Chapter Twenty-One: Common Hatred

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I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the bright light. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes before I looked over at the balcony window and saw Ikuto looking outside blankly. I sighed and Ikuto turned his head, asking, "Sleep well?"

I smiled slyly, "Yeah. What about you?"

"Not a single second," Ikuto giggled.

I turned wide eyed and exclaimed, "Ikuto Yagari, you don't have to stay awake while I'm alseep!"

"I know, but I just wasn't tired," Ikuto said winking.

I sighed, "Then why do you look half dead? You're getting some sleep!"

Ikuto glared at me and I glared back. I said sternly, "While you sleep I can go and get our uniforms, got it? You need your rest if you want to make it through classes."

"But--" Ikuto stopped himself. "--fine, have it your way."

I smiled in satisfaction and stood up to leave. As I walked to the door and opened it I took one last look behind me and saw Ikuto already fast asleep, making me giggle under my breath.

In order to get my uniform I had to go to the Headmasters Office, which was a ways away, but I could make it by just remembering the way Yuuki lead Ikuto and I to the Moon Dorms. When we entered Cross Academy the main building where the classes are held were right ahead, so if can just find my way back to the entrance I can find my way to the Headmasters Office.

I headed towards the exit of the Moon Dorms, but before I could leave a hand grabbed my wrist. It couldn't be Ikuto, he was sleeping. So the only other person who would bother me is...

"You," I hissed, "what do you want?"

"Where are you going so early Akane?" Kaname asked calmly. "The Night Class isn't allowed outside while the Day Class are in class. I thought you knew that."

"I can't be in the Night Class without a uniform," I hissed, forcing my wrist out of Kaname's grasp. "Isn't that right?"

"Indeed," Kaname cooed, "would you like me to escort you to the Headmasters Office?"

I chuckled, "But Dorm President, the Night Class isn't allowed outside while the Day Class is in session. I don't have a uniform, so I'm technically not in the Night Class yet. But you, well the girls will recognize you in an instant and bombard you with tales of how they love you," I paused, "aren't I right?"

Kaname didn't say a word , so I proceeded to exit the Moon Dorms. I could feel Kaname's glare on me until I heard the chant of the door closing. If I am being honest it wasn't as hard to get to the main building as I thought it would be, it was just a turn or two and I was there. The next obstacle was getting to Headmaster Cross's office. 

Crap, I thought, I didn't think this part through.

The sound of a bell ringing could suddenly be heard and chatter immediately filled the halls. I hid behind a corner as countless people in black attire filled the halls and passed by me, not noticing my presence. But a hand suddenly touched my shoulder and I whipped around in shock.

"Oh it's just you Akane!" Yuuki exclaimed with her bright smile. "What are you doing outside of the Moon Dorms at this hour?"

"Well you see Yuuki," I mumbled, scratching the back of my head, "I wanted to get the uniforms for Ikuto and I. Can you direct me to the Headmasters office? If it's not any trouble..."

"Of course it's not," Yuuki purred, "go to your right and head to the second floor, then go left. You can't miss it!"

I bowed, "Thank you. I owe you one."

"It's no problem at all! It's just a token of our friendship. Now if you excuse me I have to go to math." Yuuki scrolled away with a bright smile on her face. My smile faded when she was out of sight and I thought about what she just said. Yuuki said we were friends, but she has my sisters name. Why should I let that get to me? She was just a normal human girl.

How ironic is that, I thought.

I proceeded to the direction Yuuki told me to go.


I knocked on the door and a childish voice emitted from the other side. I opened the door and I saw a man with a tan ponytail and glasses looking at me with a smile. This is the Headmaster...? I thought.

"Hello Akane! I was wondering when you'd come. I reckon you're here to get your uniform?" He asked happily.

"Yes Headmaster," I cooed, "Ikuto's as well."

"They're right here," Headmaster Cross said, pulling from out of his desk two uniforms, "will that be all?"

"Yes," I cooed, taking the uniforms, "thank you."

As I proceeded to exit the office the Headmasters voice boomed from behind me. I turned and saw that his childish expression turned stern and emotionless.

"Akane, make sure you don't cause any trouble. I am hoping for peace between the humans and the vampires. I don't want that dream to be ruined because of a sibling rivalry."

I chuckled, "Kaien, you just don't understand do you? I'm only here to learn. If you want things to stay as it is, I suppose Kaname will just have to leave me alone."

I exited the office without Kaien saying another word. As I was leaving the main building at dusk I paused in my tracks and grinned.

"Hello Kiryu," I purred, turning around to see Zero.

"Stay away from Yuuki," he hissed, "or else."

"Oh no!" I exclaimed with wide eyes, before smirking, "I'm crawling out of my skin with fear! The blood thirsty ex-human is going to slay me! All because of what happened four years ago..."

Rage filled Zero's face and he pulled a gun on me, Bloody Rose to be exact. With his finger on the trigger he exclaimed angerly, "What the hell do you know?!"

"Let me see," I cooed, putting my index finger on my chin, "Not much. But if a mere human child survives a Pureblood attack something must've happened."

My eyes went wide and I used my speed to quickly dodge a shot from Zero's Bloody Rose. I giggled under my breath and purred, "Did I strike a nerve? I'm terribly sorry."

Zero hissed and I grinned, "I want to tell you something, Zero. We only have one thing in common. Do you know what that is?" I used my speed to stand in front of Zero and caress his cheek. "We both have a burning hatred towards Kaname."

Zero's eyes went wide and I chuckled, "Now if you excuse me. I need to get back to the Moon Dorms to get ready. Good night Kiryu."

I turned and left Zero dumbfounded in the dead of night.

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