Chapter Fifty-One: Princess

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Senri's POV (same time Akane is having her dream)

Akane fell backwards and I instantly caught her in my arms. I dropped to my knees and cradled her unconscious body close to me.

"What did you do to her?" I asked sternly.

"She is okay," the Pureblood cooed. "I'm just helping her remember something from her long lost past."

I hissed under my breath but didn't ask another harsh question. No matter how much I had a distaste for this woman, she was still a Pureblood and she could easily kill any of us in one frail swoop if she wanted to.

"Now that I've re-introduced myself to dear Akane," Shizuka started. "We have a little bit of catching up to do, Zero."

Shizuka made her way over to Zero, who looked very on edge. Shizuka suddenly stopped and looked over at Zero's twin.

"Ichiru, go watch the entrance. I sense another presence."

Ichiru did what Shizuka told him to instantly and Yuuki, out of know where, leaped in front of Zero.

"Don't touch him!" she exclaimed.

Shizuka snickered. "How will I save him then? You won't throw away your freedom for nothing would you?" Shizuka's expression turned dark. "Zero, grab Yuuki's wrist and don't let her escape."

Zero's face turned blank instantly and he gripped Yuuki's wrist tightly.

"Ow! Zero, snap out of it!" Yuuki exclaimed, trying to free her small wrist.

"It's no use, Yuuki," Shizuka said. "I'm his master. He has to obey me."

Shizuka stepped closer to Zero before leaning in and biting his neck. Zero didn't react to it at all, all he did was stand there. Yuuki looked up at him with shock and the smell of his blood began to linger in the air.

I looked down upon my sleeping princess. She didn't show any sign of waking up anytime soon, much to my dismay.

I need to get her out of here, I thought.

Shizuka released her fangs from Zero's neck before backing away. A twisted expression crossed her once calm and collected one.

"Why is he here?" she asked herself. "Oh, I know why. To save his little butterfly."

I suddenly got a bad feeling and bit my index finger, making a rope of blood surround Akane and I seconds later. I stood, setting Akane gently on the ground, before I sent a blood rope Shizuka's way. She blocked it easily and sent a huge gust of wind my way, making me fall backwards.

"You little fool," she hissed. "Your father might be a Pureblood but you are still inferior to me."

I heard Shizuka laugh and in a flash she grabbed Yuuki. Shizuka leaped towards the window with the girl in her arms and before she disappeared she whispered, "Zero, release."

Zero came to his senses moments later and he looked around for Yuuki. His expression widened when she was know where to be found.

"Where did they go?" he asked me with anger in his voice. "Tell me!"

"I don't know," I said. "She couldn't have gotten far."

I looked down briefly at Akane before picking her up bridal style. I began to walk towards the door when I suddenly heard Zeros voice behind me, but I quickly cut him off.

"I need to get Akane away from here," I said. "Yuuki was bleeding earlier. Follow that smell."

I heard Zero hiss but he leaped out of the window seconds later. I sighed and proceeded to head out of the open door. As I was heading downstairs I noticed Ichiru lying on the floor unconscious.

"You didn't have to knock him out you know," I said.

"Of course I did."

Ikuto revealed himself from the shadows.

"Is Akane okay?" he asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yes. I'm just taking her to a safer place. She'll wake up soon," I said. "Listen. It's not really our place but Yuuki was kidnapped by Shizuka. You should try to find her. I'll try to persuade Akane not to, but you know she'll want to help her."

Ikuto nodded and we ran out of the Moon Dorms together before going on our own separate paths. I ran towards the main building where the classes are usually held. I went into a classroom and leaned against the wall in one of the corners near the teachers desk. There I sighed and slid to the floor. I didn't feel any other presences nearby, which was good.

I looked down at Akane, my little princess. She looked so peaceful. I took a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear, causing her to stir slightly.

I smiled before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. I loved her dearly, and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Akane subconsciously cuddled closer to me and I wrapped my arms tightly around her. I never wanted this moment to end, but I knew it had to.

"I'll never let anything happen to you," I mumbled. "I love you."

Akane's crimson eyes opened seconds later and I blushed slightly. Did she hear what I said?

"Senri, what happened?" she asked.

"You fell asleep," I said nervously. "Shizuka said something about you remembering something if I recall."

Akane attempted to sit up but held her head in pain as she was trying to. I helped her up and she leaned against the wall next to me.

"Y-yeah," she murmured. "I remember something. She just saved me from a Level E when I was younger is all. Where's Yuuki?"

I sighed. "Shizuka took her. I needed to keep you safe and Zero was under her control—"

"What?!" Akane exclaimed as she tried to stand, but fell back to the floor seconds later. "Damn, my whole body aches."

"You need to stay here for a little while, Akane," I said with worry I'm my voice. "Zero and Ikuto are already looking for her."

Akane didn't say a word. She simply nodded her head and I smiled. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks," Akane said. "I'm sorry I passed out like that."

"You don't have to apologize for anything!" I reassured. "I'd do anything to make sure you're okay!"

I grim expression suddenly crossed Akane's face. I was a bit dumbfounded but Akane quickly changed her expression to a slight smile.

"And I You."

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