Chapter Fifty: Shizuka

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It was as though Maria didn't even realize we were there. She was too busy being preoccupied with Zero and Yuuki to take note of our presence. I clenched my fists tightly, wanting to do something but not sure what.

Zero was currently arguing with Yuuki. To me it was a heartfelt argument. He was furious that she'd go to these extreme lengths to do something like this for him. It really does show that he cared deeply for her, no matter how many times he might've strongly disagreed.

In the few moments that followed I pondered on what Maria meant when she told Ichiru to "go get the body." It didn't take long, however, before my eyes slightly widened and everything suddenly made sense.

Why would Maria be so interested in Zero? Why would she know how to save Zero? I thought. Unless.....

I stood abruptly, taking Senri off guard. I suddenly blurted out with a grin, "You're not really Maria Kurenai, are you?"

Silence followed briefly. Yuuki's eyes widened as she took in the meaning to my words. Zeros eyes narrowed and seconds later Maria turned to me with a smile on her face.

"You really are a clever one, Akane," she cooed. "I'm surprised Zero didn't say anything prior to this."

Maria didn't give Zero a chance to respond before she snickered. At that moment I realized Ichiru was standing in the doorway, holding an unconscious female body in his arms.

"Zero wasn't wrong to be suspicious of me," Maria said as she walked over to Zero's twin. "Yuuki, I never exactly told you how I could save Zero, did I?" Maria giggled. "You're so naive. What if I was just playing tricks on you? You see, the only way to save the boy you care deeply for is...."

Maria's voice trailed off as she entwined her fingers with the woman's. Seconds later the white haired woman's eyes opened and I suddenly felt a strong aura emitting from her.

The young Aristocrat rested her head against the, now revealed, Pureblood's and they both snickered before saying in unison, "....for him to drink my blood."

Yuuki's eyes widened and Zero hissed under his breath. Seconds later Maria collapsed on the ground and the woman smiled.

"I can stand on my own now, Ichiru," she said. "Thank you."

Ichiru set the Pureblood on her own two feet and she directed her attention at Zero. "Hello, Zero. Did you miss me?"

The woman grinned and Zero sent her a hard glare.

"And you," the Pureblood looked at me. "Do you know who I am? Surely you must."

"Shizuka Hio of the Hio Clan," I said coldly as I crossed my arms. "The Pureblood who went missing four years ago, around the same time the Kiryu Clan was attacked."

"My, my, you're very clever, Akane," Shizuka cooed. The vampire suddenly appeared before me and started to caress my cheek, taking Senri and my other friends by surprise. I instantly backed away from her.

"You don't remember me, do you?" she frowned. "Oh well...."

I was puzzled by her question but before I could do anything Shizuka leaned in and whispered into my ear, "I'll help you remember then...."

My vision suddenly got blurry then went totally black.


I looked blankly up at the cloudy night sky above me. Little snowflakes were free falling down onto the thick blanket of white beneath my feet.

I cupped my hands in front of me and looked down silently as the snowflakes melted within seconds of contact with my warm palms.

No one loves you, a masculine voice spoke in my head. You are unwanted.

I didn't say a word. A huge gust of wind blew suddenly, whipping my curly dark locks viciously in my face.

Your family doesn't want you. They only see you as a monster.

"Monster...?" I mumbled.

Yes. A horrible monster.

I instantaneously fell to my knees as my legs gave out from beneath me. I was wearing a simple, white, spaghetti-strapped dress with only a scarf around my neck keeping me warm.

I heard the sound of snow crunching behind me. I turned my upper body slowly to see a man I never saw before walking towards me with a grin plastered on his face.

That's a bad man. Run.

I tried to stand but I couldn't. My legs wouldn't budge.

"Are you lost?" he asked sinisterly. "I can help you if you give me some of your blood."

I shook my head slightly side to side. The mans grin widened and I shivered, but not from the cold breeze.

"Too bad."

The man severely grabbed me, yanking me to my feet. This sudden movement made my small limp body sting as though it was being pricked by thousands of pins and needles.

He'll kill you if you do nothing. He doesn't care if you're a superior race. Scream for help, Akane.

I summoned up all my available strength and began to struggle in the mans grasp. "No! Stop! Let me go!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The man forcefully grabbed my neck and brought his fangs closer to it. I could feel his warm breath against my cold skin and I was powerless to do anything to stop him.

"You poor little girl," a female voice said sadly behind the man. "You don't deserve to die in his crazed hands."

I heard a sword unsheathe and the man suddenly let me go, screaming in agony. I turned abruptly and saw a long katana going straight through his chest.

"Damn.... you...." the vampire rasped.

The woman laughed. "Even a lowly creature like you should know to treat your superiors with respect."

The woman forced the sword out of the man and he turned to dust seconds later. I watched as the blue ash blew away with the wind as the woman sheathed her sword.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she walked over to me. She knelt down to my level and looked down upon me with her gentle sakura pink eyes.

I nodded my head.

The woman looked to her left before looking back to me and saying, "Someone's coming for you. Just wait a little longer, okay?"

The woman proceeded to stand but I subconsciously grabbed her kimono.

"What'" I asked sheepishly.

The woman smiled sweetly. "My name is Shizuka Hio, a Pureblood just like you. Stay safe, little princess."

Shizuka disappeared, leaving behind a burst of sakura petals where she last stood. I took a few moments to think about my savior before I heard a voice bellow in the distance.


Onii-chan? I thought.

"Kaname!" I exclaimed. "Kaname, help me!"

I saw my brothers silhouette in the distance but I stayed in my place since my legs, at the time, wouldn't move. When my brother saw me his face lit up and he ran towards me, wrapping his arms around me moments later.

"Akane! I was so worried!" he exclaimed. "Don't ever run off like that again! You hear?!"

I nodded my head. "I won't, Kaname. I'm sorry."

Kaname released me and looked into my eyes as he caressed my cheek. "You must be freezing. Let's get you back to the manor."

"Okay," I said.

Kaname picked me up and before I knew it I fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe in his warm embrace.

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