Chapter Forty-Seven: Arrival

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Senri's POV

As soon as we got back to Akane and Ikuto's dorm I set the sleeping beauty on the bed and covered her with a blanket. I sighed heavily before looking at Ikuto.

"I can't believe all this happened to her," I said sadly. "I thought I knew everything but I guess I didn't."

Ikuto stayed silent for a few moments before responding.

"Me either," he replied. "She's been dealing with a lot more than I originally thought."

I nodded my head and my gazed landed upon her. She's my world; my everything. I can't even begin to imagine my life without her. She's kindhearted, smart, beautiful, the list can go on and on.

How could all this happen right underneath my nose? I thought. How?

I couldn't help but think about how all of this was Rido's doing. I wanted to hate him, shun him, yet every time I thought about what he had done to her one thought always crossed my mind.

If Rido hadn't taken her away she never would've met me.

What would my life had been like if I never met Akane? It would've been dark and lonely without a doubt. Without her I would never find what made me happy.

There's pocky of course but we're talking about people and feeling deep emotions for them. I wanted no more than to feel that way for someone; for I to love them and the other way around.

I bit my lip as I thought of all the pain she'd been going through. She had a bloodlust beyond her control, Rido turned her into nothing more than a frail Pureblood, and she had false memories that have played with her heart for years.

"I want to confront her about this but Kaname advised us not to," I blurted suddenly. "I don't know how long I can keep silent about this."

"Me either," Ikuto said sternly. "I don't want to trust that vampire but this is Akane we're talking about and she's his sister."

Ikuto looked at Akane as if he was pondering whether or not to say something. It wasn't long before he looked my way and readied to say what he wanted to before.

"What if she still has that bloodlust from before?" Ikuto asked concerned. "Kaname said it has ceased for at least a little while but I still have this nagging feeling that she could go berserk again. I don't...."

"I believe his word," I said with confidence. "He wouldn't lie about this. At least I hope he—"

I was cut off when Akane suddenly stirred and sat up, opening her eyes in the process. She rubbed her sleepy eyes as she looked at Ikuto and I with a puzzled look.

She's so cute.

"I slept the whole day but I'm still tired," she mumbled with a yawn.

"You passed out without warning," Ikuto grinned. "It's already sunset."

Akane looked out of the window suddenly with widened eyes. She jumped up suddenly before sitting right back down holding her head.

"Are you okay?" I exclaimed as I sat up and held my hand out to her.

"I'm fine," she reassured. "I just have a little headache that's all."

Akane sent a smile my way and for some reason I instantly felt at ease. She wasn't acting crazed anymore at least! I just hoped the headache seceded fast, I wouldn't want her to be in pain at the ball.

After effect of Kaname's powers probably, I thought.

"Now, if you don't mind," Akane started, "I think it's time we got ready for the ball. You have to go Senri, it's bad luck to see your date before the ball."

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