Chapter Twenty-Eight: Concern

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When I got back to the Moon Dorms everyone wasn't very rowdy, but I did hear a few murmurs here and there regarding the smell that I'm sure everyone smelt. I went to my dorm with Ikuto and Senri, who instantly began to ask me questions to make sure I was alright.

"Akane, we smelled blood soon after you left. Was that you?" Senri asked with concern in his voice.

I shook my head hastily, "No! I-It was Yuuki. She got attacked by Zero after he lost control."

"That sucks," Ikuto mumbled, "is Yuuki alright?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah. Kaname is with her right now."

Ikuto chuckled a little under his breath, "That's the first time I've heard you say your brothers name aloud. Are you warming up to him?"

I punched Ikuto in his upper arm and hissed, "Like hell I am!"

"Akane," Senri mumbled, "why is there blood on your arm?"

My eyes went wide as I looked down at my left arm and saw dried blood all over it, even though the bite marks were gone.

Shoot! I exclaimed in my head. I forgot to clean my arm!

"Who bit you?" Ikuto asked sternly, forcefully grabbing my wrist. "Zero?"

I cowered before saying sheepishly, "Y-Yes. But he only bit me for a second! Yuuki lost enough blood and Zero was still consumed by hunger so..." My voice began to trail off and Ikuto sighed as he let go of me.

"You have lost a lot of blood as well, Akane, too much to be exact. You need to be careful," he said calmly, "if you lose too much blood you could perish."

I grinned slyly, "I survived all those other times, haven't I?"

"Barely," Senri said, "luckily we found out Rido was doing that to you when we did or you'd be a pile of ash, gone with the wind, by now."

"But I'm not," I said slowly, "I feel completely fine."

"Only because Rido went to rest," Ikuto hissed, "that gave you time to gain a little more strength and regain control of your legs but  that's it! You still don't have all the Pureblood powers you're suppose to have."

I looked down at my clenched hands and quivered my lips. I wasn't going to cry, I just felt like doing so. They are so concerned for me, even though I am totally fine and haven't asked them to feel that way. I have recovered a lot but still...

That's a lie, the voice cooed in my head, there are so many things that are wrong with you.

Shut up, I thought, I won't listen to someone who isn't real.

"Please," I whispered, "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

A few moments of silence occurred before I heard a knock on the door and Takuma emerged.

"Hello you three!" He exclaimed happily. "Lord Kaname would like to talk to Akane privately for a few moments."

Takuma left right after his announcement, leaving Senri, Ikuto, and I in silence.

I wonder what he wants, I thought.

"Well, are you going to go, Akane?" Ikuto asked, crossing his arms and looking at me.

I sighed, "I guess. I'll only be a minute so you two rest here until I get back."

"Okay," Senri said.

I stood and exited the room. When I got to Kaname's dorm the door opened instantly, and I proceeded hesitantly.

"What do you want?" I asked angerly.

"Come and sit down," Kaname purred, patting his hand down on an open spot on his love seat.

I crossed my arms and hissed, "I'm fine right here."

Kaname looked down and smiled slyly, obviously amused by something I did.

"You really are a pain," he cooed, suddenly looking back up at me with stern eyes, "all I want to do is grow closer to my beloved little sister, yet all she does is continue to push me away."

In the blink of an eye Kaname was before me, putting his hands into mine. My eyes went wide when he suddenly spoke.

"Why do you insist on being cruel to a member of your family, but you have such a strong bond with Senri and Ikuto?"

I forced my hands out of Kaname's grasp and looked at him with a twisted look on my face.

"How the hell do you--" I got cut off when Kaname suddenly spoke once more.

"It's quite obvious that you three share a special bond. I just wish I could be a part of it."

"You'll never be close to me!" I exclaimed, backing quickly away from Kaname. "Not after what you did!"

"What did I do, Akane?" Kaname asked sternly. "All I remember is my dearest little sister running away for absolutely no reason at all."

"You know damn well what you did," I hissed.

"What ever do you mean?" Kaname asked. "You keep saying that I did something, but what did I do?"

"I can't believe you forgot," I grinned, "I thought that it would traumatize you."

"It did. Seeing my little sister run away before my eyes," Kaname paused for a few moments before forcing his arms around me, "may I see what I can't?"

Before I could react I felt Kaname's breathing on my neck.


I felt something enter my neck.

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