Chapter Seventy-Seven: Patience

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HOLY CRAP I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN FOREVER FORGIVE MEHHHH. ;-; I had writers block and I was feeling really unmotivated but here's the next part. I'm going to start writing the next part right away since I just got a really good idea for the next chapter. ^^

Hope you guys enjoy!

The car came to a stop sometime later. When the door was opened by the Aristocrat and I stepped outside, the tall manor was there looming over me. I felt a chill travel down my spine as I recalled some unpleasant memories that took place within those very walls; recollections that I just wanted to forget.

Rido walked up the steps in front of me as I followed slowly behind him. He opened the door and urged for me to go inside, which I did with little hesitation. There was really no point in backing away now. I was already in too deep after all.

It looked the same as it did when I was a small child, not that there really could be any difference over the years anyway.

The blackened walls, the ruby red carpet, the paintings, even the crystallized chandelier that showed the only sort of light in the room. It was honestly....nostalgic. However, being back at the manor left a lump in my throat.

I suddenly felt his hand on my shoulder.

"I must tend to something before we begin," he said sweetly. "Feel free to make yourself at home."

He tightened his grip on my shoulder before vanishing from slight moments later. I felt uneasy just standing in the middle of the lobby, so I traveled up the creaky staircase and down the corridor.

Within seconds I found myself in front Senri's bedroom, the same one he shared with Ikuto down the line. I reached for the metal doorknob but hesitated briefly. Even after all this time, ever since the day Senri was taken away, I hadn't been able to set foot in his room.

That day would be different. I turned the cool metal doorknob and stepped inside. The room was dusty, and cobwebs lined its walls and the few nicknacks in the room.

I walked over to see a picture frame sitting on the nightstand. I picked it up and used my other hand to wipe away the screen of dust on top of it.

The picture was black and white, with my arm wrung around Senri's neck as we were both laughing with wide grins on our faces. It made me smile slightly as well, even if it was just for a moment.

I heard a knock behind me and quickly turned, only to see Rido standing at the doorway with a grin.


I didn't say a word. I simply put the picture back in its place on the nightstand before I began to follow him down the hallway.

We stopped in front of a room with a black door, which was a different color than the other ones which lined the walls of the hallway. I narrowed my eyes as he opened it. A cold breeze instantly flew in our direction and the room inside looked just like a black void.

"After you, my dear daughter," he said a bit more sinisterly.

There were two candle stands in the room, which showed the outline of a coffin in the middle. Rido walked over and opened it.

"What do I have to do?" I asked coldly.

"You must place your hand on my chest, and I'll do the rest," he cooed. "Don't worry, it's very simple."

I walked over to the opened coffin. I stood there for a few moments and looked down upon Rido's slightly illuminated body. I slowly reached down and placed my hand on top of his chest, directly over his heart.

I let out a yelp as something suddenly pierced my hand. My blood stained his skin, yet after a few moments it seemed to disappear. It seemed as though his body was absorbing my blood. Once I realized what was happening I tried to get away; however, the rope of blood that pieced my skin wouldn't release.

My image turned blue instantly.

I hastily looked behind me at Rido, who had a wide grin on his face. Moments later he collapsed on the ground, becoming unconscious.

"Senri!" I turned and wanted to run to his side but something held my wrist fiercely, its grip tightening by the second.

A chuckle echoed through the room, starting inside the coffin. The figure sat up as I continued to try to get out of his grasp.

"Why are you trying to run, Akane?"

"Let me go!" I yelled. "I did as you asked so please—"

I could feel myself shaking more and more with each passing second. The eerie feeling in the air, restricting my lust, and all of the fear I was feeling in that very moment were hard to contain.

The figure licked the access blood off my hand before suddenly releasing it, making me fall back onto the wooden floor. Moments later I quickened to Senri's side and held him tightly in my arms, despite the smell of his blood driving me crazy.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Akane," a sinister voice spoke behind me, a voice I never wanted to hear again.

I stayed silent as I started to cry.

I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I tightened my grip on my friend, wanting nothing more than to keep him in my grasp.

"I'm so weak. can help me with that."

I needed to protect him. There was no other choice, no other path for me to follow without my blood being shed in the process.

Senri would be okay, yet I couldn't just stand there and let him do what he wanted with me. Even if I couldn't do much, I had to try.

However, before I could do anything, something yanked me backwards. He tightened his grip on me, his arm being around both of mine and my abdomen, and his other hand keeping my chin in place. It made it nearly impossible to move, much less get out of his grasp.

"Let me go—!" Rido's hand swiftly covered my mouth, making my cries for help nothing but muffled screams.

"It's been so long since I've had blood, especially yours..." His voice trailed off as he lowered his head to lick my neck. "I think I should be rewarded for being so patient...."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Senri begin to stir. My tears clouded my vision, yet I could clearly see him start to sit up.

Please stay safe...

I felt something pierce my neck.

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