Chapter Five: Punishment

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It was silent in the manor. I layed sprawled out on my bed not giving a care in the world. To be honest I didn't care about getting punished by Rido. How much harm could he do to me? The scars hadn't healed from my past life; nothing could hurt me more than that.

I smelt the faint smell of blood. I got tensed up. Who's blood was that? The smell quickly went away and my perked senses faded. I had let out a sigh and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe I did such a big reaction to that smell. It's was just blood, I smelt it before. Moments later I heard the very slight sound of footsteps coming from down the hall. I heard my doorknob rattle and even before he walks all the way in I see his maroon colored hair and sit up, shocked.

"Senri?!" I exclaimed. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Oh! Uhh--" Senri paused. "--I came to make sure you were alright."

I was so happy to see Senri. I didn't even realize that he had his head down the whole time he was in the room with me. It wasn't until there was a moment of silence between us that I noticed.

"Oh! You did? Thanks Ri-Chan." I put my hands on Senri's shoulders and smiled down at him. The moment he raised his head my eyes went wide, with horror. I backed up and muttered, "Y-your eyes..."

"Took you long enough to notice, Akane." Senri crackled.

Senri's eyes weren't the icy blue color from before. One was that icy color, while the other was a dark brown, close to red. I recognized that color, the color of my uncle's eyes.

"Wh-what did you do to him?..." I croaked sadly.

Sen--I mean Rido began to make his way toward me. I slowly backed up, and began to turn quickly. But my wrist was suddenly grabbed with a lot of force. I tried to rip Senri's hand off of me but to no avail. He was just too strong at the time, I never knew he was capable of this much strength. He put me in an arm lock, one that if I move excruciating pain slithers up my body.

"Wh-why are you--" I attempted to speak but quickly got cut off.

"Because you disobeyed me Akane..." Rido purred, sounding too sweet.

Still in the arm lock Rido made his way behind me and tightened his grip on my wrist. I had let out a gasp of pain but suddenly got totally paralyzed as he began to lick my neck.

"I guess I'll answer your question now," he cooed, pausing. "You see Akane I had to come up with the perfect punishment, to teach you a lesson of course. What better punishment is there then having someone you care deeply for cause you pain?"

My eyes went wide with shock as Rido placed a grin on Senri's lips. This is his way of punishing me? I thought. By making my best friend cause pain to me? Why this...? I would rather take a beating...

My eyes actually started to tear up but I didn't let a single tear slide down my cheek. I couldn't let Rido see that he got to me, I had to be strong. Even if this hurts I just had to remember one thing: this is Rido's doing, not Senri's.

I felt a sudden pain as something entered my neck. I knew what it was but I didn't move a muscle. Rido had made Senri bite me hard, the wound wouldn't heal as fast even if I'm a Pureblood.

Senri... I thought. You can fight this. Rido doesn't have the right to do this to you; to control you.

Rido kept Senri's fangs in my neck for a few more mere moments. He suddenly pulled them out and I slowly began to turn my head. I had felt very dizzy and light headed at the time and I was unsure what Rido would do next to me. But as my vision began to clear, as the tears finally began to fall, I saw Senri's eyes. Both of which being icy blue.

"Senri..." I cooed weakly.

Senri looked up at me wide eyed. He slowly released his hand from my bruised wrist and I noticed he looked down at the side of my neck Rido made him bite, which was oozing out red. I noticed tears began to form in his eyes and he had put his head in his hands, crying loudly.

I slowly stepped up to Senri and put my arms around him. As soon as he felt my embrace he collapsed on the ground, taking me with him. We were both on the ground crying now, but Senri was the one crying the most. I couldn't do anything about it. All I could do was run my fingers down his maroon hair and shush him, saying, "Senri, it's alright."

"N-no it's not!" He exclaimed. "Because I couldn't fight Rido he made me--"

"Senri! It's not your fault..." I said.

"Yes it is! I-I just need some time to think..." Senri got up suddenly and rushed out of my bedroom, leaving me all alone.

Senri was so traumatized by this. Is this what Rido wanted? For both of us to suffer? The pain doesn't bother me, but seeing Senri like this does. I just did a simple act, a kind one at that. But my uncle didn't understand. I get up quickly as well, avoiding the slight pain caused by my sudden movement. I rushed to the door and and exited, running down the hallway in a sprint.

"Senri!" I exclaimed. "Senri, wait!"

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