Chapter Fourteen: Scandal

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I opened my eyes slowly to see someone next to me. It took awhile to figure out who it was but when I finally did I turned wide eyed and attempted to get up, but failed as a sharp pain went up my back. I gently lowered myself down to the comfort of the bed, before looking at who was sitting next to me. There, not saying a word, was Senri. There and then I came to the realization that Senri knew what Rido had been doing to me, and he was not happy.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Senri asked in rage, breaking the dead silence. His head was down, so I couldn't see his face. Which I thought was a good thing, because I had bet Senri's face was twisted and enraged.

I looked away hastily for I felt that Senri would look at me with disappointment in his eyes. "Because you'd try to stop me," I said quietly.

"Of course I would! Rido is just draining you of your energy, don't you see that?!" Senri exclaimed, standing up and grabbing my wrist. Doing this I looked at Senri quickly and I was indeed right, Senri's face was twisted and enraged. But at me or someone else? I thought it could go either way by how Senri was acting.

"You don't understand," I said quietly, looking away from Senri. "Rido said he would hurt you again." As I said these words I felt tears form in my eyes, but I didn't let one slide down my cheek. I wouldn't show Senri that this is hurting me emotionally.

"I would've taken that punishment if it meant that you weren't in this condition!" Senri exclaimed, gripping my wrist tightly making me wince a little.

Silence occurred for a few brief moments. I looked away from Senri, and right after I heard a heavy sigh.

"I can take care of myself Akane," Senri said softly. "You should know that."

Senri then stood and began to head out the door. I wanted to say something, but didn't. If I said something the situation would've become worse, I just knew it. As Senri left I could still feel his aura of hate. He was mad at me, I knew. And because Senri was mad at me I too became upset, but in the saddened way.

I looked out the window which was next to my bed. I saw nothing but uncharted snow laying on the ground. The trees were bare but covered in white. It truely was a beautiful sight. But then I thought of what color it would be soon--red. The color of blood. The snow would soon be tainted with Kuran blood, my ancestors blood.

Could I let that happen to them? They despised me and betrayed me. But they didn't deserve to die! Even my sister, who I knew not the name of and had taken Kaname away from me. Though she wasn't even born yet.

I suddenly felt the cold sensation on a tear sliding down my cheek.

Time Skip

I had been in bed for hours and I couldn't take it anymore. The whole time I sat there in silence my mind spiraled into madness. I couldn't stop thinking about the Kurans, the way Senri was mad at me, and the sensation of my blood rushing out of my body. I got up and went to my dresser, pulling out a long black hood that would cover my face.

I never wanted to do this but now I have no choice, I thought. I then looked out the window. When the wind is stronger to the point you can't see a yard away from this manor, I'll run.

Time Skip

You could barely see even five feet outside, which was good. I hastily put on my hood and opened the balcony window slowly. I looked down at the snow below. It would break my fall, just like that night. I took a deep breath in, getting ready to jump. But then a voice boomed behind me.

"Akane what are you doing?!"

I looked behind me slowly, expecting to see Rido. But surprisingly it wasn't Rido in the room with me. I turned to see the slim, and surprised, figure of Ikuto. My breath became shaky as I thought Ikuto would be mad at me as well, but surprisingly he didn't raise his voice once more at me. The only thing I could tell was that he was shocked by what I was doing.

"I-I just need a break," I said looking away. "I feel like Rido is using me now. Not to mention Senri is mad at me for who knows how long. I just need to get some air."

Ikuto stayed silent, likely trying to realize that I'm running away. Not for good however, just long enough to cool off. Soon it felt like forever since he said something. So I proceeded to jump out the window, until I heard his voice once more.

"I'm going with you," Ikuto said in a monotone voice.

I turned wide eyed, frozen for a few moments. I then rushed over to Ikuto, putting my hands on his shoulders and exclaiming, "You can't!"

"I'm not letting you go alone," Ikuto said, taking my hands off of his shoulders. "No matter what you say my mind is set."

I looked into Ikuto's eyes, he was indeed dead serious. I sighed in defeat and took his hand, taking him by surprise. I walked hastily over to the balcony and wrapped my arm around his waist, urging him to not let go. We jumped, and landed softly on the cold ground.

The very second we landed on the ground, Ikuto and I instantly began to run to the woods. We couldn't risk being caught and punished, we didn't even say a word until we were deep in the woods, with trees everywhere we looked. Meaning that we were far, far away from the manor.

"Do you want to stop for a little bit Ikuto?" I asked. "We are far from the manor. Our tracks are covered up because of the snow. Plus you look tired and cold."

"I-I'm fine," Ikuto said shakily, rubbing his hands together for warmth.

I put my hand on Ikuto's arm and dragged him to the ground with me. This action took Ikuto by surprise and we stayed like this for a long time. Not saying a word to each other, and just listening to the snow blow by.

To be honest it was a little chilly, for a Purebloods body. But for Ikuto he must've been freezing. He was a human, and he was shivering badly. I worried he would get sick from the cold. So I took off my hood and put it over his shoulders, taking him by surprise.

"Come here," I cooed, pulling Ikuto into my embrace. "Your freezing. You might get sick."

"I-I'm fine," Ikuto insisted as I wrapped my arms around him.

Seconds later Ikuto stopped shivering. We were in dead silence. I smiled, brushing my fingers down his brown hair. I hugged him tighter, realizing that he had fallen asleep in my embrace.

"Sweet dreams Ikuto," I purred. Feeling myself become sleepy as well.

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