Chapter Nine: New Friend

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"Who is this?" Rido asked glaring. Could he sense Ikuto was a human? If so, what would he do to him? I wouldn't let my uncle do anything to Ikuto. It might sound hard to believe but by then I cared for the boy, he was so mysterious and...sad. It was as though he needed someone to comfort him.

"H-he got lost and wandered here. I helped him with his wounds he got," I said shakily as I looked at Ikuto's damaged arm. Rido looked over at him, saw the stitches, and then looked at me once more.

"But you know he kills our kind," Rido hissed. "What if he's here as a spy?!"

My eyes went wide and I looked down, "I know but he's really nice and--"

"Hunters will do anything to get to us, you shouldn't trust them," Rido slightly smiled, which did frighten me a little. "You know I don't want to see anything happen to you."

I hissed under my breath. Then why do you keep draining my energy every month? I thought. I'm only letting you bite me so you won't hurt Senri. I looked over at Ikuto and he gave me a blank face. Sadly my Pureblood powers hadn't fully developed yet so I had no idea what he was thinking.

"But he doesn't have a home!" I finally exclaimed. "He's an orphan."

Ikuto turned wide eyed at my remark, but let out a sigh. I too turned wide eyed as words sounded within my mind: out of that damned place, wouldn't that be amazing? The voice sounded just like Ikuto's. Did I just read his mind?

"Why would I want a human here with us?" Rido hissed, glaring into my confident eyes. I crossed over to Ikuto's uninjured arm and wrapped my arms around it. I then smiled boldly while Ikuto looked...confused?

"Because he is really friendly. If he were here to kill us wouldn't I be ash?" I asked smiling. Rido looked taken aback but sighed in defeat. I could tell that the next words that came out of his mouth were hard to let out, but it was satisfying to me.

"He can stay."

I jumped up and down in delight. Ikuto kept a straight face but when he looked over and saw the bright smile I had on my face he smiled slyly. But then a look of pain crossed his face as I pulled his arm a little too hard, probably from my developing powers. I looked over at him worried and said I was sorry but he just shrugged it off. Rido sighed and exited the room. Minutes later Senri came in while Ikuto and I were talking and getting to know each other.

"W-who's this Akane?" Senri asked surprised.

"This is Ikuto," I purred. "He'll be staying with us for a while."

Senri's eyes turned wide eyed, "But he doesn't emit the status of a vampire. Is he--" I cowered a little as Senri finished his sentence. "--a human?"

I stayed silent to which Senri responded sternly, "Akane he can't stay here. He smells like a hunter. What if--"

"So what if Ikuto is a human? Or a hunter?" I asked worried, tightening my grip on Ikuto's uninjured arm. Senri looked wide eyed at me, why wouldn't I protect someone who is innocent?

"Because he's a hunter. What if he tries to hurt you?!" Senri exclaimed.

He's being overprotective again, I thought. When he shouldn't be. I know what I'm getting myself into, I know Ikuto won't hurt me. He's been too kind. Is this a vampires opinion on all hunters in the world, no matter what their age? Even if they have to cope with going on a path coated in blood?

"So--" I got cut off when a voice erupted next to me.

"I wouldn't try and hurt her," Ikuto said. "She's too tenderhearted to be a beast. Plus if you think logically she isn't on the List." Ikuto snickered over at Senri, to which he responded with a hardcore glare. I quickly stepped between the two boys before things had escalated more.

With a pained look I said, "Senri listen he doesn't even have a weapon!"

"So? He can--" I had cut Senri off. By then I was on the breaking point of snapping.

"Stop it! He is a boy who doesn't even want to become a vampire hunter! He just needs someone to accept him!" I screamed. Ikuto's eyes went wide. Yes, I did read his mind. My powers were starting to develope and it was hard to control them, especially the power to read minds.

Senri didn't answer me. As a result I stormed out of the room leaving the two boys alone. Looking back on it I believe that was a stupid choice. At the time those two boys were at each other's throats and without me there to supervise things could've gotten out of hand.

Good thing they didn't.

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