Chapter Fifty-Six: Wake-Up Call

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Not even a moment passed by before my brother spoke. His tone was calm and sincere but his face looked troubled, worried.

I didn't trust it one bit.

"Akane, you're awake," he cooed gently. "I'm so glad you're okay."

I averted my eyes, making him frown. He brought his attention to Senri as he said, "May Akane and I have a moment alone?"

Senri looked my way, looking for some kind of clarity. I nodded my head slightly and seconds later Senri headed towards the door.

"I'll be waiting outside," he said before shutting the door behind him.

Silence occurred momentarily. I still didn't look at Kaname, but I could still feel his gaze fixated on me every moment that passed by.

"Well?" I asked, starting to feel a little uneasy. "What do you want?"

Kaname walked over and sat in the chair Senri was in moments before. He placed his hand on top of mine before I hastily moved it away, cupping both of them on top of each other in my lap. My brother got the message and backed away from me.

"You could've died today, Akane," he said slowly. "None of us would've liked that."

"Like you care," I hissed under my breath.

Kaname sighed, "It's your choice whether you believe me or not. But please listen to what I have to say; I love you, Akane. It's okay if you curse my very existence whenever we cross paths, just know that I do care."

I was slightly taken aback by his words. I looked his way for a brief moment and I saw him smiling sweetly at me.

Why does his words surprise me? I thought. He's full of nothing but lies.

"Why did you want to see me?" I asked bitterly, shaking those thoughts from my head.

Kaname chucked under his break, "What? I can't see my sister to make sure she's okay?"

"With you there is always something that you want," I said coldly. "So just say it."

Kaname and I locked eyes for a few moments. I glared at him and he stared back at me before he sighed out of defeat.

"Akane, I just want you to know that putting yourself in harms way like that can leave permanent scars. What if your blood-lust returned? What would you do then?"

I grinned, "Geez, you ask such silly questions for being all high and mighty. I'd be fighting it--"

"Fighting it doesn't always work out. You need to understand that--"

"What? Like last time? Don't try to play me as a fool, Kaname. I know exactly what happened and what you did...." My voice trailed off as I realized I said his name aloud, making my brother smile pleasurably.

"I haven't heard you say my name in such a long time," Kaname cooed.

"Don't expect to hear it again!" I hissed. "Now can you please leave?!"

Kaname chuckled as he stood. "You always looked so cute when you're flustered. Maybe you're starting to like me again?"

Before I could respond Kaname disappeared from sight. I cursed under my breath before taking the covers off of me and flipping my legs so they dangled over the side of the bed. Pain traveled up my back as I held my shoulder and my face became twisted.

He always says what he wants to say, I thought. I hate that.

I stood slowly and walked towards the door. I opened it and Senri was standing on the other side.


"I'm fine, Senri. Can you take me back to the Moon Dorms, please?" I asked with a strained smile.

Senri looked hesitant but nodded. We walked down the corridor together as I suddenly felt his hand wrap around mine tightly.

I blushed.

Third Person's POV

Far from the academy lied a mansion once filled with some sort of life. But could you really call it "life?" Some days there could be laughter while others it was dead silent, with children crying silently so others couldn't hear.

Rido Kuran's Mansion.

The mansion was now dark and empty, but a single person tried to keep it in tip-top shape. He'd dust the ancient treasures and sweep the floor, all while waiting for Death to arrive at the doorstep and take him away.

With his master in deep slumber how could he pass the time? Time doesn't fly by fast for a vampire. A day could feel like a month, a month a year, a year a decade, a decade a century.

He walked up the stairs with a silver tray in one hand. It was that time of the day yet again. It really had become a routine. His face was sunken, wore down by old age. He had only one purpose in life: to serve his master until the very end.

Despite whatever form his master took.

He walked down a few corridors, turning right and left when needed, before he arrived to his location. He opened the creaky door and saw a small boy looking over at something laying in a coffin. His brown and blue eyes looked dull, overcome by boredom. But his mind was always at work, trying to think of some kind of plan.

"Lord Rido, I've brought you something," the Aristocrat said in a monotone voice.

"Sebastian," Rido said. "I thought I told you I don't need that disgusting thing."

"Excuse me for saying that your current body does. Aristocrats need human food."

"Human food is so distasteful," the boy said with a roll of his eyes. "I want blood but I have to stay cooped up here. I'm so thirsty....but I have to wait until the time is right."

Sebastian walked over to his master and bent down to his level. Rido shook his head and Sebastian retreated. Despite his master being in a child's body, he wouldn't want to set him over the edge.

"Master, you could have any humans blood if you desired."

"You don't understand, do you?" Rido chuckled. "I don't want just any blood. I want her blood. Her sweet, delectable blood." Rido looked down upon his body. "But what's the point of having it if I can't enjoy it myself? In my own body...."

"Master, may I ask a question?" Sebastian asked.


"The lady you speak of, Lady Akane, is your family. She seems to only be a source of food for you. Is that true?"

"I only care for Juuri, but she is dead," Rido said bitterly. "No matter how close that girl might be to me she doesn't matter, but her blood...." Rido paused. "I have never tasted anything sweeter." Rido turned to look at Sebastian. "I have a job for you. Go give my children and that hunter a wake up call....."

Sebastian knew exactly what his master wanted. He could see the blood-lust gleaming in his eyes.

"Yes, Lord Rido."

Sebastian left his master. Rido instantly began laughing uncontrollably. Out of insanity? Maybe.

"Just you wait, Akane. I'll show you a sweet dream." Rido grinned deviously. "One you'll never be able to wake up from."

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