Chapter Forty-Five: Control

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Within moments Ikuto and I arrived at our dorm. Ikuto instantly walked over to the dresser, where a gift bag resided.

"Here," Ikuto mumbled, handing me the white bag.

"Thank you," I said with a smile as I accepted it. "You didn't have to get me anything."

I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Of course I did," Ikuto grinned as he sat down next to me. "The ball is tomorrow after all."

I looked up at Ikuto with widened eyes before tearing through the sheet paper on the inside. There I saw a black dress with with no sleeves and a floral collar.

 There I saw a black dress with with no sleeves and a floral collar

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"T-thank you," I mumbled as I gazed in awe at the dress. "I really like this one."

I wrapped an arm around Ikuto and he graciously accepted the embrace.

"Do you still have to patrol tomorrow?" I asked sadly.

Ikuto nodded his head, "Yeah. I don't really care though. I can make sure you're alright."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm flattered but.... don't you want to have fun?"

Ikuto stayed silent for a few moments. "I'll manage."

I sighed but smiled nonetheless. I grabbed my pajamas off out of the drawer and went over to the bathroom.

I quickly put on my pajamas and looked at my reflection in the mirror. There I saw a horrifying sight. I had never seen that image before, which caused me to stumble backwards and hit the wall.

Blood.... I thought. There's blood everywhere....

All around me was the color red. It was overwhelming and I didn't know what to do. I felt my bloodlust surge forward and I gasped softly aloud. My throat became dry and I fell to the floor; clutching my throat in agony.

"Where's the tablets?" I mumbled aloud.

I stood up shakily and leaned on the sink. I ruffled through my jacket before I felt the soft metal box in my hand. I opened it hastily and popped multiple blood tablets into my mouth. I swallowed them instantly but felt no relief.

Why is this happening all the time? I thought. I can't....

You want blood, the voice cooed. It will only get worse from here on out. Trust me on that.

All the red around me suddenly turned blue and I knew my eyes had turned crimson. I hissed under my breath and the pain in my throat grew.

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