Chapter Fifty-Nine: Weak

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"I'm so glad you're okay!" I exclaimed as I ran up to Ikuto. "You can't just run off like that! You could've gotten seriously hurt!"

¨I'm sorry, Akane. When Zero and I came upon Shizuka's body I rushed down to tell the headmaster and Zero went to check on Yuuki."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He wants us to come down right away," Ikuto said sternly. "He's intimidating when he gets serious. We shouldn't keep him waiting."

I nodded my head and the three of us proceeded to Headmaster Cross's office. I knocked lightly on his door before I heard a voice bellow, "Come in." We stepped inside where I then saw Zero in front of the desk and Kaname standing next to Kaien across it.

"I'm so glad you could make it you three," Kaien said in a harsh tone, which was very unlike him.

"What is all this about?" Zero asked impatiently.

"Everyone in this room was involved in the conflict that just recently happened in some way and, as I was just recently told, Shizuka is now dead."

Everyone froze.

"Killing a Pureblood is a heinous crime and I'm sure you all know that. So if anyone knows who did it, speak now."

My eyes narrowed and I momentarily met my brothers gaze before looking away. No one spoke and I heard Kaien mumble something under his breath, but too low for me to hear.

"Well then...." Kaien's voice trailed off for a brief moment. "Let me propose something to you all. No one knew that Shizuka Hio was even alive and now that she is dead, we could keep this all just one big secret. This whole thing would bring disaster to this academy trying to make peace."

Everyone stayed silent until moments later we all heard Kaname chuckle slightly under his breath.

"Glad everyone understands," he cooed.

I scoffed.


Within minutes Senri, Ikuto, and I were all heading back to the Moon Dorms for some much needed sleep. The masquerade ended quite a long time ago and it looked like the sun was just about to rise. Luckily there were no classes the next day. Then the topic of Shizuka's death suddenly came up again.

"Someone could've easily said that Zero did it, but he couldn't have shot her fatally. She would've lived if it wasn't for--" I caught myself suddenly. "--the person who delivered the final blow, most likely to her heart."

Senri nodded in agreement.

"Also, Senri, would you mind if Ikuto and I have a moment alone?" I asked as I turned to the hunter. "I need to ask you something."

"Of course not," Senri said with a faint smile as he continued back to the Moon Dorms.

Brief silence occurred between Ikuto and I before he finally spoke.

"What do you want to--"

"Can you teach me how to fight?" I blurted instantaneously, taking my friend off guard.


I turned away for a moment. "I'm tired of having others fight my battles for me. Besides, Kaname gave me this weapon and if I am her daughter that means that at some point I can wield it. I know I can if I just concentrate and practice...." I turned back to Ikuto. "You are a certified Vampire Hunter and I'm sure you've had a lot of experience against other vampires. Please."

Ikuto looked down at my pleading face. I was dead serious. Most of the time I couldn't hold my own in a battle, weapon or no weapon. Other people had to fight for me and it made me feel weak.

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