Chapter Twenty: The Talk

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Ikuto wouldn't say a word. We stayed in complete silence for what seemed like an eternity, before I finally spoke.

"Do you want me to go first?" I asked, putting my hand on Ikuto's thigh and smiling up at his sunken cheeks. "I can tell that you're being hesitant, but for what? Are you worried that I'll get upset in some way?"

Ikuto looked at me with wide eyes before letting out a heavy sigh and nodding slyly. I smiled and said, "How could I ever get mad at you? You're my best friend!"

I wrapped my arms around Ikuto's arm, taking him by surprise. Ikuto finally smiled, even though it was just slyly, and I giggled in return. Before I could speak Ikuto sighed once more, before saying sheepishly, "I've become a Vampire Hunter."

I let go of Ikuto's arm and looked wide eyed at him. I wasn't mad, I was just surprised. Ikuto always told me how much he hated training to fight vampires. But one big question entered my mind, and I blurted it out without a second thought.

"But you're a vampire, I thought Vampire Hunters could only be--" I then stopped myself in my tracks, realizing what I just said. "--Ikuto I'm sorry!"

Ikuto shook his head, "Akane, you did absolutely nothing wrong. I've gotten used to it. The only reason they agreed to make a vampire a Vampire Hunter is because my father is a well known hunter. Plus there is also the fact that I wasn't going towards Level E."

I kept a blank face as I tried to process what Ikuto just said. He's a full fledged Vampire Hunter, and to be honest I didn't know what to think. He went back to the academy, a place which he despised, with the people he despised. Didn't he have the choice to stay or to go? If so, what did he go to the academy for? But instead of asking that I asked a different question.

"Was he there?" I asked. "Your adoptive dad."

Ikuto's eyes went wide for a few moments before he said, "No. I guess he's a very busy hunter, he was always out doing something. But it's not like I wanted to see that bastard."

I stayed silent as Ikuto's face became slightly twisted with anger. But that anger quickly faded and Ikuto purred, "I'm sure you're wondering why I became a hunter, right?"

I nodded my head without saying a word. Ikuto sighed, but he then smiled. I tilted my head in confusion before Ikuto spoke once more.

"I didn't want to become a hunter, but I then remembered that if I did train to become a full fledged hunter I could become stronger to protect the one I love," Ikuto paused briefly, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in, "you."

I gasped quietly and turned wide eyed, just as Ikuto loosened his grip on me and looked into my shocked eyes.

Ikuto giggled under his breath, "I promised we'd meet again, right? You were the first one to accept me, yet you were the creature I was taught to hate."

I continued to look blankly at Ikuto, for only one word echoed in my mind. The word love. At that point in time I had no idea what kind of love Ikuto meant. Did he mean friendly love, family love, or the actual definition of the word love?

"You said love," I cooed, "what kind of love do you mean?"

Ikuto looked wide eyed at me before he looked away slightly blushing. I giggled a little under my breath, before Ikuto spoke softly, "I you. Isn't that enough?"

I smiled and leaned on Ikuto's arm, "Of course it is. You're like family to me. How could I not love you?"

Ikuto stayed silent for a few moments before he continued, "I thought I'd have to seek you out, but as it turned out I was confronted one day by someone I hadn't seen before. He said an old friend of mine needed my help, and I knew it was you."

"You've been looking for me this whole time huh?" I asked. "You're really intent on keeping your promises."

Ikuto giggled a little under his breath before asking, "What about you?"

I sighed, "The past decade...was less than average."

"What do you mean?" Ikuto asked.

"The way you saw me earlier...that's how I usually act. After you were taken away, by force, Senri was as well. I was lonely, scared, and completely alone. In fact I wanted to die fore I fell into depression, but there was one thing keeping me going: the promise you made to me," I paused for a second as I felt tears glide down my cheeks. After staying silent and reserved for ten years I was finally letting out all my stored up emotions, in front of someone I loved, and I couldn't control it. Ikuto clearly saw this and as a result he wrapped his arms around me, comforting me in his embrace. I too wrapped my arms around Ikuto's abdomen and I sniffled once more before I cried, "Please don't ever leave me again."

Ikuto stayed silent before he finally said, "I promise." We stayed like this for what seemed like forever, but soon I began to feel sleepy after crying my heart out. Soon enough I did fall into deep slumber, still in Ikuto's embrace.

Ikuto's POV

I hadn't noticed that Akane fell asleep until her soft cries stopped and her breathing slowed down. Although her cheeks were still rosy red, she looked so peaceful though I knew she was still hurting on the inside. Akane didn't go into much detail about what happened to her, but I could bet that it was like a living hell without Senri and I there.

I put a strand of hair behind Akane's ear and smiled. I then picked Akane up bridal style and layed her under the covers to sleep. I sat down on the covers next to Akane and breathed out a heavy sigh. To be honest I felt guilty. About what you ask? Well, I didn't tell Akane everything, but I only left one part out. I didn't think I can tell anyone, not even Akane. Yes, Akane was the one I trust the most, but I didn't want her to hate me because I promised someone she despised something. It wasn't something horrible, but I'm only doing it to protect her.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black bat land on the branch of a tree outside of the window. But the second I looked directly at it, it vanished from sight. I hissed under my breath.

What the hell did he want?

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