Chapter Forty-Nine: Twin

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As Senri and I dashed towards the Moon Dorms I couldn't help but grow more anxious. What was happening to Yuuki? Why did the scent of her blood linger in the air? Why did she leave the dance, where it was safe? So many questions filled my running mind.

Please let her be alright, I thought desperately.

As soon as we reached the large wooden doors I burst them open, sending a big thunk sound to erupt all around Senri and I. I looked at my best friend worriedly for a few moments before dashing up the flight of stairs to where Yuuki resided.

In my scramble I noticed one of the doors leading down the corridor opened slightly. I slowed down and put my index finger to my lips, telling Senri to be silent. I kneeled down next to the doorway and listened closely to what was happening inside.

"Give me your hand," I heard a seductive feminine voice coo.

Maria? I thought. No, I shouldn't be surprised.

Within seconds the scent of blood grew stronger and I covered the lower half of my face. I couldn't help but hiss under my breath as I expected to feel pain, but not a tad feeling of bloodlust surged forward. I couldn't think of that at the time, however, no matter how odd it was. I had other matters to deal with.

Why is Yuuki giving Maria her blood? I thought.

"Is my blood delicious?" I suddenly overheard Yuuki ask. "You'll save Zero now, won't you?"

Speak of the devil. But how would Maria--

I suddenly heard a sword unsheath behind me and I turned slowly to face a masked man holding a katana to my throat. Senri's eyes were wide but he didn't dare make a move or the figure might have striked.

I grinned. "You do know it's against the law to threaten Purebloods, correct?"

The man avoided my question but instead he exclaimed, "Looks like we have a few visitors!" loud enough so Maria and Yuuki could hear him. He urged Senri and I to stand and we did so, before we eventually walked into the same room as the petite Aristocrat vampire.

"Well, hello Kuran," Maria said sweetly. "I'm so glad you could join us."

"Likewise," I hissed. "What do you want with Yuuki?"

Maria giggled as she wrapped her arms around one of Yuuki's, taking my friend by surprise. "You see, Akane, this beautiful girl here is going to be my minion!"

"What--" I stepped forward before I felt the cold metal of the sword on my flesh, and to add on to that something wet slide down my neck. I looked over at the man before sending him a glare, only to have him moments later send a pleasure filled smile my way.

"It's okay, Ichiru. It's not like she can hurt me, especially in the state she's in now," Maria said with a hint of sadness in her voice. I obviously took her tone as being sarcastic. "Poor, poor, Akane. You were deprived of your full potential by that nasty uncle of yours, weren't you? All for what - to save that boy there from some lousy punishment?"

"You better shut that mouth of yours," I wheezed. "You're only an Aristocrat."

"Am I?" Maria snickered. "Ichiru, go get the body. I can hold my own for a few minutes."

Ichiru looked hesitantly at Maria before removing the katana from my neck. He dashed out of the room as if he was never even there, leaving Senri, Maria, Yuuki, and I all by ourselves.

"How the hell do you know about all that?" I asked sternly.

Maria laughed, "I know much more than you think I do. Now let's get back to business. You don't want this girl to be my minion? Why? She's just a mere human. It's not like her life has any value like yours does."

"My intentions are none of your damn business," I said with anger in my voice. "Give her back--"

A gunshot suddenly rang through the air and I whipped around to see Zero looking intently at the Maria.

"Let. Her. Go." Zero growled.

"Make me. It's not like you can hurt me, Kiryu," Maria said deviously. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Maria was in front of Zero and caressing his cheek. "I'm the one who ruined your lowly life."

Zero backed hastily away from Maria as he scowled at her. The young vampire only smiled as though she was enjoying herself.

"Akane—" Senri began to whisper in my ear but I quickly cut him off.

"Shh," I murmured. "We don't want—"

I suddenly saw out of the corner of my eye something graze Zero's shoulder. A katana. That man from before was there, mask and all. I saw Zero turn towards him before looking wide eyed at the sight before him.

"Hello, Zero," Ichiru said with a grin.

Zero kneeled down and grasped his right shoulder in pain. That sword was obviously a Vampire Hunters weapon so even though it was just a graze it probably hurt like hell. Yuuki ran over to Zero and knelt down to his level, worried if he was okay or not. Even though Zero was most likely experiencing piercing torment, he could still muster out one word.


How does Zero know him? I thought. He never--

Ichiru took off his mask to reveal his face. He had the same silver white hair and lavender eyes as Zero. In fact, all of his facial features was just like the said Guardians.

"Twins?" I murmured with widened eyes.

"Indeed," Ichiru cooed before sending a look of glee my way. "I'm so glad you caught on so fast. Maria, I heard a gunshot so I came running back here as fast as I could to make sure you were alright."

Maria smiled. I actually had a feeling that it was genuine. "I'm so glad you worry about me, Ichiru. It feels nice to be looked after. Zero shouldn't be too big of a problem anymore."

The two sent each other somewhat reassuring looks before Ichiru left to finish what he first set out to do. Brief silence occurred for a few moments before Maria looked my way. She grinned at me before walking over to the duo and pushing Yuuki aside.

Maria giggled. "You're so worried about Yuuki, Zero. It's pathetic."

I hissed under my breath. I hated being so helpless in this situation. It reminded me of that one night ten years ago, when I lost everything important to me.

I brought my right hand to my chest as I felt a tugging at my heart. Horrible images flashed in my mind and I tried my best not to think about them, but I couldn't help it.

Without thinking I wrapped one of my hands around one of Senri's. He was taken off guard for a moment but then smiled slightly and returned the favor.

It's okay, Akane. I heard him think. We'll both get out of this.

Senri placed small kiss on my forehead and I dipped my head slightly, blushing a little in the process.

I won't ever let that happen again, I thought. Even if it kills me.

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