Chapter Fifty-Four: Challenges

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Senri kept his arms wrapped around me for what felt like a long time. He didn't say a single word as he ran his fingers down the locks of my hair. He let me cry to my hearts content into his shoulder and for that I am grateful.

"Akane," he whispered into my ear. "No matter what you do to me, I'd never think of you as a monster. I could never even bring myself to hate you. I love you so much, and just hearing you reference yourself as a monster breaks my heart."

Senri's words echoed in my head. I love you. I adored hearing him say those words, even though I never did know the exact context behind them.

I erased those thoughts from my mind.

"How can you say that?" I asked under my breath. "I attacked you. I could've killed you. You can't even begin to imagine how I feel about that. What if I...."

My voice trailed off as I felt a lump in my throat, unable to continue what I was saying. Senri lifted my chin up so I could meet his eyes. He began to caress my cheek, wiping away my tears in the process.

"You didn't though. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you were struggling so hard internally to not do those things. You had no control over it, and that's okay. I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

I looked down for a moment before looking back up at Senri. I overlapped my hand over Senri's and I sent a smile his way.

"It's okay. I'm okay. you," I said solemnly.

Senri gazed at me, slightly shocked by my words. I noticed his cheeks flush a light tone of pink and I giggled, admiring how cute he looked when he was flustered.

My eyes widened suddenly as I remembered the situation we were currently in. Worry overcame every sense of mine as I turned sharply. There, a few yards away, I saw Shizuka directing a wide grin my way.

She instantly dashed forward, readying her fans in front of her. I knew I had to do something, fast, before Senri got hurt. I did what I thought of doing at that exact moment: I positioned myself in front of Senri, facing him, unsure of when Shizuka would strike.

I felt something slash me across the back, tearing through the stitching on my dress and even my flesh. I immediately felt painful stinging sensation from my left shoulder to my right hip and the smell of blood filled the air. I fell into Senri's arms as I gripped his jacket tightly, fighting through the pain I was experiencing.

"Akane, no!" Senri exclaimed.

Senri's expression turned from troubled to outright rage when he directed his attention at Shizuka. Before he could do anything a gunshot rang through the air and pierced Shizuka in the abdomen. Ikuto was still preoccupied with Ichiru and he was holding his own pretty well. I only knew one other person who possessed a Vampire Hunters weapon, and only one who had a reason to be here.

"Where is Yuuki?" Zero asked oppressively.

"Don't worry, my pet. Your beloved got away," Shizuka rasped.

Another gunshot rang through the air and I heard Shizuka gasp and cough behind me.

"Shizuka!" Ichiru exclaimed before getting pinned to the ground by Ikuto, which I saw happen out of the corner of my narrowed eyes.

Shizuka hissed under her breath before regaining her composure.

"I think it's time that we leave, Ichiru," she said. "It was fun playing with you all. Until next time...."

With a snap of her fingers, Shizuka and Ichiru disappeared from sight. Moments later Ikuto rushed towards Senri and I before kneeling down to our level with a worried expression.


I tried to abruptly stand as Ikuto was about to speak, but he stopped when he saw what I was attempting to do.

"What are you doing?!" he asked as he stood hastily. As soon as he was standing on his own two feet, I wrapped both of my hands around his wrists without hesitation. Despite having Ikuto supporting me, I could barely keep myself up as my vision became more clouded by the second.

"We need to find Shizuka--" I began to cough. "She'll strike again so we--"

"Like hell we are!" Senri exclaimed. "We are getting you to the Infirmary. You're bleeding severely--"

My legs suddenly give out from under me and everything went black.

Senri's POV

Akane blacked out suddenly but was luckily caught by Ikuto. Everything was silent, until I heard Ikuto hiss with a twisted expression.

"Senri, take Akane to the Infirmary before she loses anymore blood," he muttered harshly. "I'm going to go find that bitch."

I never saw Ikuto that angry before in all the years I've known him. I didn't hesitate for a second. He gently placed the unconscious princess in my arms bridal style before dashing up the stairs.

"You're coming with me, Kiryu. She couldn't have gotten far with those injuries. I can smell her blood," Ikuto said as he directed his attention at Zero.

"You don't hear me complaining," Zero said.

The two hunters raced down the corridor as I quickly exited the dormitories. I got to the Infirmary in record time and softly placed Akane on one of the white beds.

You idiot, I thought as tears formed in my eyes. I can't believe you let yourself get hurt like this.

I shook my head, erasing those distasteful thoughts from my mind, and got ready to tend to Akane's injuries.

Kaname's POV

The smell of Akane's blood filled the air and my face became twisted with rage. I knew who hurt her, my beloved sister, and that vampire was gonna pay with her life. I didn't care what the rules stated. Anyone who hurt my family was going to pay the price.

I followed the scent of Shizuka's blood to an old dorm in the run-down dormitories. I swiftly made my entrance and I saw the Pureblood standing there, her kimono soaked in blood.

"Hello, Kaname," she cooed. "You spared no time getting here--"

In lightning speed I pierced the Pureblood's heart with my hand. She spit up blood but surprisingly didn't look shocked by my actions.

"Is this what happens when you feel threatened?" she asked. "Or maybe when one of your family members get hurt?"

"You sealed your fate the moment you laid a hand on my sisters," I hissed.

"Oh? You didn't act when I had Yuuki in my possession. But the second I touched Akane you rushed to kill me."

"You know how delicate she is," I said. "Yet you decided to hurt her, making her draw blood. Moreover you awakened those heartbreaking memories of hers, along with her powerful blood-lust."

Shizuka giggled, resulting in making me narrow my vision. "Here you are, scolding me for my actions. You know just as well as I do that he is coming, and he'll stop at nothing to ruin her further."

"I'm ready to protect her, along with her two knights," I said. "I think it is time for you to rest. Goodbye, Shizuka."

I retracted my bloodstained hand and Shizuka fell to the floor. I looked down at her crippled body for a few moments before leaving the scene and reappearing in my dorm room.

You're strong Akane, I thought. You've made it through so many obstacles already and you will make it through all the remaining challenges ahead, with or without my help.

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