Chapter Eleven: The Secret

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Ikuto's POV

The manor sure was huge. Even though I've only taken a few turns I felt like I've already gotten lost. I attempted to retrace my steps but failed horribly. As a result I came across a different room. I started to walk by it, when suddenly I heard a voice emitting from the other side of the door.

"Just get it over with," a female voice hissed. I peeked in through the slightly opened door and saw Akane, with her hands clenched and her face twisted. I saw a grin being placed on Rido's lips, what was he going to do to her?

Rido bent down to Akane's level and brought his fangs to her neck. Even when Rido licked Akane's neck she didn't flinch a muscle. I could still see fright in her eyes, but is it from what Rido is about to do to her or is it something much greater?

No, I thought. Why is Rido doing this to Akane?

I thought about moving, going in to stop Rido but what could I do? Rido was a Pureblood, stronger then even Akane at that. What could a mere human like me do? I watched painfully as Rido placed his fangs into Akane's neck. I heard a faint gasp escape her lips and moments later she fell on the ground, unconscious.

"Such a weak and frail body," Rido purred, wiping the blood on his lips with his sleeve. "You should be stronger then that."

Rido then chuckled and looked over to my general direction, "Come out boy, I know you're there."

My heart stopped for a moment. Damn Purebloods do have a good sense, I thought. I placed a smile on my face and pulled my hood over my head more, then I opened the door.

"Hello Rido," I hissed. "You look satisfied."

Rido smirked, "You know I do hate spies. This was something just between my little niece and I, yet now you know..."

Rido looked down at the sleeping Akane when suddenly he looked up at me and pinned me to a wall. My eyes turned wide by Rido's sudden action and a hiss escaped my lips when I felt the pain of my closed wound reopening.

Rido whispered into my ear, "If you tell anyone about this I'll make sure that little Akane will suffer more, but this time she won't wake up."

Rido let go of me and walked out of the room, as if nothing happened. I stood in my spot and tried to process what just happened when suddenly Akane began to cough uncontrollably and I was brought back to my senses. I rushed over to her and kneeled down next to her. I lifted her head up and saw her face was pale, like a ghosts.

"Akane," I said softly. "Akane!"

Akane opened her eyes slightly, "Ikuto?"

I sighed in relief before exclaiming, "We need to get you first aid!" When I was attempting to stand up Akane grabbed my sleeve and pulled me back to the floor.

"No," she said sternly. "I'm fine."

"No your not! Akane your--"

"I've gotten through this before, Ikuto. I don't need treatment."

"But did you faint before?" I ask. I then shook my head. "No, that begs the question. Why is Rido doing this to you?!"

Akane looked away from me as a pained look crossed her face. So, she didn't want to tell me. I stood up and got ready to leave Akane alone, to recover. When suddenly a voice boomed behind me:

"It's all for Senri."

I whipped around in shock as Akane looked at me with a glare, a soft glare. At that same moment I saw the bite marks on her neck disappear and all that was left was dry blood on her skin. Without saying another word Akane patted her hand on the ground, telling me to come back over. I did so, and she told me briefly why she was doing this.

"I did something stupid awhile ago. And because of that both Senri and I got punished. My punishment was over, but Rido intended to still punish Senri for an unknown reason. So every month since then I've let Rido bite me, to protect Senri from an unbearable punishment."

I stayed speechless as Akane finished her story. I looked away and smiled slyly, "You love Senri that much huh?"

Akane looked over at me with a surprised look on her face. She smiled and exclaimed, "Yeah!"

We exchanged a few giggles before Akane's blank face came back. Before I could ask what was wrong she said, "If Senri were to find out I don't know what he'd do. He despised Rido when he punished me before, and now that I'm doing this..." Akane's voice trailed off as tears formed in her eyes and she began to cry. She put her face in her knees and wouldn't stop. I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry in my embrace, when suddenly I looked over to the door.

I couldn't help but feel that another presence was nearby, one that wasn't a Pureblood.

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