinned to the floor and I was unfazed by this, even when he licked my neck.

"I won't let you die," I mumbled to myself.

No matter what happens to me.

Ikuto's fangs pierced my neck and a sudden sensation came over me. I could hear my blood rushing out of my body as I began to grow more tired and weak.

This is okay.

A few, yet long, moments passed by before Ikuto released his fangs from my neck. I saw tears flowing from his eyes. I caressed his cheek with a reassuring smile.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. You'll be okay now...."

I slowly felt myself slipping into unconsciousness. Before I fully succumbed to it a voice echoed in my head, a voice I knew all too well.

Did you miss me?

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