Chapter Seventy-Five: Pathetic

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I spent the rest of the night in a daze. I thought about what I could do to save Senri and even what Rido told me before he left me in disbelief.

He had to be lying. All my life he had toyed with me. What would stop him from toying with me now?

He said he was my father....but Haruka was. Juuri was my mother. Kaname was my older brother. Yuuki was my younger sister.

However, it made sense. As much as I didn't want to believe it, it did.

My looks reflected those of Rido Kuran. My dark midnight black hair, my blood-red eyes.... my bloodlust....

I even had Rido's curse.

I called it a curse because what else would it be? No other Pureblood alive had had such a strong urge for blood like my....father. All he desired was the blood of the Kuran Clan, his family, but more specifically the blood of someone he deeply cared about. Such as my mother, Juuri.

What would happen to me if I tasted it?

I clenched my teeth.

If I gave in I would surely become just like him. I would only want blood. I wouldn't care who I hurt. I would be out of control; just like that night so long ago. The night that I just wanted to permanently erase from my memory.

In that moment, I thought of Senri.



My eyes narrowed.

You're finally putting it all together, Akane. You know exactly what you want.

I don't want that.

You know you do.

I felt my throat become dry.

"I need to save him," I mumbled to myself as I clenched my fists. "No matter what I have to do...."

It didn't matter. Even if he was my biological father, he never acted that way. He only abused me. He never truly treated me as his daughter.

However, in order to get Senri back I had to play his game. I had to awaken him. If I said no then without a doubt Senri would perish.

I couldn't let that happen.

I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I smiled.

"Ri-chan, I'm going to save you."


I decided to skip class the next night. I took a stroll around the campus instead. The Guardians wouldn't be out tonight anyway. Yuuki was under the watchful eye of my brother and Zero....was dealing with other things.

I came upon the Swan Fountain after some time. I never really paid no mind to it. Once I took a good look at it, however, I noticed it really was a beautiful sculpture.

I cupped my hands under the soothing liquid coming out of the swan's beak before I felt a sudden presence behind me. My hands started to shake as I brought them to my sides.

"You were expecting me, weren't you?" a voice cooed as it stepped closer to me.

"I'm alone, so why wouldn't you come for me?" I said in a monotone voice. "I know exactly what you're here for, Rido."

He chuckled. "I'm guessing you've made a decision, Akane. Not that I even gave you a choice anyway...."

I made eye contact with him but looked away seconds later. I would've never gotten used to seeing Senri in that state. It made me sick.

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