Chapter Twelve: Outside

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I couldn't believe what I had just told Ikuto. We had only just met and yet I told him something very personal. Is it right to trust someone that much, after knowing them for just a day? I must've thought that at that point, I didn't overreact.

But that was half a year ago.

Ikuto had fit in well with us vampires and you could barely tell he was different, except for his aura of course. I loved having him around and Senri got used to him after a few weeks. Those two were now best friends, or so I could tell.

Today was just like any other day. I'd freelance around the manor with Senri and Ikuto by my side like I did every day. But this day was different. Why? Rido came to see me in my studies uncalled for. He had already bitten me that December. So, why would he come to see me privately?

"Hello there Akane," he purred sweetly. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine Rido," I said a little sternly. "What do you want?"

"Don't worry Akane I'm not here for your blood," Rido said quietly. "I just need you to go fetch Senri and Ikuto for me. Let's just say it's a family meeting..."

My eyes went wide with shock. Rido had never called Ikuto family before. Every time he addressed Ikuto he would call him "human." The shock expression quickly faded away and I closed my textbooks and stood, looking up at my uncle who had a pleased look on his face.

"Of course," I purred sweetly. I walked past my uncle quickly to get out of his presence. I had no idea why but at that time I was a little scared of my uncle. I had never been before, even when he bit me all those times.

But that fear would soon control my life.


"Damn it. Why does Rido need us?" Senri asked annoyed as I sat between him and Ikuto in our large living quarters, waiting for Rido to enter. I looked over at Ikuto and saw he wasn't fazed by Senri's words. He just should I say it?... "Chill." Yeah that's the word.

Suddenly a door opened behind us to reveal Rido. He sure did take his sweet time getting to the love seat across from us, but when he was there he placed a smug look on his face. None of of us were surprised, maybe Ikuto a little, by Rido's action. Normally he'd want something from us if he called for us like this.

"I'm sure your wondering why I called you all here," Rido cooed.

None of us responded. We only looked at each other with a dumbstruck and bored look on our faces. To which Rido grinned before continuing, "I've decided that today we should all have some fun. Why not go outside? With my supervision of course."

Senri and I both went wide eyed. Rido was actually giving the idea to go outside? After what he put Senri and I though? Is this some sort of joke? No, it wouldn't have been. Rido's face tells all. He wasn't lying.

Before I could speak Senri stood up and exclaimed, "What's the catch?!"

Rido leaned forward and cooed, asking, "What do you mean?"

"Don't act like it didn't happen!" Senri exclaimed. "There's no god damn reason you punished Akane and--" I had put my hand on Senri's shoulder with my head down. I didn't like to see Senri angry, the look didn't suit him. Senri looked down at my action with wide eyes before sitting down next to me.

"Senri," I whisper. "That's enough."

"If no one else has any objections," Rido starts, chuckling a little. "We'll be leaving soon. So I suggest that you all go and get ready."

Ikuto, Rido, and I all stood in unison and exited the room. The moment the door closed behind us Senri burst once more. Ikuto stayed silent the whole time, not wanting to get in the middle of Senri's tantrum. Neither of us had told Ikuto what Rido had done to us, the memory was unbearable. But the memories after that aren't bad, you just have to forget how you got to that point.

I turned down a different path then Senri and Ikuto. When I got all my winter clothes on I exited my room and started to head towards Senri and Ikuto's room. When I got there I noticed both boys were still getting ready. To be honest I was excited. This would be my first time outside in a long time! I, however, hid my excitement with a blank face. But neither Senri nor Ikuto seemed suspicious.

"What's wrong Akane?" Senri asked as he tied his boot.

"Oh! Uh--" I paused for a brief moment as I tried to collect my thoughts. "--Nothing! I'm just thinking about what it will be like to go outside..."

That very second I spotted something black on Senri's bed. At first a happy memory came to mind, but then a frown formed when I remember the result of getting Senri that. That adorable stuffed bunny he so desperately wanted. Senri turned around and locked eyes with the bunny as well, before looking back at me and rushing to my face.

"That won't happen again Akane!" Senri exclaimed, cupping my hands in his. "I'll make sure of it this time."

My eyes turned wide eyed and I looked deep into Senri's eyes before I suddenly felt his lips against mine. They were warm and comforting, soothing me. I accepted the embrace but I was the first to pull away, smiling slyly.

"Aww, how cute," Ikuto cooed sarcastically behind us.

I grinned at Ikuto as I used my powers to tie the laces of his boots the wrong way, making him fall flat on his face. Senri and I broke out in laughter, with Ikuto glaring at us afterward. But moments later he too smiled and giggled a little. Ikuto got up and attempted to tackle me, but I got out of the way before he had the chance to hit me, so he ended up hitting Senri instead.

I giggled, "Dog pile!" I jumped on top of the two boys making Senri huff with all the weight now on top of him. We stayed like this for awhile, giggling nonstop. I got up and sighed heavily, trying to catch my breath.

"I-I think we need to get going," I huffed, wiping the tears from my eyes.

Ikuto got up and helped Senri to his feet. Both boys said, "Agreed," before making their way out the door with me to go outside. I wondered what it'd be like, to feel the snow crunch under your feet and the snowflakes land on your cheeks. How would I know?

I only got the image from the windowsills.

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