Chapter Sixty: Surprise

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I had been unusually quiet for the weeks that followed. I continued my studies, training, and such of course. I'd smile around Senri and Ikuto but deep down I was being torn apart.

My sister was still alive.

How could she still be alive?

I thought back to that night, the night the Kuran Manor was attacked by Rido. I saw Haruka perish before my very eyes....but Juuri?

She had to have died. But now that I'm thinking....there was only one thing she could've died from. Rido didn't make it into the manor after all.

She gave her life up for her beloved daughter.

The daughter that she wanted. Her precious princess. The one thing she needed to protect.

She sealed her vampire powers, making her human. And that human..... the same human that I've grown so close to.

I tried so hard to convince myself that it wasn't her. That Yuuki wasn't my sister, even though all the clues were right there in front of me.

She had the same name and she even resembled Juuri in a way. But above all was the fact that Kaname cared for her deeply.

He wouldn't care for a mere human.

Now here I am, walking past screeching fangirls as Yuuki tries her hardest to keep them back. I keep my head lowered, hoping she wouldn't see me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her turn.

"Akane!" she happily exclaimed.

I wanted to respond, so badly at that. I was just....too overcome with so many different emotions. I cared for her....I cared for her. Now, this new revelation has me seeing her in a new light. I pretended that I didn't hear her.

It's not her fault. She didn't have a say in marrying my brother. She probably didn't even know I existed....moreover the fact that she ruined my life!

I took a quick peek over at Yuuki through the strands of my hair. Luckily her attention was back to the Day Class students. I felt a tug at my heart.

Yet why do I feel a small, yet burning, hatred towards her?!

"Akane, are you okay?"

I lifted my head to see Senri looking worriedly down upon me.

"Y-Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?!" I giggled nervously. "Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. That's all...."

I quickened my pace so I could catch up with Ikuto. I tapped him lightly on the shoulder and he turned to me.

"Ikuto, would you mind if we....train a little today?" I asked. "I've been getting better and I just want to get an extra hour or two in...."

"Of course I don't. Let's just drop our textbooks off first."

I nodded my head.


I was being more aggressive than usual. I'd normally keep my distance when training with Ikuto, but today I was going all out. I was even taking Ikuto off guard at times.

By the end of the session, Ikuto was way more tired than I was. Despite trying to let out all of my aggravation and hate, I still felt the same way as I did before.

"Good job today," Ikuto said. "Now what's wrong?"

I sighed. "Why is everyone asking that today?"

"So something is wrong."

"No!" I turned away from my friend. "All I wanted was some extra training in today. I'm gonna head back."

I went up the staircase hastily before Ikuto could say another word. I kept my arms crossed as I hurried to the Moon Dorms. I almost didn't realize it was night.

We were down there for a long time, I thought. I need to get back before class starts---

I strong breeze suddenly blew and I stopped in my tracks. I suddenly had a very eerie feeling and the light fog that dusted the ground didn't make me feel any better. I looked briefly up at the moon in its full glory.

I then heard a slight rustle in the bush ahead of me. I took a few steps back, getting a little defensive. I saw a dark silhouette appear before me, one that I knew all too well. I turned wide-eyed as the man grinned at me.

"Hello, Akane," he cooed.

"Y-You...." My voice trailed off as he disappeared suddenly. I felt the wind rush behind me and I turned sharply to see him look down at me with a look of blood-lust. I saw a long, sharp object in his hand aimed right at me.


Instead of ducking to avoid his blow I positioned my hands defensively as I tried to discretely bring my weapon out, even though I wouldn't be able to wield it for long.

He slashed both of my arms with his weapon, a katana to be exact, making blood fly into the air and my face becoming twisted. I lost my balance, falling backward and colliding with the hard dirt below.

"Are you surprised?" the man asked as he looked down at me with a sly smile.

I tried my best to put a look of confidence on my face. "Of course he'd send you, Sebastian. Does my uncle really want me dead? If so, just do it. I'm not scared of death."

Sebastian chuckled. "Oh no, Lady Akane. Nothing like that...." He pointed his katana down at my face before stabbing the ground with it right next to my cheek, making a small stream of blood flow.

"Then what is it?" I asked. "Did Rido send you just to play?"

Sebastian smiled. "Something like that--"

A gunshot rang through the air and I saw Sebastian wince in pain. I looked over and saw Ikuto with a twisted expression.

"Get. Away. From. Her."

"Let the show begin," Sebastian hissed.

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian rushed towards Ikuto. I quickly got to my feet as I witnessed Ikuto block his blow with his pistols.


"Just stay back!" Ikuto exclaimed. "Go get help!"

"But--" There was no time to argue. I hissed as I rushed back towards the Moon Dorms, leaving Ikuto behind. I only got a few paces away before I stopped in my tracks.

I can't leave him again, I thought. What would happen if I leave him again?

As I rushed back to Ikuto, who was holding his own against Sebastian moments ago, I ripped the bracelet off of my wrist and right when I came through the trees I readied to strike Sebastian.

You wanted a fight so bring it on.

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