Chapter Thirty-Two: Happy Memory

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A few days had passed since Takuma's birthday party and it had been pretty normal since then. Ikuto still hadn't told me why he got so angry that night, but I'm not making such a huge fuss about it.

I sat on the bed and held my head in pain. Out of know where I suddenly got a searing headache that wouldn't cease. Ikuto came out of the bathroom with his uniform on and he looked over at me with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I said hastily, looking up at Ikuto with a strained smile.

I stood and walked over to Ikuto. My head still hurt horribly but at that point I was trying my best to just shrug it off. I tied his crimson tie and we both proceeded towards the door. When we got down to the first floor Kaname said he had an announcement to make.

"We'll be having a new teacher from now on," he said.

That's it? I thought. Some announcement.

We left the Moon Dorms soon after. When we got to the classroom the teacher wasn't there, so everyone started their own little conversations and lounged around. I set my head down on my hand and tried to forget how much my head was throbbing, but it only grew more and more difficult to do so since the pain kept growing more and more intense.

I lifted my head when the teacher suddenly walked in. He looked vaguely familiar, but since some of my thoughts weren't together I couldn't pinpoint why he looked that way to me. After seeing him walk over to his desk it suddenly hit me, he was the same man from a few nights ago.

"My name is Toga Yagari," he said with a low, monotone voice. "I'm your new teacher."

At that very moment I heard Ikuto hiss, stand, and leave the room without a second to spare. I stayed in my seat as I turned wide eyed by his sudden action.

I stood suddenly and left through the same door as Ikuto. I leaned against the wall and kneeled as I breathed heavily.

I have to find Ikuto, I thought hastily, even if I'm in this much pain.

I stood slowly and ran down the hall. Within minutes I caught up with Ikuto. When I grabbed his wrist, to stop him, he looked at me with such cold and hateful eyes.

"Ikuto," I heaved, "I know why you're so mad. That man is your father, isn't he?"

Ikuto stayed silent for a few seconds before saying harshly, "That bastard was never my father."

I know exactly how Ikuto feels, I thought. I hate my father as well.

"Do you think he--" I was suddenly cut off when a sound erupted behind us. I turned my head and saw a girl in black attire jump out of the bushes.

"Oh, I thought that you were Day Class students!" Yuuki exclaimed, scratching the back of her head. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Yuuki," I said with a smile. "How's Zero doing?"

Yuuki looked down and said, "So you do know what happened... I don't know where he is right now. After he attacked me he was taken away."

"Maybe it was just so he could calm down," I said. "You'll see him again soon."

"I hope so," Yuuki said sadly. "I'm going to go ask Mr. Yagari if he knows where Zero is."

"Okay," I said with a smile.

Yuuki ran off, leaving Ikuto and I alone. Ikuto began to walk away from me, clearly still enraged. I leaped for his shoulder, but my legs suddenly gave out under me. Ikuto turned and caught me.

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