Chapter Seven: True Feelings

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Senri and I stayed in each others embrace for what seemed like forever. But suddenly, out of know where, we heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Senri and I quickly detached from each other and looked away in a hussle. Turning the corner was my uncle, Rido. Who, neither of us had forgiven yet.

"Aww, how sweet," Rido cooed.

"What do you want now Rido?" Senri exclaimed boldly, standing up.

"Seeing the aftermath of all this. Obviously not the result I wanted."

I too stood up and wrapped my arms around one of Senri's. I sent Rido a glare, to which he responded with a snicker. What did Rido want out of all of this? I thought. For our friendship to be ruined, and never repaired? If that's the case then his goal wasn't achieved: our friendship only grew.

Rido chuckled and then looked at Senri and I with both of his blood red eyes, "But that's ok. At least you got punished Akane, for disobeying me."

Rido began to make his way towards us. Senri and I got on the defensive side, both taking a step back and glaring at my uncle. Surprisingly when Rido was in front of us, he pulled us both in for a hug.

Rido smiled, "You know I'm doing this because I love you both, I hope you understand that."

Rido's sudden action took both Senri and I by surprise. Did Rido really mean that? He did go to extremes to punish us both, when it was only I who disobeyed him. He punished Senri on his birthday. Now thinking that I became more enraged, but I didn't let it show.

We stayed in silence until Rido released us from his grasp. He walked out of the kitchen, leaving Senri and I alone. Senri makes a sound with anger in his voice, "Tsk. I don't trust him." He looked over at me and noticed my head was down. He put his hand on my shoulder. I lifted my head a little and looked at Senri with a flustered face.

" Just realized something," I cooed. "He did this to you on your birthday..."

Senri's eyes went wide and he did a sly smile at me. He put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair a little. I thought he was looking for some sort of reaction, but to no avail. Senri frowned and did a sigh.

"It's fine Akane. I'm just happy that your okay," he said, perking my head up and kissing me on the cheek. I did a small whimper and Senri's eyes turned wider.

"But I told you that this would be a special birthday, all because you were turning double digits." I purred sadly. "Today wasn't special at all. It was a mess."

"No it--" I cut Senri off.

"You were so tramitized by what Rido did to me. Sure, I told you that it's ok. But now that I think about it..." My voice slowly turned into a whisper as Senri was listening closely to what I had to say. Senri made one of his bright smiles and wrapped his arms around me.

"If this fatality hadn't happened then I wouldn't have fully realized how I feel about you," Senri purred. I slowly wrapped my arms around Senri's abdomen and enjoyed his warmth, he was comforting me. I finally feel at ease.

Senri then perked my head up and looking into each others eyes gave me another kiss on the lips.

~Time Skip~

If this fatality hadn't happened then I wouldn't have fully realized how I feel about you.

Senri's words echoed in my head even after we parted ways for the night. I was heading to my room remembering everything that happened today: the good and the bad. I was remembering the punishment Rido had given Senri and I, the traumatized look on Senri's face, the kisses we shared.

I blushed at the thought.

As I was nearing my room I felt a presence emitting from the other side of the door. I turned the doorknob slowly and entered. Standing before me was my uncle. I gasped.

"Hello Akane," he purred.

"W-what do you want now?!" I asked as he made his way towards me.

"I was just thinking," he cooed. "Senri hasn't been punished enough."

My eyes went wide but my face quickly went twisted, "I won't let you hurt him anymore!"

Rido chuckled, "And what will you do about it Akane? You are in debt to me after all, and your Pureblood powers haven't fully developed."

"I'll find a way!" I exclaimed. Rido suddenly slapped me, hard. I fell to the floor and looked up at my uncle with eyes of hatred as I held my stinging cheek. He kneeled down to me and whispered to me, "Your mind is clouded. All because of the new feeling you have for Senri: love."

I stayed silent and looked at my uncle. He sighed but then smiled as he got up.

"I guess there thing that you can do," Rido purred. He brought his hand up to me and slowly glazed his fingers down my neck. My eyes went wide. The only way to protect Senri was to give Rido my blood. Is it worth it?

Yes it is.

I gulped, "You promise not to lay a finger on him?" My face turned twisted while Rido smiled, obviously satisfied.

"Yes Akane. As long as you continuously give me your precious blood," Rido purred.

Rido helped me up but then he put his hand on my shoulder and bent his head down to me. I didn't move a muscle, I'll show my uncle that I am brave.

He licks my neck.

That I am strong.

I feel his fangs pierce my neck.

That I will do anything to protect the people I love.

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