Chapter Ten: Roommates

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I paced my way to my room, even though my name could be heard from down the hall. I was just too upset. Why, I thought. Why did Senri have to do that? Everything was going fine! Heck, Rido said he could stay! But now that those two are starting off on the wrong foot...

"Akane!" I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder and I whipped around quickly to see Senri. I wasn't in the mood to see him, nor talk to him. I looked quickly behind me and saw Ikuto coming around the corner with a straight face.

"Tsk," I hissed. "What do you want now?" I looked over at Senri with an enraged look on my face. I'm quite sure that Senri was very surprised by my behavior, I had never raised my voice to Senri before. Not even when we did have our small fights.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's just that..." Senri's voice trailed off, as though he was ashamed to say sorry. Even though I was enraged I let a sigh escape my lips and I softened my glare on Senri.

"I'm upset of your behavior Senri," I said. "Ikuto needs some place to call home, even if he is human. We can't turn away from him just because of that."

Senri looked down at his shoes and began to twiddle with his fingers. I sighed, ready to respond to Senri's behavior, when suddenly a voice boomed behind me. Taking even I by surprise.

"You know better than to upset a Pureblood, Senri."

I looked behind me and saw my uncle looming over me. He had a smug look on his face, one which did send a little chill down my spine. Senri looked surprised by Rido's words. He bowed and mumbled, "I'm sorry" shakily. I hissed under my breath. I never did like it when vampires lower than Level A feel like they need to do everything us Pureblood vampires say.

"Rido I had this under control!" I exclaimed, turning around and glaring up at my uncle.

"It didn't look that way Akane," Rido purred, caressing my cheek. "You were going to give in to Senri's weeping."

My eyes turned wide eyed. Sure, I was a very forgiving person, but I wouldn't be like Rido. Meaning that Senri would feel obligated to do everything I say. We're friends, actually more then that, and we shouldn't control each other.

"I've also made a decision I'd like all of you to hear," Rido purred. "Since Ikuto will be staying with us for now on I think he should share a room with Senri."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "But Rido there are other rooms unoccupied--"

"Those rooms are for our guests, Akane. And Ikuto here isn't a guest."

I stayed silent for a few moments before letting out a heavy sigh. I looked behind me to see Senri with a strained face. He wasn't happy about this, I could tell with my new powers after all. But Senri smiled at me, as if telling me it was alright.

"Senri can you show Ikuto to your room?" Rido asked kindly, sounding almost too kind.

"Yes, Rido," Senri said hastily. He turned to the direction from which he came from and began walking to his room with Ikuto trailing behind him. I didn't hear any words being exchanged between the two boys, only their footsteps echoing as they got farther and farther away.

I let out a sigh, "What do you want now Rido?" I asked forcefully.

"Oh come on Akane, you still want to protect Senri don't you?"

I gulped and looked at my uncle. He held his hand out to me with a grin plastered on his face. I took his hand, and we went in the opposite direction of the boys.

This marked the sixth time I protected Senri, the few of many.

Senri's POV

I opened the door with ease and Ikuto entered before me. Not a single word had been said between us the whole way to my, or our, bedroom. Ikuto sat on my bed and said, "Nice bedroom."

"Oh shut up," I hissed, slamming the door behind me. "What are you really doing here?!"

"Like I said I just want a place to call home," Ikuto reassured. "Damn most of you vampires don't trust a lot of people."

"I don't trust a hunter," I growled. "You better stay away from Akane or else."

"Or else what? Like hell I'd care if I die."

My eyes turned wide eyed at Ikuto's remark. He...doesn't care if he dies? What human doesn't value their life over all else? Especially a Vampire Hunter who dedicates their life to hunting us?

"W-what is your purpose for being here?" I asked, more kindly then before.

Ikuto sighed, "I guess I can tell you."

Ikuto stood up and and walked to the other side of the room. He leaned against a wall and crossed his arms, ready to speak.

"I've been in an orphanage all my life. That is until I turned eleven and I was adopted by a man. He sure was strange, he had a gun and smoked all the time. The smoke always bugged me but that was the least of my worries. After I got settled he told me he was a Vampire Hunter. I didn't believe him of course until I saw one for myself, a Level E that was held in captivity at the Association. After I finally believed he started teaching me how to fight vampires. But I felt like that was all I was used for. All he did was train me non-stop, I didn't feel loved after that." I stayed silent as Ikuto continued. "When I got separated from him I came across this place. Of course I could sense Akane as a vampire, but she looked too innocent and she instantly helped me from the wound I got from a vampire that I encountered trying to find my way to someone who could help me. Then she said I could stay here, this place seems better than that place I was at before..."

I walked over to Ikuto and placed my hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry Ikuto. I had no idea..."

"Stop being all sappy all of the sudden," Ikuto said, taking my hand off of his shoulder. "At least you seem to like me now."

Ikuto detached himself from the wall and opened the door, "I'm going to go take a look around. See you later, Senri."

Ikuto closed the door behind him, leaving me alone.

That story was truly heartbreaking. Ikuto hasn't felt loved his whole life! But Ikuto is a human, someone who hunts our kind. Yet why do I feel bad for him?

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