Chapter Forty-Two: Terror

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I was overcome with so many different emotions: shock, anger, just to name a few. I instantly began to struggle in my brothers grasp. He was so much stronger than me, so I couldn't easily get free. Within seconds he let me go and I backed away from him hastily.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed as I slapped my brother.

"I'm sorry, Akane," Kaname said. "I had to."

I glared at my brother with pure hatred. Why the hell would he kiss me? What reason did he have to do it for?

"You don't have to do anything," I hissed. "So just leave me the hell alone! I don't need your pity!"

I turned abruptly away from Kaname and proceeded to the lounging area. When I arrived I was still huffing and puffing a little, and my two best friends obviously caught on.

"I'm guessing it didn't go so well?" Ikuto asked with a grin.

"You can say that," I mumbled with my arms crossed. "I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Ikuto and Senri respected that but Ikuto obviously had a look of curiosity still spread across his face. I didn't want to tell him that Kaname kissed me because he would go crazy about that one.

Both him and Senri, and I don't want that.

I made sure to get to class as quickly as possible and sat as far away from Kaname as I could. I readied myself for the next boring six hours of my life. As much as I am open to learning new things the stuff we learn in these classes can get repetitive.

About halfway through my classes, and ironically during our free period, I started to not feel well. It wasn't my bloodlust, however. I felt horrible with that all the time. This time it was different. I suddenly, out of know where, got a searing headache and everything began to get dizzy. I rested my head in my palm for a few seconds before closing my eyes briefly. I got a tap on my shoulder and looked weakly up at Senri.

"Are you okay?" Senri asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, but I might go back to the Moon Dorms and lay down for a bit...." The headache grew more intense and I squeezed my eyes shut in pain.

"Do you want me to take you?" Senri asked with a concerned expression.

"I'm fi--" I was suddenly cut off when I heard Ikuto's voice on the other side of me.

"Senri, go with Akane. I'll lend you guys my notes later."

Senri smiled, "Thanks, Ikuto."

Senri stood up and began to help me stand. As much as I wanted to protest that I could go on my own, I knew this was the right choice. I could barely even stand on my own so I bet I wouldn't even be able to make it to the Moon Dorms. As Senri and I are leaving I feel someone staring at us. It was most likely Kaname, but in reality it could've been anyone in the classroom.

Senri and I got to the Moon Dorms faster than I first thought we would. Surprisingly Senri brought us to his dorm and he instantly helped me lay down.

"I'm fine now," I rasped. "You can go back to class if you want."

"I'd rather be here, with you," Senri cooed with a smile.

I smiled in return before resting my eyes a little. I felt like instantly going to sleep. But one thing was refraining me from doing so.

Tell him how you're feeling. Now's your chance.

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as my headache grew worse.

I can't do that, I thought. Not now.

Oh, so are you saying that you might do so in the future? Good. You wouldn't want him finding out from an outside source and get mad at you again.

The voice wasn't wrong about that. If Senri found out what was happening to me by someone other than myself it is logical that he would get mad. I didn't want that. Not after what happened last time.

"You sure you're okay?" Senri asked concerned.

I looked up at him with a reassuring smile, "I-I'm sure."

I sat up slowly and Senri came rushing to my side. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Even if you say you're fine you should--"

Unbeknownst to me it had actually started down pouring outside. In less than a second a flash of lightning could be seen and the echo of thunder could be heard from a mile away.

Something happened to me in that moment. My eyes turned wide and a scream escaped my lips. I threw myself on top of Senri and we both fell over onto the bed. I clutched his uniform tightly and began to tremble. I had no control over myself in that moment. All I saw were horrible images flash in my mind, and when I saw them fear instantly stroked my body. I had never seen any of these images before, but I felt like I had.

"Akane!" Senri exclaimed, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "It's okay."

"No it's not!" I screamed, feeling tears run down my cheeks. "Don't let him take me!"

A dumbfounded look crossed Senri's face. I was confused myself, but not in that moment. All I thought about was that I didn't want him to take me. I had no idea who I was referring too, but I soon would.

"I--I won't let him take you, Akane. I promise," Senri said reassuringly.

I breathed in and out heavily as I felt my whole body grow limp and my eyes become heavy.

"Please...." I mustered to Senri as I brought myself more into his embrace. "Don't ever leave me."

Everything went black after that.

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