Chapter Six: The Kiss

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My breathing became heavy as I paced down the hallway screaming Senri's name. I lost sight of Senri pretty fast, because of my blurry eyes and dizziness taking me off of course. I began to think it was pointless, I would never catch up to him. Was he going to his room? I had no idea. I slowed down, closed my eyes, and leaned against the wall. Taking a breather for a moment.

My eyes fluttered open and I thought, Why does Senri have to be so stubborn about this? It isn't his fault that Rido-- I placed my hand on the side of my neck that was covered in blood. --made him bite me.

That very moment I turned my head in response to a weeping sound coming from down the hallway. I detached myself from the wall and tiptoed in silence. When I came to the corner I looked down and saw Senri there, clutching the black rabbit I got him while crying.

It pained me to see Ri-chan like this. He looked so broken, all because Rido decided to punish us both. I took a seat next to Senri and placed my arm around him, a look of shock crossed his face.

"It's ok, Ri-chan," I cooed into his ear. "Everything is fine."

I caressed Senri's cheek as he looked into my worried brown eyes. He sniffled once more before taking my hand off of his cheek and clutching it. A moment of silence occurred, taking me a little bit by surprise. Senri looked down, and placed his other hand on my blood stained neck, resulting in his hand being covered in red.

"But you're not," Senri cooed. "I know you can still feel the pain. He made me bite you hard."

I looked down and thought for a moment. I did still feel a little stinging, I did feel lightheadedness, but that pain was nothing. The real pain was seeing my friend like this. Senri took note of my action and did a sly smile at me. He began to get up, attempting to leave me alone.

"Senri," I said. "Wait!"

Before Senri could get up all the way I forcefully grabbed his arm and pulled him down towards me. Before he could argue with me I placed my lips against his, taking him by surprise.

Senri sits back down and savored the moment. He kissed me back and was the first to let go. We looked into each others eyes, smiling slyly.

"I told you everything is fine," I cooed, caressing Senri's cheek. "Now will you stop being so stubborn?"

Looking down and blushing Senri nodded his head. He stood and reached his hand down to me. "Let's go clean up that wound," he purred.

My smile widened and I giggled. I took Senri's hand and we headed down to the kitchen together. Senri opened up one of the cabinets and pulled out a First Aid Kit. I sat on a chair as Senri came over with the red box.

First Senri got a wash cloth wet and cleaned up the dry blood around my wound. When all the blood was cleared he could see the deep bite marks, I saw his expression turn saddened.

I caressed his cheek once more and he smiled at me, putting his hand over mine. We looked into each other eyes once more, somehow transfixed with each other. But Senri was the first to look away and search through the box trying to find a patch to cover my mark. I looked away, blushing.

Eventually Senri found a patch to put on top of my bite marks. Once he made sure it stayed put he walked in front of me putting his hands on his hips and exclaimed, "Done!"

"Thank you Ri-chan!" I exclaimed, winking.

Senri blushed as well at the mention of my nickname I gave him. He knows what it means, but does he think something different now? I giggled at his action. He comes over and sat down next to me.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "I told you Senri, I'm alright. You should stop--"

Before I could finish my sentence Senri placed his lips on mine, passionately. Though I was shocked at first by his action I kissed him back. But this time the kiss didn't get cut short. We stayed transfixed with each other, until we both pulled apart.

"I'll never stop worrying about you," Senri purred, caressing my cheek.

I smiled at him and overlapped his hand with mine. He pulled me in for a hug, a tender embrace. I did a small giggle and he looked at me.

"Ok Ri-chan," I cooed.

Maybe Ri-chan doesn't just mean affection for each other after all.

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